91 -
I see. Well, does it matter? I can't remember if i've held a scrapper without him being stunned, as the animation for stun isn't very visible as you know, and encased in a block of ice i can't see him waltzing about like a drunken Michael Flatley.
Either way, the purpose of dropping toggles with a Dom is to hold anyway, so if you can do that as a result of any/some of the energy attacks anyway isn't everything else moot?
I still feel as if i'm missing the point here, but it still seems fairly straightforward. It's not like you're not going to get these powers if you're sensible. Hold -> Bonesmasher/Total Focus -> Held hero/villain.
...? -
I am a regular in Sirens Call, and regularly hold and toggle drop scrappers and tanks with Total Focus. Go and try it if you want, i even had to prove it in the arena against a Brute once, but it does work, as does Bone Smasher. I'm not saying they both drop ALL toggles every single time, but i usually get *at least* one toggle with them both. Which one it is is seemingly random, but more often than not i get the mez resists. Total Focus has a very high chance to stun/disorient (i forget which) and coupled with Power Boost is a very effective power when you get a chance to use it. Slotting TF and BS for damage is also the only real way a Dominator can effect damage on a squishy hero AT, in the energy set anyway.
And yes, they do make Dominators with toggle dropping powers, because getting within melee range usually means our death, and our holds and our damage are far inferior to any blaster or controller, 25% is plenty difference =) -
I'll totally agree with you on the Tanker thing, i'd say they should at the very least remove the de-toggle ability of AS.
As for the one shotting some AT's with high Defiance, i should have specified i meant when a fight had been going on awhile, and thus the corruptor or whatever other AT will already have suffered some damage. I wouldn't say a 'Defianced' Blaster could one shut any AT with full health.
And again, on the Brutes, i'm quite happy to fight a Blaster if my toggles are on, but as soon as they're dropped i'm out of there, because my attacks are too slow to effect enough damage on you before your less powerful, quicker attacks can KO me, and i can't remember a time when i've ever gona properly solo with a blaster, there's nearly always 2 or 3 other players around to gank me, which is totally acceptable, but i am going to try and run.
Doesn't matter what AT i play, running is a perfectly acceptable tactic, and i will never be baited into staying for 'honour' or some other misguided ideal. I just wanna have fun, i don't always wanna PvP by some kind of guidelines, especially as you'll never get a majority agreement on anything. For example, i'll be polite and not attack during duels, or TP people out of their base if they haven't left there yet (if i have a lock on you because you're running, you're fair game), but people who shout 'No fair, you didn't stay to be killed' and mean it seriously will not get any respect from me :P -
I was in a team in Sirens last night, and although said villain team wasn't very organized at times we were even or perhaps greater in number. Except, there were no stalkers in our team. Now, i usually team with Obot as Winter and there is usually at *least* one more stalker in the group, and our bounty racks up at a fair pace, often not fast at all. Last night, the bounty was very small indeed for the amount of time that i played. My point is that Stalkers are really the only effective PvP damage dealers villain side., especially after watching the other, smaller villain team rack up kills like nobody's business after we'd done the meat shield work :P
As a Dominator i can't solo any AT whatsoever before a hold (stacked or unstacked) runs out, and quite frankly their damage needs to be buffed a little.
You may think for the most part a Corruptor will be even with a Blaster because while the latter is heavily damage oriented, the former has less damage but the ability to heal/debuff. I thought the ability to keep a fight going with a Corruptor would even the odds, but then the other day i saw a Blaster say he loves Corrupters because he keeps forcing them to heal, thus a Corrupter can't *actually* do any damage. Not to mention that any damage this AT can do is negated as the Blaster just gets stronger as he gets weaker. Scourge is a nice innate power, but since Blasters can one shot most non-toggle villain AT's with high Defiance anyway you'll never get the shot in.
As for my Brute, i agree with Stalk. If CoV had any other heavy melee AT's that are supposed to take damage i wouldn't bring this up, but it is just not practical to have your toggles drop as easily as some Tanks and Scrappers when you have no other melee support. MM's may come to mind, but outside of Bubblers i've yet to see another effective MM, not to say there isn't one. And obviously, anyone with common sense will go straight for the squishy MM and bang goes your backup.
So basically, i think Stalkers should remain as they are. I have no doubt that this will fall on deaf ears, but Obot's right that experience makes you much more adjusted to how your opponent will play, and many of the regulars have adapted to better avoid getting AS'd.
To summarise, buff Dominator damage or holds, buff Corrupter debuffs or damage, buff Brute detoggle resistance, buff MM's (erm, iunno how :P) and leave Stalkers alone =D
Buff villains!
~awaits massive 'Omg j00 are so wr0ng!' posts by anyone who's been AS'd less than twice before giving up on PvP~ :P
Happy Birthday Stalk!
With his tongue firmly in his cheek, and no play experience as a Corrupter, Stalker or Mastermind at all,
~Kensa/Winter/Ogun :P -
I occasionally have a hunt for him, but with no luck as of yet, so i agree with Max even though in one of the patches a few weeks back they made a change to his resistances o.O
But ya, Thorn Isle or thereabouts is where he'll spawn i think, if you get the 'Nerva Wreck' exploration badge it mentions some mystery beast that sank it, which i assume is Caleb, and all the Spectral <name>'s around there mention him if you get close to a pack of them.
Though i wouldn't bet on it, i think him spawning may have something to do with the fires on the beaches, but tis just my pure speculation
And as for forcefully spawning GM's, i don't think you can do it for any of them except Jack and Eochai in Croatoa on CoH, but even then certain groups have to be fighting. However, if you see Tuatha fighting the Witches and the like, clearing that entire area a couple of times over will spawn the GM's :P -
Dominator Bonesmasher and Total Focus absolutely 100% drops toggles. Possibly Whirling Hands too, but i didn't take that power. Make sure ya slot them with two accuracy SO's though, and that you cast the hold before dropping their toggles, as it'll give you those few precious seconds to run before they jab you :P
With my controller I just hate Ogun the Darkheart who bashes me before i can lock my debufs on him
[/ QUOTE ]
I only play villain side now, love being the underdog for the most part :P
With both my Brute and my Dom:
1. Being able to hold anything i like so long as the AT's with Mezres get in close enough for me to drop their toggles
2.Tanks who think my Brute can't solo some of them =)
3. Seeing KO blow knock Khelds out of Nova, and holding flying squishies who think they can get me and then watching them plummet to the ground :P
1.Spine scrappers for Impale, as more often than not it leads to my death, even though one scrapper i can usually mez before he nails me :P
2. Superfly, Gold Digger and Silent Scope for religiously stalking me in the skies (on Winter)
3. Stormies, regen scrappers and toggle dropping blasters (on Ogun)
And as a sidenote, as a Brute i reserve the right to run in the following cases:
1. My toggles have been dropped and i couldn't solo a hamster
2. I'm nearly dead
3. I get nowhere fighting a regen scrapper, or a Tank who does hardly any damage to me and vice versa, and thus think i can get more bounty elsewhere :P -
Well, i have an SS/DA Brute and Knockout Blow i *believe* can toggle drop. However, my main evidence for this is that if you hit a Nova form PB with KO blow he'll revert to human, but i think it's just because KO blow is a stun or a disorient.
Yaysus Shock! I wondered where you went man, i haven't seen you in MONTHS!
Not sure if you remember me but i use to have an Energy/Energy Blaster called Black Atom :P Though he's STILL at level 27 =D
Nice to know you're still about after all this time anyway bud :P -
Hey =D
The minimum level is 24 so you just scrape in there, me or Rhi can lackey you up a bit though =)
Might have to pick up a couple of other members on the fly :P
Check the main post again for any edits ^^
EDIT: Or rather, don't, as the edit time has expired :P
1: Winter The Black
2: Rhi
3: Soul Soldier
4: Flicknife (?)
Need more meaty AT's :P 20 mins till optimistic start! :P -
I know it's a bit short notice, but just figured i'd give it a try anyway as i don['t particularly want more than 5 people in team, though i may be persuaded.
1: Winter The Black
2: Rhi
=D -
Yup we did, watched others try and bring him down too later in the day but they got wiped. You need a seriously big group to take him, lucky i suppose he was next to the ferry when we did it.
Ok, not sure if it's been done before but i managed to broadcast and gather a large number of heroes and after awhile we took him down. At first we seemed to sustained no casuatlies till like 25% and then i saw about 5 corpses fall at once. I managed to get the killing blow too =D
Regardless, yes there was the Hammerhead badge for defeating his minions, and i also got the 'Hammer Down' badge for taking down the big man himself. -
WHAT!?! Just curious as to if anyone's tried forming a team to take him yet, i was unfortunate enough to SJ past what i *thought* was a mob of angry scrapyarders, only to be annihilated seconds later. Upon further inspection, returning to the scene of the crime, i see the faint outline of what appeared to be a big hairy lumberjack in the middle of the crowd. I saw another Brute accidentally SS past him moments later, yet apparently not fast enough.
As for spawn points i'm not sure, this incident was to the right after you get off the ferry, just past the end of the first big building. -
Reanne is Empathy/Energy/Psychic Mastery, just so you know =)
And my PB is 3 form with not an inch of PL in his body ~shameless boast~