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  1. I am on the Beta server right NOW, waiting for YOU!

    Disclaimer: I am not Elizabeth Taylor.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    I believe content should stand on its own merits. You all seem to accept that the I-Trials are lacking but think that the solution is to drag other aspects of the game down to keep these above water.
    I also beleive content should stand on its own merits.

    I do not beleive that other aspects of the game should be dragged down.

    I do beleive that each aspect of the game should be optimized for appeal to its' target audience.

    I also beleive that if the solo path has too many elements that appeal to iTrial organizers, that will be bad for the game overall.

    I beleive that should be kept in mind as the content is produced.

    The idea is to have two healthy, appealling, parallel methods of advancement, instead of one that is healthy at the expense of the other ...the exact opposite of what you take me to mean.

    iTrials: Speed of Incarnate Advancement, strategic difficulty that requires teams, foes that require a variety of powers and large numbers to face, a minimum of text reading/exploring, closely timed tasks that require team coordination, etc

    solo: Large, beautiful areas with lots of hidden easter eggs, npc interaction with long and complex dialogue trees that affect their future actions and attitudes, lots of things to click for backstory, multiple missions that fit together to solve mysteries, moral choices, zone-affecting player triggered events, one-on-one duels with powerful foes, etc
  3. As I type this in Colorado, it's almost 2pm Mountain Time on Tuesday, November 22, 2011. That's Mountain Time, y'all.

    4 hours from 'now', I'd like to meet you on the Beta server to test the new iTrials, MoM and TPN.

    That will be 6pm my time. I'll be recruiting in the RWZ.

    I think the Copy tool may still be down, so you may want to bop over to the Level Bump thread and get bumped if you don't already have a 50 over there. E-Merits are artificially cheap, so it will be relatively easy to Incarnate out. You can hit me and any Devs up for inf to get SOs and IOs.

    It will be fun to meet you, talk and hang out. In addition, these trials need data for mining and your opinions and ideas for the forums. They are chock full of neat ideas and new systems, but still need balancing.

    Besides, you get to punch Maelstrom and Mother Mayhem in the face.

    See you there!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    This is called "Robbing Peter to Pay Paul". Its an awful design philosophy.
    I disagree (naturally).

    Killing iTrials by introducing solo content that sucks up all of the people who organize Leagues would be robbing Peter (iTrials) to pay Paul (soloists).

    Moreover, it would be bad for the game: content that leads people to form 24 seperate instances of a mission is apparently harder on the servers than content that leads those same 24 people to work together in a single instance, hence the Atlas Park rework.

    I (obviously) don't see any harm in having solo content that is optimized and enjoyable for soloists as well as team content that is optimized and enjoyable for teamsters.

    Feel free to enlighten me.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    That is a truely awful design philosophy. You are designing a game that would suck for everyone.
    I disagree. Not everyone is into iTrials. Content for people who absolutely hate iTrials should be created and maintained. This same content should not kill iTrials by being more attractive to the people who are needed to form Leagues.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Balanced View Post
    This is pretty much what I always wanted it to do--knockback and/or repel toward a central point. I don't think the game currently has a mechanic to support that, but it would be a lovely thing, not just for Black Hole, but for some of the other cage powers and possibly new powersets as well.
    I would think that you could manifest a pseudopet, then manifest several other pseudopets around it in a circle, set not to clip with anything. The have all of those surrounding pets fire very narrow cone smashing attacks with kb toward the central pet.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rsclark View Post

    I don't even understand this one. What is the value of that? Is there something I'm missing? Is this some kind of inside reference I am not party to?
    Troy Hickman and David Nakayama are both popular and celebrated comic book creators (writer and artist, respectively) who are fans and players of this game and have at one point or another been employees thereof.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
    If the "solo path" is good enough to replace running iTrials, then the people who have any concern with the above will likely divert to the solo path. Not always because they hate the iTrials, but because the solo path is intrinsically simpler to deal with. That undercuts the people who actually like the iTrials and are willing to run or even lead them.
    I think the important thing is to keep a focus on what we are trying to acheive.

    The solo path should be great for those people who would otherwise give up completely on post-50 content because they will never, for whatever reason, do iTrials. At the same time, it should, by design, suck for people who can, will, and enjoy doing iTrials. It should be an alternative and at most an emergency supplement for when iTrials are not forming at all.

    So it would be important to look at the reasons that people who hate iTrials hate them and build remedies for those into the solo path. For instance, iTrials are not a good environment for random exploration and reading text boxes to get story. The new DA should excel at that nearly to the point of overload. iTrials are not a good place to feel stronger than the environment; the opposite should be true in DA.

    Of course, it is also to remember that the reason team content exists is not at all to have people blowing up npcs fast together. It is to build bonds between players due to shared fun, harrowing, and interesting experiences.

    Even solo content should feed into this sense of community somehow.

    For example, there could be a series of environment items around the zone that can be interacted with. Interacting with them in a certan order causes critter A to spawn, Interacting with them in any other order causes critter B to spawn. Maybe messing with the objects grants buffs or debuffs according to some esoteric scheme. The kicker? Whenever the server reboots, the rules change randomly. There would be hours of community and fun in that; figuring out what the rules of the day were, let alone how the critter, buffs and debuffs could be actually used...
  9. I think Stalkers should be all about "Get rid of That Guy!" and secondarily about "I am in no danger, because you are not even attacking me."

    To that end: Hard and soft controls delivered at melee range. Debuffs to a melee target's Resistance and Defense. DoTs.

    Let them do damage equal to Blasters/Brutes/Scrappers, but outdo them on controls and debuffs, even and especially when it comes to hard targets such as bosses and above.

    Solo, they should excel against small spawns.
    On small teams, they take on an almost tankeresque role, but less meatshield, more control,.
    On large teams, they are debuffers vs hard targets.

    The balance comes back in with their relative squishiness and relative lack of AoE.

    ...and now we are in full Tangent Mode.
  10. Then we might want to put on our 'Freem hats' and come up with stuff we would repeat buy if we were Freems.

    Temporary license for Chat channels? Not sure if that is practical, since Chat restrictions help keep the RMT spam down.

    Perhaps a temporary license to count as VIP for such things as access to missions?

    Maybe even a temporary canned Incarnate character, complete with SOs?
  11. Well, they are certainly going to come up with items for the store that are intended to be repeat purchases, regardless.

    It only behooves us to give them some guidance
  12. Invented Here:

    It is worth noting that Parley, the young lady fencer, is learning to incorporate teleportation with her already excellent broadsword skills.

  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
    Being able to interact with the people I've met here does, and by interacting I mean actually talking about stuff, not just having thei avatar near mine when we're both spamming attacks in an i-Trial.

    I agree.

    This is why I think that the next big focus of the game needs to be 'player community'; SGs, Bases, Pocket D, Emotes, Dev Events, more badges and incentives for ingame mentoring, etc.

    In Star Wars Galaxies, you could play actual music as a band. There was a variety of musical instuments you could acquire, each could play the scales with different appropriate sound. So you could meet with friends online, practice and learn songs together, then go to a Cantina and stand in a line, doing different songs. You could even emote while playing, so you could act all rock-and-roll or big-jazz-band-like while playing.

    You know those dancers you see around Jabba? Not only could you play a dancer (and get gigs to go dance in various places for xp), you could pull off various emotes while dancing so you could dance differently than other dancers. If you did this in a Cantina, players could emote that they were smiling at you specifically, which gave you xp. Not only that, but players in the presence of a dancer in a Cantina got bonuses to heal rates. I don't think that exact thing would fly in this game, but you can imagine the kind of community it built.

    Those are some rather extreme examples, but suffice it to say I think there are a lot of things that could be added to this game to build community and get Freems to become Preems/VIP beyond Incarnate stuff.
  14. True, but the tactic isn't aimed at you. It's aimed at a hypothetical several thousand people upon whom it works.

    Now there are different tactics to get and keep players like you, but well, you're here, so...
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
    Never understood why leeching in a 24 man team should earn you rewards faster than soloing, where can rely on no one and must accomplish everything yourself.
    MMO designers want people to team, because one of the biggest factors in a player maintaining (or purchasing) a subscription is whether they have friends who play.

    The devs want you to make ingame friends.
  16. In one of the old genre magazines (Fangoria or an SF-based one) there was an excellent article that postulated that Superman's powers were psionic, and that his weakness to Kryptonite was psychosomatic.

    Strength/Invulnerability/Flight/Breath = Telekinesis
    Senses = Clairvoyance

    In any case, it's pretty obvious that it's not muscles made out of cellulose that allow you to punch through a bank vault.
  17. Tangent: Black Hole

    I really want a power that mechanically copies the mental image the name brings to me.

    You drop a sphere. Everything in a large radius around that sphere receives knockback toward the sphere. Everything that actually touches the sphere is momentarily phased, turned utterly invisible, and takes a large amount of crushing damage. Bonus points for a 'stretched/sucked into the sphere' graphic.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GoldenDestroyer View Post
    That looks like the work of Layla Rei

    Got one of those myself of my main toon. >_>

    You can get these of your own characters by request? Who is this Layla Rei, and how do I get her to
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arbiter Hawk View Post
    Hi again, all. I'm stopping in to clarify my post from before. Please note that these are the current plans for Dark Astoria rewards, but they are subject to change once we start receiving data from Beta testing.
    Sounds awesome!

    Now about our beloved Dark Astoria fog...
  20. Aw guys, please agree to disagree and move on.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Thanks everyone. I love seeing these suggestions.
    Anytime anyone on the Dev team wants to create, present or sell us anything, please give us a head's up while it's still on the white board. We will be glad to argue out the proper form for it so you guys don't have to go to so many meetings.

    I'm serious.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    It's also a drain on mapserver resources, going by the way they redeigned Atlas to require fewer mission instances - so they'd probably want to avoid a situation where like 30 players could be in DA, but all 30 were on separate mission instances.

    What do you think about solo-only content with a special badge (like a duel with Recluse) that was time limited; say once per character per 20 hours?
  23. You know what I would buy on a repeat basis?

    - Comic Books! Hickman! Nakayama! I choose you! Extra credit if they use an emote like /newspaper so you can read them ingame.

    - Along that line, actual ingame trading cards that included more info than is in ParagonWiki about each character, especially if it came with an ingame buff pet mode. Extra credit for chibi character models. Extra Extra credit (and by credit I mean money) if they can execute emotes on command.

    - Day Jobs. Extra credit if they come with a costume set and emotes.

    - Individual character Bases: prefab and unalterable, to keep server overhead down, in a variety of styles.
  24. Eh, no harm in wanting solo-only content.

    In terms of bragging rights, it would be cool to earn a badge or something by being able to take down Statesman or Lord Recluse mano-a-mano with no possibility of outside help.

    I just don't see how it could be balanced.

    I suppose you don't have to balance it. If your build can take him down, great, if not, oh well.

    Similarly, there could be solo-only missions where you have to do something other than have sheer firepower: defend missions, escorts, stealth missions, etc.