Soultrain (nsfw)
*is blown away*
yeah I know. It's a tracing.
It still blows me away. I tried to do that, in Fireworks. It came out horribly. SO to see someone pull that off...
*is blown away*
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Dang ! ( self edited )
Looks wonderful! I can't wait to see your awesome colors on it!
Looks wonderful! I can't wait to see your awesome colors on it!
[/ QUOTE ]
What she said
Soul Train in color...
Sent PB, 15 stage files, hopefully he can make with the movie magic...
Gah .. naughty
both of you need to be spanked
Don't shoot the messenger, the screens I got had excess boobage detail... I just painted what I saw.
well its the shaded bits on the boobage that will get me in trouble if i look at this at work.
sorry, I'll add the NSFW
I still wanna spank you
okay, but if your hand crumbles into dust, don't blame my [censored]...
*sigh* install ONE bloody costume mod and look what happens. :P
But I love it anyway.
I'll check the stages... I think we can probably come up with something.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
I want a MA NSFW ! xD
That is (yet another) one great piece Bobby.
Really like what you did with her.
Anyone here old enough to remember Soul Train?
That was when you knew Saturday Morning Cartoons were over...
My Guide to the Hero-side Venomous badge
(622 Badges on my badge-guy)
number of lvl 50's: 24
number in the 40's: 3
Anyone here old enough to remember Soul Train?
That was when you knew Saturday Morning Cartoons were over...
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, I learned to dance watching that and Bandstand... I believe Professor Blue's toon is a partial hommage.
She is, indeed.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
now, was the dark shading on specifically that portion of the chest really necessary?
Hate me if you want - but in my opinion it really ruins an otherwise nice piece of art.
It's a good start, but showing the areolas does distract from the piece. Specifically because if you can see the areolas then no doubt you'd be able to see the nipples as well, but there aren't any.
Since the garment she's wearing is skin tight then I'd imagine that the viewer could see the outline of her nipples very clearly but not necessarily her areolas.
EDIT: taking another look, if that is supposed to be her nipples then they're a bit on the large side and easily mistaken for another part of the breast.

now, was the dark shading on specifically that portion of the chest really necessary?
Hate me if you want - but in my opinion it really ruins an otherwise nice piece of art.
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I don't hate you, but allow me to explain - I believe the screenshot I received had an in-game mod to show the nipples. I knew the owner of the toon would enjoy it if I placed them in, so that's why I did it. Whether it is more aesthetically or universally pleasing wasn't my concern.
And in the long run, this was just a coloring exercise for me, and a gift for a friend.
Here is the reference I used... I changed the color, and made them darker in keeping with my own taste, and how I thought the color should match her skin. The mod was probably for Caucasian skin.
It's a good start, but showing the areolas does distract from the piece. Specifically because if you can see the areolas then no doubt you'd be able to see the nipples as well, but there aren't any.
Since the garment she's wearing is skin tight then I'd imagine that the viewer could see the outline of her nipples very clearly but not necessarily her areolas.
EDIT: taking another look, if that is supposed to be her nipples then they're a bit on the large side and easily mistaken for another part of the breast.
[/ QUOTE ]
I didn't want to over emphasize them, because this wasn't a nipple study imho. Just to suggest that if the light hit her somehow, you could see them. So the details are blurry on purpose for those reasons.
I did however to several stage variations so that they could be used for an animation of the coloring, here's one sans the nipple details for those who prefer I had left them out...
ST clean version
I can see where you were going using the original image with the mod, which indeed is for for caucasian skin. Even the image mod has a paler pink areoal and a slightly deeper pink bud on the nipple area.
Because of the white outfit and your use of the correct skin color for the area in question, it does stands out more, even if you did not mean it to be. I do like the second version (linked in your last post) much more for its subtle nature.

Maybe it's the contrast then, if I were to do this on a Power Girl piece with the same mod, it would appear as sexy as it was intended. But alas, I have no such toon at my disposal.
Traced ink of ST, some drawing by me, but only about 20%... the rest is from the screenshot I used. Gonna color this tomorrow in Painter, inking was done in about an hour in Illustrator.
EDIT: for color now...