368 -
I love ya Devs, but 800 points was always too much for these costume toggles and I figured I'd wait for the super sale to pick one up, but 600 is still out of my acceptance range for this item =-[.
Hope the next sale, for a similar item, is better =-]. -
Well I'm not sure if I count as an old-timer, but I first heard about City sometime in 2003.
I'd never played a MMO, heck I had only played FPS' and single player RPGs up till that point, but I was always into the superhero genre and had recently been playing Freedom Force, which is how I learned about the game. Started checking out ads in game magazines, lurking around forums an such and it peaked my interest to no end.
Due to internet issues I wasn't able to start playing till late 2004, but once I got rolling, well there wasn't any going back =]. -
I had fun with the rocket board on Beta and fully intend to get it on Live as a vanity power, which I may very well use on some alts as their primary travel power.Yet a follow-up item in a similar vein, may not illicit the same response from me, unless it's design really suits some alt(s) that I do have. I also appreciate the amount of work which would have to be put into making it into a fully functioning travel power and so am not too put off, with it being solely a non-combat power.
However, I would like to say that as I see the only reason for it being a non-combat power, as resource based, I hope that NCSoft and Paragon Studios recognise the strong customer desire to have these travel powers and by extension, power pools, be fully customisable and combat compliant ,then take steps to get these moneymakers to us asap. =D -
Quote:I can't get into Pinnacle. It says it can't connect to the login server.
Yea, I was trying to as well, got worried my PC had issues, went to Beta, got info and then saw...http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...76#post3849076.
(Scroll to the bottom).
Yea it's down. -
1- Forever Knight--First vampire show I saw on TV, loved it. Sparkles be damned.
2- Pretender (including the movies that helped tie up loose ends) Just fun, episodic, man on the run series.
3- The Sentinel- It was quirky, super hearing, super sight cop, with a lil buddy sidekick. Fun/
4- Knight Rider (the original; Yes the one with Hoff) Do I need a reason for this one =p
5- Get Smart-- It's ...Get Smart!
6- First Wave-- Lotta Sci-Fi, paranoia realised, alien juju.
7- Every 1970 Tom Baker Dr Who episode =p
Channel Name -Flashback. -
Dear DC,
Please stop destroying your characters. I hate the suit now. I hate you. Thanks for crushing my hopes of a decent DC character flick. I still hate you.
Bewildered and Weeping. -
Well that is a bit of a downer about the level pacts, but it's understandable. At least i'll get my pals level pacted in the head start =D.
And I anxiously await the launch date ! -
After the responses from Posi and Zwill, I'm good with the future we're heading toward.
When you want to joing a team,a good practise is advising, "lvl [X] (Archetype) lft."
It's LFT not LFG.
And yes , debt is meaningless in the long run and that's a good thing. -
Quote:Once everyone was aware that imaginary money would be doled out, the items purchased, should in no way have influenced pricing or real customer/player needs/wants. I don't know if someone in marketing wasn't aware that many of the Beta players aren't idiots, but ..yea..we're not. Don't draw conclusions based on that data. You want to get real data, inform the participants about the rules and reset a buy item test time on Beta.\
In regards to the top sellers from Beta, if they draw any conclusion that people want enhancement boosters, I'll be horrified.
Barbarian set, looks decent for guys, though I did see the old shield in there, which was kind of a downer, but i'm still digging it. Outfit for female alts need to be..added to.Lots of suggestions in the thread and we got some time before i121 goes Live =].
Sig. story arc rewards- 1 astral per week. Yea that needs so much of a re-think, I'm not even gonna start to say where my mind went and I'm a guy who runs trials like they're going out of style on Live, so it's not a big downer for me, but I've got friends who don't and that..well it just bites.
Here's the little touch of frustration that's been building for me. I don't like getting annoyed at the game I LOVE.
In the items produced and direction the game has been goin for a bit, has me underwhelmed and a tad disappointed because I think that one of the best selling points for the game ..is the GAME. Yes, the Community is great and I always hear that as COH's selling point, but I don't come here to only chat ...I happen to love the game,from story to powers to reward and teaming /solo system.
There are other F2Pish games out there that can afford , I gather, to put enough resources into core items which directly appeal to their player base, more than not and it seems that in the COH marketing shpiel/ vibe that we've heard recently is ''..the industry does X and we're all friends so, we'll staying unique ,so here's new stuff that's from us!". But we're putting out the same stuff the Other game is and we're doing less of it. I personally choose to believe that's due to working in too small a design chamber, but that's me. Granted the..Other has had more time since going F2P, so maybe i'm just getting impatient.
I don't think our team is getting enough resources to actually be a real leader in this are and we're content to follow along, because we've got an 'older engine ..yadda yadda'.I don't know if anyone's told you guys, but some folks think our game world looks frikking cool and it plays pretty well too. I know I do. I want to see our team lead the charge and get out of the Other's shadow with respect to art design for player items, in particular.
So I just realised I had a bit of a rant...um.Yea. So yay i21 and get more resources allocated to the Art team, start writing memos and justifications, chop chop =p. -
And not to forget , that the many soloable WST's give a Notice oTW , which can be broken into 40 threads.
Soooooooooooo. I'm starting to get twitchy.
Well I can certainly spare some time and it'll be nice to see it again, pre Ouro, before it's all invaded an stuff.
Umm soooo, hey lady...
Where are the PONEHS!? I like your thinking hat and your idea. -
Congrats! I got mine recently as well...so much goodness! I didn't even know about changing the title colour either till I read the darn badge. 84 months, goodness where has the time gone.
Welcome to the boards El Topo! Snazzy hat, just sayin'.
So as to the redesigns. I think it was a large step in the right direction, you captured a great deal of the items many of us were unhappy with and I applaud the willingness for modification. I do love many of the pieces and appreciate the differing colours of the LTs and Bosses and will be quite glad to get some pieces off the PM later this year.
That said, I wish some shoulderpads had less layers, colours were a tad more muted and the minions didn't have the muscle tone.Overall though, I'm happy with the redesign and not gonna be bummed out if these go live as is and in comparison to how I felt about the first pass, this is a win =].
Thanks for keeping your ear open to the community's wants. -
I hate the hair. I love the S. I hate the muted colours, but I'll get over it . I hate the bump mapping on the suit. Yes that's what i'm calling it. I hate the no red briefs thing, and I also hate the DC redesign.
Overall, I'm ...hopeful. Left field, right.
...The post from Zwill looks better than the real thing =p -
Anyway. So about the matter of removing some power pick restrictions. I'm OK with them being applied to travel powers, I'm even OK with the supposed nullification of City Traveller vet thing.
However, I'm just wondering, since there is the addition of new travel pool powers and assuming Devs realise that when a build is made , sometimes it's difficult or at best annoying to change and they are confident in the strength of these new powers, but still not allowing any more power slots, why is the restriction still in place for non travel pool powers? At this stage in the game, what's the point? Or do the new travel pool powers accept any IO , in which case my re-arranging builds won't be an issue, if we wanna use the new powers. -
Rather than add to my original post. Again.
*ahem* KoA bosses are wonderful. They're in my top 3 liked designs. Perfect fit for their lore. Nice backpacks..and one heck of a sword that used to have an aura emanating from it's tip. Oh and bring on the trops ;Makes pretty patterns lemme tell ya. -
0_0...*goes into slo-mo 80's high-five* Yeah!
I'm quite partial to designs on, generally in order :-
Signature Characters.
-- Scirocco (Combination of pieces are great), Ghost widow (Comic book look and best hold in game, fit), Hero I (Pre and Post Rikitified), Marauder (love the gauntlets an general look), Noble Savage (asymetrical goodness), Nemesis ( the detail work on the costume fits the group perfectly and stands out today), The pre GR Black Swan (just for the shoulder draped feathers , I like the new look but meh), new Neuron (snazzy, nice exo-speed armour), The GR concept for suited-up Tyrant (not the current human dictator look, which fits, just..I like the super look), Goddess Hequat (just looks great), GR Vanessa DeVore (Carnie to a T) and pre GR Malaise (the costume just worked).
--Updated Dr. Vahz (grotesque and fascinating), Jack in Irons (detailed look with powers to match), Adamastor (he could use tweaking, but the changing chest glyph, size ,zombie skin detail, spawn location and powers make him one of my favs), Kronos (giant robot goodness) , The Jade Spider (I don't even need a reason to love that NPC =p) and the Kraken in PP (I've just got a soft spot for the old jello mold).
--Maestro (reminds me of Ming with a cool cape), Senestrus (Fits his story as a low level villain and it's colourful, but not to the point of ridiculousness), Totems and Mask spirits from BP (Exceptional detail work), CoT Bosses (detail work fit the atmosphere in which they reside) and Frostfire (costume was fine for his level)---** After reading the thread, DUH...Freakshow too.
..and I can't think of anymore at the moment.
***Edit 2 :Oh yeah! Imperious and that darn cape mantle, for which I think I might sell my firstborn.