224 -
(is there any fire mode?
the twins frey'a (fire/psi) and Frey'r (grav/fire) waits for tonight too -
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Im starting to get peeved when people say that domination automatically solves any damage issues.. Besides even if your domination bar was fixed on full status, domination would STILL be down 3 and half minutes out of every five minutes..
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i think a little the same.
any */psy dom could give me some feedback? not of their uberness but only of how hard is their life at high level . -
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oh wanted to ask - we all starting from L1?
my dom is en/plant
L4 atm
names Doom Panda
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good question.
mine is level 10 but i don't mind reroll. just tell me so i can reroll and tell you it's name -
would the debuff of to hit would stack with the one of intimidate to make a true debuff ?
i plan to do a fire/psi dominator and i have some issues.
the first
do */psi dominator suffer a lot of the lack in this scondary of power like power boss or aim?
i mean psi is not a high damaging set (compared to NRJ or fire)
and fire don't get pet that help in the control (do they really do all the damage they are rumored to do ?)
so i wonder if this combinaison is a good match : /
the second concern smoke.
i read that this power alone wasn't enough to be usefull.
can someone tell me the % of to hit debuff this power get once 3 slotted with 3 acc reduce so ?
do multiple application stack ? -
hum.. at what time the wednesday? ^_^'
it could make my life easier ^^ -
hum sunday... not sure the lady i live with will be happy ^_^'
i will post if it's ok or not this evening -
could be cool to beginning to set up things like definitive server for exemple ^^
or the set your's going to play or the level to begin -
just to say taht for the server any of vigi, union or defiant will be ok for me
(not very hot for the deutch one as i only know insults in deutch lol) -
i now i already told it but it's important taht everybody know it
I'M ON !!
but i don't know if i would be a good "team leader" as hum.. my girlfriend fear already a lot my net connection so... not sure i could take all the time i want to lead -
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the different hero epics allow for a great deal of variety in builds while villain ones follow a set formula, for each AT they are all pretty much the same as one another.
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IMHO i think that THIS is the biggest problem.
heroes got a lot of build for each AT (a contro can heal or controle for exemple) that villains don't. vilains are frozen in their choice.
and btw i agree with stalk, i saw a lot of time a scrap or tank or well buffed blaster (usually in team with an empath) killing something like 4-5 vilains before finaly being taken down. (i will not talk of the regen or invul scrapper that simply kill all the team in siren)
this is not possible for a vilain -
even at low level the damage are different.
at higher level true that it's more an evidence as a lot of stalker tend to
1/ only play EM
2/be very lonely so the first time they can compare is in PvP
and seeing a crane kick rooting you force dealing half of ET is generally when you erase ordecide to be strong.
by the way i find the disorient componant working way more often that all your side effect you got in MA so at low level it help a lot too.
i can be wrong it's true but from my experience it's like that.
buuuuuut i say it again MA rocks and is cooler than EM. -
spine and EM don't have one.and maybe dark but i don't know this set yet -
all i can say is that at low level ou will ask yourself "why didn't choosed EM, it does the same but better.
your hard time will be 'till level 26. with crane kcik you have a descent follow up for an as and the knock back will help to control a little.
stay strong and continue your road and when you will hit the level 32.
MA take all it's strengh atlevel 32
and for a stalker it change your play style as having a high attack that can crit out of hide make you less dependant of the shadow to do damage.
as far as i'm concerned i like mine.
i was tempted to erase it a lot of time specialie when i was with EM or spine stalker as the first hit stronger and the second dont need to run ater the foe.
but as a Martial artist you have something no other set got ^^
you got the style ! -
et coté CoV?
je sais que CoH se porte mmieu lui..
mais des fois coté vilains... c'est ghost town -
bon ca fait 2 ptit mois que j'ai pas pu me connecter.
la je vais recommencer doucement car bin plus autant de tps qu'avant (sniff)
pendant mon absence j'ai quand meme noté (j'ai bourlingué) que bin CoX est pas vraiment preent dans les magasins de jeux video ou les grandes surfaces (alors que GW ou WoW tu trebuche dans des boite partout ou tu vas) et pire est pas tres connu non plus :/
donc bin j'aimeraias savoir un peu si qq'un a des chiffres ou en est l'indice de frequantation des forums EU car je songe a migrer vers les serveurs US(quitte a pas jouer souvent au moins jouer a plusieurs comme dansa un MMO ca serait pas mal) ,je sais qu'on a pas les chiffres dans mickey parade donc une tendance me suffirait.
donc en deux mois, plutot de moins en moins de monde ou ca remonte un peu ? :s -
with EM no need to hide to do damage, and a placate that follow a fear is enough to AS or ET a foe.
by the way you will be hit a lot BUT you have the heal that are here for that.
a sr or nin that is hit is a dead in 2 or 3 hit. and with BU you can touch anything.
and and when stunned your shields vanish them you are hit everytime too
now i am agree to say that anything can beat a regen and anything can beat a sr.
like i said if you are a bad player even statesman would die in your hands.
but i find regen to be less hum... a "poker defense"
i personnaly don't like to pray when i see a yellow glow or hear a BU sound -
the only thing i am sure is taht it would be a **/psy
after that i must admit i have several primary in mind.
plant: i would like to see how spirit three+drain psyche and the Aoe of psy while in a Carrion Creepers would work ^^'
mind: as it is the control masta and fear is cool in PvP
grav: i heard about and experienced the annoying Singularity.very strong
is a set worht it for it's pet only?(grav)
does a multitude of control negate the lack of a pet(mind)
would plant be usefull in PvP? (necessity to be on floor for some power)
quid?? -
true defense yes.
but in the game defense is easily nullifiate and at recluse FA (that i assume a lot of heros would take) break though any shield.
fact is that heal never fails and by the way if reconstruction+dull pain+ isntant helaning is not enough for a fight it's that you fight like a tank or that you are in a melee where no shield would protect you.
for perception euh .. ok... but f i can't see you, you can't see me neither when at furt cap so draw and again if only this at can give you some problem is worth to be played no? ^^ -
so we got
"miss, placate then a yellow or a strategical retreat to break LoS, then miss then my turn
you see power or AT in themself can't be a winning set, and thanks god it's not the case. -
an AT win nothing, the man behind the screen do.a good player can own anybody thais is worst than him, we are not discussing that.
by the way if only a stalker can beat you, then it worht it no? only got to avoid them at war.
by the way i don't agrre well slotted it will be pain for a stalker to hit a MoGed regen and while IH+dull are running your spine will have hard time to finish where the EM will only have to hit BU+ ET then foca
sr or nin are def set, eating little yellow make your shields vanishing. -
the fact is that in the game a good heal will ever be better than a good shield as shield can be penetrated by 400000 things(debuff, buff, aim, autohit...)
so i would say regen is a good option.
and for the primary its sad but true, avoid anything but EM.
i play all primary, all the tiny "plus" they got (like side effect of MA or long range of claw and spine, are nothing compared to having almost 2 AS (as and ET) you have in EM
in duel i see it a lot. you can be skilled, a EM stalker that fight you only need one succesfful ET when you will have to scrapp him. -
it finish tank too.
but not every stalker are EM...
ok ok nowaday they all are.. -
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Y a t'il d'autres différence notable entre cox us/eu et asie ?
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si qq'un pouvait repondre a cette question car j'avoue etre curieux sur ce point moi aussi