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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Maribelle View Post
    I was unaware that you could use Arena chat for anything other than trash talk.
    lrn2play noob or go back to checkers.
  2. Kawkazn

    Freedom's up!

    Originally Posted by Amy_Amp View Post
    No access to globals, or channels. I have already seen multiple Incarnate level characters with purple names, ie "Help Me" and I see no way to change the flag.
    hit H on your keyboard.
  3. Good luck mac, it has been fun teaming with you over all the years. See ya soon!
  4. Kawkazn

    6 hours downtime

    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Sorry guys, I know everyone wanted an ETR, however we couldn't give one until we had a concrete estimate. The last thing anyone wants is to constantly have to push out a timeframe.
    Are you going to re open the ski slope again?
  5. Quote:
    Freedom will be coming back online first (we wanted to check the largest number of character records that we could) with the EU servers to follow.
    With that line I wouldn't be to optimistic.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Quatermain View Post
    Ah, good. They have sort of become my go-to brand. I appreciate quality and all the stuff I have gotten from them has been very good.

    The 9-series is really tempting, but more than I want to spend I think.
    I had an old LCD tv that I had to replace so this time I did some research into what was the best quality and value. Samsung won hands down. It turns out they are one of the few companies that make all the parts for products where Sony has other companies make the parts for them.
  7. Is it just today? The servers are down cause of a roll back earlier, so it is not just you.

  8. Kawkazn

    Sucker Punch

    Originally Posted by Cass_ View Post
    Classic slow mo fetish. 2 minutes of film streched in the 5 minutes with over use of doing everything at half speed.
    To each their own, I like that style. It is a lot better than this crap...

  9. I suppose most people here saw the 13 min itf post?
  10. Kawkazn


    Originally Posted by Mermoine View Post
    This whole post is a bunch of W.T.F.

    What's up with that chicks eyebrows?!
    and uh
    I have no words for the freaky kid
    This should clear things up.
  11. How many Firefly fans does it take to change a light bulb?
    They wouldn't. They'd rather spend a decade complaining about how it went out.
  12. Can I deduct my game account payments from my tax returns now as a charitable donation?
  13. Well my android phone uses the wifi without a problem and my wifes computer on wifi doesn't have the problem either both from the same router.

    Hmm that gives me an idea though.

    edit - yep it was an issue with the router, thanks for all the help!
  14. Not really all that into youtube either but it is embedded for a lot sites I check (including this one).
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowsBetween View Post
    Youtube recently added a requirement that you need to have a Google account to log in. Unfortunately, I didn't know about that before it happened, so I was unable to delete my account before being locked out of it. (I have less than zero intention of setting up a Google account.) In any case, they also "upgraded" some other parts of their system when that went live. It's possible you're getting hung up on something related to the changes.
    Any idea when that change was made, I was fine 20 hours ago.

    I also tried logging into my youtube account and still nothing.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    I'm having the same issue on multiple computers, and have tried uninstalling and reinstalling Flash from Adobe's website. I think it's an issue with YouTube's site, as I've actually been able to view YouTube clips that were embedded on other sites.
    Dang I can't even do that, I tried with the I20 preview trailer in the announcement forum.

    All my other systems are fine and they use the same setup as this one. One is Win XP while this is Win7 64 but they use the same virus software and chrome.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SolarSentai View Post
    I'm not sure what you've tried but this is what I would do:

    Restart computer (A lot of times this gets overlooked)
    Uninstall/Reinstall Flash
    Make sure I'm using the most current version
    Yep I've tried all that.
  18. I'm having a problem and was wondering if anyone here could help, as of today I can no longer watch anything on youtube. I get a black screen, no play button, no error message or time. I use Chrome but I've tried Fire Fox and IE none worked. I've turned off ad block and my virus scanners and still nothing. Other sites work fine and I'm out of ideas. Can anyone help?

    To make this CoH related I do watch videos of CoH on YouTube so I would like to see the previews to new issues and cats doing funny things.
  19. Kawkazn


    Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
    I see 4 other teammates names in the chat windows.

    I'm still trying to figure out what we are supposed to be looking at.
    it was a joke.
  20. Kawkazn

    AT&T data caps

    I'm lucky i'm on comcast between downtime and slow download speed I won't have to worry about it.
  21. Kawkazn


    Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
    A 42 minute Apex.
    So he solo'ed it?
  22. Wow I will admit I was way off my predictions.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    Lu's forum name is Kawkazn

    We can call you Stan though!
    Yep same guy, Lucas forum account is on a closed account right now so I use this one.

    I was never banned though (close a few times).