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  1. AHHH!

    What up Be-el ya crafty minx of a man, unless it's Raven, in which case change that phrase to vixen of a female =D
  2. Ok, teamspeak is now officially up and running but we may be switching to Ventrilo soon for Licker's benefit. Ask Ree for server details and the like if ya didn't get the Yahoo Group email.
  3. Ahoy thar, mt Rad/Kin is PvP based but i haven't used him in Sirens too much yet, and not at all in Warburg (wehre i think i'd be more effective). Anyway, just givin ya some background so you know where i'm coming from =D

    Cosmic Burst is a disorient as you know, and thus acrobatics does *not* resist by itself, but of course you won't be able to mez Scrappers and Tankers etc. The damage on it (3 slotted with lev 40 damage SO's) is sufficient but may leave you slightly underwhelmed.

    X-ray beam is a fantastic power, as the animation isn't too slow and the damage is pretty much what it says it is - 'moderate', as well as having a fairly short recharge time. However, as i'm usually debuffing when i'm not attacking you don't notice the recharge of powers so much when you can maintain an attack chain. I have found this particularly good for picking off Defianced Blasters.

    I respecced out of the snipe (the name escapes me) as as you correctly assumed it's fairly useless in PvP. I think if it was more like the Energy snipe it'd be more effective as the hit is much quicker, but i only ever used it to *try* and pick off low-health runners, but it hardly ever reaches the target. If you get this, perhaps slot it for range more than damage, as you could easily pick off a low health and stationary target.

    Neutrino Bolt - ya, skip it, the damage is useless and the quick recharge just doesn't cut it. And like you said, it doesn't chain well with X-ray beam.

    Irradiate - I haven't had a chance to try this baby out yet, but in a zone where there's an innate -50% accuracy debuff anything that's going to improve that is going to be hella useful, i would imagine especially against SR Scrappers. Plus, the animation is short for a PBAoE.

    Electron Haze, well, i specced into this because i needed another single target power in case i wanna attempt to solo someone (and yes, i know it's cone, but usually won't hit more than one target in a zone). The animation is very slow, and being rooted that long isn't pleasant, but i use it if none of my other powers are up and maybe there's a hole in my attack chain. Plus, with it's chance to knockback it can keep my opponent off balance when i combine it with Cosmic Burst and Repel. The recharge isn't too horrible, either.

    Other than Atomic Blast those are really all the powers i took, as being a Kin obviously i have a lot of powers in my secondary. I haven't slotted AB at all yet, and won't before i7, as i put a lot of my slots in Transference and Fulcrum Shift, but i think it would be useful in a group situation where you may be able to jump in and hold all the squishies for awhile, not to mention debuff and damage them at the same time. Don't wanna focus on the damage though, but i'm a little biased with Fulcrum behind me :P
  4. Yup, totally. My global is @Kensa Klore, get in touch whenever, i'm on a lot for now =)
  5. I should have defined more clearly, i've a habit of not pointing out details. Whenever i talk about PvP i'm *usually* just talking about Sirens, which is obviously still the most active zone (for now), in which case Transference is not an option. But yes, in Warburg then sure, beating a Scrapper or a Tank is possible. Debuffing them to the point where they can barely move is all well and good, but i find the damage output insufficient to take down one of those AT's while their toggles are on.

    Of course, it's not like any of us have played /Kin with every primary up to a decent level, so my perspective comes from Rad/Kin, which is AoE based anyway. Maybe you'd have more luck with Ice and Hasten or something.

    You seem to be stalking me about the forums atm Syn, quit it
  6. Just FYI, hopefully we're going to have a teamspeak server up and running in the next few days courtesy of the lovely Ree, so have a word with her and get buying those mics =D

    Secondly, i think DS (Smyte) is sorting out a respec, or the Cap Au Diable SF or something soon (that crazy Scotsman) in case anyone's interested, so once again speak with him if ya wanna ^^

    Toddlepip all.
  7. Da, before i started levelling my Corr (which there are STILL to few of in PvP) i used to spend hours at the hotspots and Winter long ago reached the debt cap for 37 (which is 115k, if anyone wants to know), but it was totally worth it as Doms can easily sway a fight so long as you cast, run, cast, run...

    As for Arctic Air, it doesn't really sync well with fly and on the rare occasions that villains actually group up and work together standing in the middle of them with a big shiny cloud under your feet makes you an obvious target. Not that you would, but keeping it on at the same time as Fly means you may as well be shouting 'I'm here come gank me!'.

    It is true that more heroes have specced into Perception powers now, but i still find the overall lack of them quite surprising, so i still think Stealth is extremely viable in PvP. It's the villains who are going to have to start speccing into the Leadership pool soon anyway, as there are more and more Stealthed/Invis and Defianced Blasters running about the zone two-shotting all the squishies.

    P.S: As i mentioned in a previous post, i think Arctic Air would be more useful in Warburg for those pesky ground based Stalkers, but i don't spend much time there right now. Also, in case anyone was interested, it is -Stealth and not +Perception =)
  8. I made this thread weeks ago :P

    I recently respecced into Irradiate and haven't had much of a chance to use it yet, but i think considering the -acc you have to deal with in PvP zones that it's useful, but only when your opponent is held/stunned/disoriented to give you an opening to get those slower animation powers in.

    As for Transfusion, if i can stay out of harm's way it is absolutely fabulous for keeping Brutes alive (provided there are no /Energy Blasters around) and Stalkers who hang about for a scrap post-AS. It is absolutely no use for the end drain, but if you make it to Warburg Transference will keep you happy anyway.

    And Repel, well, i think i'm 75/25 in favour of this for PvP. Once you hit someone with it it has something of a 'cool down' until they can be knocked back again (and i'm talking about those without acrobatics/mez resistance), but if you combine it with Cosmic Burst you can keep them Disoriented and/or on their [censored] for a decent length of time. Good against less experienced Blappers and TPers, as the knockdown gives you a chance to escape. It is a toggle dropper too versus Scrappers and Tanks, but it is not an immediate affect - you have to spend quite awhile in direct proximity to them to achieve the required effect, but i was told that all the toggles go at once by one Scrapper. You'll never beat a Scrapper or a Tank in 1v1, but with /Kin you can usually stalemate them if you're well slotted.
  9. I see, but usually i'm not in extended fights. Even the few times i can remember being in them i don't recall ever having my Domination build up sufficiently. I think it's because there's still so few Doms that regularly PvP, if there is one in a fight he's usually a primary target, or at least perceived as an easier target than a Brute or a Stalker which pretty much goes without saying.

    I'm sure travel powers affect this a lot if i think about it, but i'm happy with fly. I really could do with speccing Arctic Air out in favour of Stealth, and take it later instead for Warburg, hmm...
  10. I'm just an impatient person, and in a PvP zone where fights are usually fairly constant i don't find it in the least bit practical to spend time working up my Domination bar, particularly in Sirens.

    Sure, if i was gonna head out for a duel i'd probably do this without a quarrel, but as a great deal of the fighting in zones is not 1v1 i cannot imagine spending 5-10 mins working up my Dom bar solo - which i'd probably have to do, as i can't imagine many team mates coming to help me just for this purpose, and i can imagine being taken out while i'n trying to do this - only to be at least as equally effective as a regular Controller for a few minutes. Much rather i'd go in, be as useful as i can for an indefinite amount of time, die, then come back again quickly.

    Like i said i'm impatient, each to his own, but i'd prefer to be somewhat effective for a longer period of time than be very effective for a short amount of time. I'm trying to balance this notion based on time spent working up the Domination bar, and the debuffs that a Troller has at his/her disposal.

    I wouldn't *really* claim the Dom is underpowered, i'm happy to have less mez effectiveness than a Troller, especially as it's balanced out by Domination, i just think that giving Doms a weaker damage secondary is a little imbalanced. I'm not asking for Blaster primary damage, just a small boost.
  11. Ah right, Domination, 'nuff said. My words in the previous post are all based around not having Domination built up, just FYI
  12. In PvE i find Dominator damage to be totally acceptable, but for PvP inadequate. It is not impossible by a long stretch of the imagination, but the difficulty with which a Dom can solo most hero AT's is too vast to make it balanced.

    Usually, i don't have much of a problem with Defenders, but the rest of the hero AT's are difficult to improbable to beat on the majority of occasions i've experienced. I'm forced to take the majority of my primary powers and usually 4 from my secondary to be able to stack holds enough to make them stick for a sufficient length of time, as my single target hold (slotted with 3 lev 40 Hold SO's) won't pin them long enough for me to finish them off. Ice Slick and AS slows them down, but that doesn't make escape impossible, and due to the 'cool down' after i've held them i can't continue this process after i've TP'd them back to me.

    After Controllers recover from mez i'm insta-held, and if i'm lucky enough to get out of their own stacked holds i'm debuffed so much i can't do anything. Blasters usually break free just in time for them to two shot me with Defiance, and even though i can usually hold Scrappers or Tanks by dropping their toggles, once again even with stacked holds i can't keep them pinned long enough, as i can barely drop 50% of a Scrappers health before he recovers and runs away or Regens. Just to note, the majority of my damage comes from Bonesmasher and Toal Focus, each slotted with 2 accs, 3 dmg and 1 recharge - it used to be 2 recharge and 2 damage, but that was insufficient too.

    To be honest, i'm not looking to PvP solo as Doms are more team-based anyway (and really quite useful, in the right hands) and i'm not looking to take down Scrappers or Tanks, but i think i should be given a fair shot at beating at least a Blaster solo. I'd improve the damage just a little on Dominators, and nothing more.

    And also, i would've loved to have seen that Dominator take down that Granite Tank. I don't think it's impossible, but i'll believe it when i see it.

    Most of all, i'd just say persevere and get used to the AT rather than trying a few times and just giving up because of the countless deaths. Practice makes less deaths :P
  13. If it's a Capture the Flag/Domination-esque zone i give it less than 5 minutes before the heroes have control of the zone
  14. Good job to all who took part in the SF thursday.

    I'd suggest the next event be the Virgil Tarikoss SF at the same time and day? What does everyone think of that? I'll put it in the welcome message too when i finish working ^^
  15. Good job to everyone who helped with Caleb sunday evening, was thoroughly enjoyable and i dare say we should organise something every sunday if it's practical for everyone. How about all the CoV SF's in order?

    *shakes fist at DS in angry fashion, throws his scarf behind his back and walks away indignantly*

    PS: Check out DC's new addition to the base, we'll likely sell it when we can afford our next room upgrade, but for now it is very aesthetically pleasing indeed, not to mention an ideal platform for my half-baked political ideas and witty comedy. Vote Kensa!
  16. Ahoy there me hearties!

    No, we are not a pirate themed SG, in fact not a themed SG at all, but there are a few of us who enjoy participating in the odd spot of plundering.

    Anyway, we're a right friendly bunch who have no quarrels about casually insulting each other and insinuating one another into our own questionable schemes, so if we sound like the kind of people you'd like to team with, well then get in touch sailor!

    In spite of our obviously dubious sanity, we do try and team together as much as possible as well as involving ourselves in the odd Strike Force, PvP and the odd spot of monster hunting. There are even a couple of us who are 'badge solicitors', if you understand me, and would be quite happy to do some collecting with ya if that's your bag, baby.

    A few of us are experienced players with one or more level 50's on CoH, as well as being committed CoV-ers versed in a wide variety knowledge as a result of our religious playing devotion :P

    We are already a fairly large SG, and if ranking by prestige is relevant to you (it's not to us) i do believe we are in the top 10 SG's on Defiant.

    Let's see...what else, what else..

    Right, yes, contacts details =D There are currently 4 leaders and a number of ranked members, though there is always room for more, and promotion will be based on your activity, enthusiasm and to a lesser extent your knowledge of the game =)

    If you're interested in joining, please contact one of the following via their global chat handles (or try):

    Kensa Klore
    Dead Calm
    Dark Side

    Or you can just post here and we'll get back to you ASAP (which should be fast as one or two of us are keen forum observers =))

    On an entirely separate note but totally similar note, we're currently looking for other SG's to Coalition with in the spirit of friendly and good gaming, so if you'd think you or your SG leaders might be interested in verbally sparring with us, digitally sparring with us or even just teaming with us so you look better in comparison then get in touch!


    Sunday evening (the 12th) around half 6ish we're gonna jave a jaunt up to Thorn Isle with a few pals and try and spawn Caleb. All are welcome so if you want to come join us and get your hands on a juicy badge and cop a feel of a few Nerva Demons then do be sure to contact us again via the global handles above, email (use the same names, or check the signatures of our members who post below) or just by replying to this post ^^

    Right, i do believe that about covers it, though i am sure my colleagues will add to this as soon as they see a chance to mock me in public.

    Good gaming landlubbers, and hope to hear from ya soon =D

    PS: We lack a website and a teamspeak server, but are usually very chatty in the SG channel and the SG forum is generally a work in progress, so if any current members have anything they'd like to bring up, please use this thread too =)
  17. Not all together, just separately - i have 3 questions:

    Transfusion - Obviously not on par with Transference, but what's the end drain like on this puppy? Is it worth slotting for it?

    Irradiate - Just how effective is the -Def on this power?

    Repel - How do you use it? I've yet to take it, so is it a PBAoE or does it require a 'placement' like summoning pets or casting ice slick etc? And finally, is it just knockback or is it unresistable?

    All these questions are based on PvP not PvE, so i'm thinking of their effect on heroes not NPC's =)

    Ta for any replies ^^
  18. Kensa

    sirens bar


    I think with the Longobw almost certainly due for a good nerfing with the mostly negative feedback it'll be more even, but i still don't like that Wardens get such a huge variety of powers. I mean, an Empath! (¬.¬)No fair!

    My framrerate tends to be ok in the hotspots, but more often than not i have to coax the Longbow just to get them to blinkin fight.

    Down with Empaths! :P
  19. Kensa

    sirens bar

    Not that i know of, i believe Villains can win it back no matter how many times.

    But while we're on the topic, how uneven is Arachnos vs Longbow! :P

    ~pokes controversy and tells it to wake up~
  20. That was not a novice victory Ram :P

    I have fly, not a jingle jet, and i wanted to test your resistances as you were new to the zone =) I flew in, held you, tried to drop your toggles and flew off. I don't have enough damage to kill a scrapper before my hold wears off, so when you SJ'd after me i figured i'd Immobilize you to ground you, but forgot you were Spines, so you Imapled me and my immobilize missed. When i was grounded, it was the poison that killed me, you weren't that near :P

    ~saves dignity in sweeping fashion and flies off into the3 night laughing maniacally 'you'll never catch me!'~
  21. Welcome back 'G', now on to CoV and 40/50's list! xD
  22. Kensa

    energy attacks

    Had been drinking a bit last night and so now i can't edit my post, but what i meant to say that i normally *don't* have to stack stuns to hold a scrapper. One Total Focus is usually fine, though DA and Inv scrappers seem to take a little more work, and SR's are obviously a nightmare to hit, but if i do i usually just need it to be that one time =)
  23. Kensa

    energy attacks

    I'm fully aware of the mez resistance of tanks and scrappers, but only on PB's do i usually have to sit there stacking holds to make sure they end up that way.

    And regardless of conjecture, i regularly hold some scrappers and hold them after a single Total Focus. I have more often than not had to stack stuns to get the desired effect, but this is not on EVERY scrapper. I have particular difficulty with Inv and SR scrappers, the latter for more obvious reasons.