1067 -
Thanks for your submissions the victims are in no particular order:
1. Android
2. Draken Knight
3. Goat Lord
4. NPG
5. Iron Golem
6. Snowman Frost
7. Night-Stingz
8. Kilo
Got them positioned but probably won't be working on it too much till the weekend.
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Thanks for including me on this Alex, and thanks to T-Ski for the nod
Man that Sapper is hot, baby I'll tumble 4 ya! -
First of all let me say thanks for making this service available. I waited a long time for it but it was worth it. It was quick and easy to use.
One MINOR complaint and hopefully something the devs can fix. I transfered a character to a server where his name was not available so I had to rename him, not a problem since I figured I would. The problem is that the level 15 and level 24 Titles I chose for him stayed the same. They don't really fit the new name I wish they could be erased and reset so I can pick new and appropriate ones for my new name.
As I said a minor problem but one that hopefully gets some attention...someday. -
[quote2) one of the last tier pet (the huge one) blasting away...
I need them from various angles, and most of all clean, no UI, no main toon in the way.
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Does THIS help?
Its a screenie of a Merc MM from my old SG, sadly he doesn't play anymore. The last tier pet is at the end and the main toon is off to the side.
Not looking for art (if you can believe it) just want to help. -
Beefcake, BEEFCAKE!!
Nice work Alex. -
Is this from the series "When a Thunder God goes Mad!" ?
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The artist and I are having a geek debate over who would win. He says Thor's hammer is magical therefore Supes is not immune to it.
I say on the other hand that with superspeed Superman can dodge Mjolnir all day and if he was ruthless he could give ole Thor a heat vision lobotomy like was done to Doomsday in the JLU cartoon. -
What an awesome cover!
Kilo's jaw is gonna rust. -
Totally awersome. Its like owning a little slice of history.
Interesting style ^^ I wonder who will win >3
And you may want to link to the page instead of the artwork itself. I believe DA has got a nag about linking to the pictures ^^""
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Thanks for the heads up.
Here we are Superman vs Thor fixed -
Here is my attempt at Electro Chicken.
It was a quick sketch.
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Thats wicked cool! Great job, and a very generous piece of work. -
Those ice guns are too cool, the perfect villain weapon. The bullet would melt and leave no trace of evidence behind.
That idea came from the movie "Sound of Thunder" where they would go back in time to hunt dinosaurs and used "ice bullets" as to not leave any evidence behind to alter the timeline.
Great work, I like this take on T-Ski. -
Nice work, a very awesome and generous gift. You rock LJ!
I always have nothing but praise for our forum artists. We have some people with unbelievable talent here and some that are raw. The praise is for the fact that they all try their best and put their hearts into the work they do.
I will give a critique if asked though. -
I'm active, but I got stiffed again. Maybe it's time to resign from the Envisionaries?
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Stop that silly talk!
LJ drew Indigo Eclipse thinking it was you when its really Cosmic Firefly's alt. So Cos has 2 characters in the piece. Its the curse of having too many alts not a slight against you. -
My very good friend JV has started on a piece of my character. He finished the pencils and inks and is getting ready to color it.
Here is Kilotonnage WIP
Once he finishes it he might start taking comissions. I'll keep you all posted.