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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    Well I see the idea but I think it's just too' lazy of the Devs not explain why he can now hit you though PS.
    I think a better fix would've been to just make him ignor anything that's PSed. PAs included. That would solve the tanking prob.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    He's a living organism; he adapted to his environment.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No offense intended, Mr. Castle Sir, but...

    ... are you suggesting that Hami evolved by natural selection? Or adapted within a single generation, mutating himself to be a more effective challenge in a hero/predator infested world? That's a little implausible, but I guess not much more so than the idea of a giant one-celled organism that shoots blasts of electrolytes at people.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Meh. Not *that* implausible (in the comics genre) - look at Darwin. Or Sylar. Hell, we *know* bits of Hammy have mutagenic properties (HOs, anyone?) - is it that big of a stretch to think he can mutate himself too?

  2. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Well I see the idea but I think it's just too' lazy of the Devs not explain why he can now hit you though PS.
    I think a better fix would've been to just make him ignor anything that's PSed. PAs included. That would solve the tanking prob.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Personally, I've always felt that phased things should be able to hit phased things. Then they could add some phased out mitos to hami, ones who can only hit phased targets

    [/ QUOTE ]

    QF making sure this doesn't get lost.

    I like this idea much better, personally.

  3. 'F you really want this post to die, I suggest you not post in it.

    BRB FTW!

  4. So I'm not sure how to report this, so I'm just gonna paste what happened in my combat window.

    This is what happened when my team defeated Lord Recluse in the STF last night (I selected "Rare Recipe" as my reward).

    [ QUOTE ]

    Belatucadros has defeated Lord Recluse
    You gain 78935 influence.
    You received Dramatic Improvement.
    You received Military Encouragement.
    You received Invention: Resist Damage.
    You gain 34625 influence.
    You received Sting of the Manticore: Dam/End.
    You gain 32000 influence.
    You received Stupefy: End/Stun/Rech.
    Congratulations! You earned the Saved the World badge.
    With Recluse's defeat, the power of the Web begins to burn itself out. The threat is passed, and the day has been saved!
    Now readying Clobber instead of Bash.
    Lord Recluse: This...
    Clobber is still recharging.
    Doc Silver1 heals you for 515.55 points of damage.
    Congratulations! You earned the Peerless badge.
    Clobber is recharged.
    Bash is recharged.
    Whirling Mace is recharged.
    Lord Recluse: Is...
    Taunt is recharged.
    Lord Recluse: Impossible. . .
    You received Unbounded Leap: +Stealth.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The Unbounded Leap was the drop I got from the TF reward. I'm not sure which pools the other two are.

  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    Iakona's beta planner for Excel (he's got one for OpenOffice too) makes this a bit easier.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not absolutely sure, but this seems to be the same version that was around a few weeks ago, and at least two of the sets in the .xls don't match the in-game descriptions of the sets. Do you know if there's an updated version?


    [/ QUOTE ]

    I pulled that directly from his sig yesterday. I assume he's working on one, and it'll likely go up at the same link when complete (at least, I'd simply refresh it if *I* were doing it; I have no idea what he's gonna do).

  6. [ QUOTE ]
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    Try to min-max as much as possible.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If you insist

    Although, I'm guessing it'll be hard to minmax unless the salvage/recipies are dropping like flies as it'll take quite a while to get to a full HOed/IOed state.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Do it on the numbers. It's really easy to see where the problems are if you just know how it all works.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Iakona's beta planner for Excel (he's got one for OpenOffice too) makes this a bit easier.

  7. [ QUOTE ]
    I might just have "Dark Tower" on the brain, since I finally picked it up last year and am presently in the middle of book 5... but...

    I was going through a villain arc today, I believe this is called the Cult of the Shaper arc, from Diviner Maros.

    To my knowledge, the following quote is Dark Tower and CoV spoiler-free (I am only on book 5, so I don't know whether the event Maros might be alluding to is hypothetical or not).

    Maros says:
    [ QUOTE ]
    "I've realized that you probably don't know how this all ends yet. I'm sorry about that. I forget these things. Ever since the tower fell, I have been at all places between two points. I forget that it's all linear to most people. Effects follow causes and causes precede effects. And I still live all those moments."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Another tower reference??

    [/ QUOTE ]


    You'll understand when you get to the end of 7.

  8. I had read 'em all, but misread his latest in that thread to apply to all buffs instead of just the MM buffs. Thanks for making me reread.

  9. True, this depends on the build you're currently running. Mine already has four in MoG, and pulling two more from Swift, Hover, or Combat Jumping doesn't hurt me all that much.

    <edit> Although, you're right, I might wanna look at increasing the slots to Integration/FH now, too.

  10. Here's a thought:

    What about MoG in I9?

    Playing with Iakona's beta IO planner (here), I can six-slot with: Luck of the Gambler x 4 (Def/Rchg, End/Rchg, Def, +7.5% overall recharge), Impervium Armor x 2 (Res/Rchg, 0.5*MeleeResist(Psi)).

    Gives a MoG close to my current "OMG" slotting (current: 3xMembrane, 1xRes: ~100% recharge, 60% def, capped res) with: ~78% recharge, 27% end rdx, 42% def, and capped res, while adding 7.5% recharge to everything, mild psi res all the time, and set bonuses of: extra regen, extra recovery, more HP, and a ToHit buff.

    Or, if you don't want/need the psi res: (def/rchg, def/end/rchg, def, overall rchg) + (end/rchg, res/rchg) gives the same set bonuses, with ~93% recharge, 46% end rdx, 53% def, and capped res.

  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    Another post from the Animation Dept.
    [ QUOTE ]
    Hey everyone. The changes to toggle power animations and the standardization of what does and doesn’t root you should now be up on live. I just wanted to clear up any confusion about some other changes to click powers that also happened at this time. The only intended changes to rooting were supposed to be for toggle powers at this time. We’re in the process of standardizing click powers to follow their own set of rules, but they’re not going to be slightly different than the rules for toggles.

    Right now, our intent is to use these rules for click powers:
    1. PBAOE Heals will not root
    2. Self Buffs will not root
    3. Self Heals will not root
    4. Everything else will.

    You may have noticed some click powers that used to root you and now don’t. These powers snuck their way into the wrong build (see what happens when we don’t root them), and most of these will change back in the next build that makes it to live. Consider this an official head’s up.

    Again, sorry for the confusion this has caused. We’ll get it all sorted out shortly and we thank you for your patience and understanding.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Minor comment from a bot/dark Mastermind. The AOE heal on the dark set still roots.

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    I fixed the error that the animators made.

    As the poster above me said and as I also did a few posts up, the debuff is the first effect, then the heal. It is an attack and should thus root you.

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    Yes, but Twilight Grasp *IS* a PbAoE heal...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're too focused on "PBAoE heal", and missing the main point.

    TG is an *attack*. It debuffs the enemy. Therefore, it roots - no matter that its secondary effect is a PBAoE heal.

  12. That would be because Twilight Grasp is an attack on the enemy - besides having the AoE heal effect, it also debuffs enemy ACC.

    Attack trumps AoE heal.

  13. [ QUOTE ]
    Aid Self falls under #2 and #3, but is Interruptable. I'm assuming it won't be subject to unrooting? Or is there a plan to abolish interruptables entirely at some point?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aid Self doesn't root *now* AFAIK. You can move to interrupt yourself.

  14. [ QUOTE ]

    You'll like the bench ones.

    Edit to add - this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Y'know, that emote would just make me say, "OW, my ARMS!"

  15. [ QUOTE ]
    I am all for the Big Red Ball. Was playing COV last night, over at the broker near the arena fish hang on hooks. I bumped into one and it fell off. I started kicking it around for the heck of it. Another player came along and we starting fighting for control of this thing. It lasted about 15min. I think the ball would be a lot more fun then the dead fish.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Hm. Did you both see the same dead fish? At the same location, at the same time, type thing? And you could punt it around?

    ... hmmm....

  16. Hm. After research, it appears my memory has failed me, and I need to eat my words.

    I was going by Castle's post here, which says

    [ QUOTE ]
    The streakbreaker will force a hit if there has been a long series of misses (only for heroes)

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My faulty memory led me to interpret that as "only for heroes vs. NPCs", since I don't PvP all that much.


    After Castle's post, WeirdBeard came along and said this:

    [ QUOTE ]
    Critters get the benefits of the system as well.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    SO: I was wrong. My apologies - and back to your bashing of the streakbreaker.

  17. Just a minor point here...

    The 'streakbreaker' code ONLY affects your attacks vs. NPCs. Not your attacks vs. other players, not NPCs' attacks on you, not other players' attacks on you.

  18. [ QUOTE ]
    We have one reported case where Statesman called down giant monsters on a group (and got a slap on the wrist for it).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Just to put this in context: this was in COH BETA. Never done on the live servers.

  19. [ QUOTE ]
    Two, whoever decided that making it so we can't tell how we're doiing in the raid needs an atomic wedgie with hot sauce. This does nothing to make the raid "harder". Now we just can't tell if we're actually succeeding or not. Confusion != challenge or fun.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    QFT. It's already rough enough to tell whether or not the big guy is held; making it flat impossible to tell *really* needs to be re-examined. Shoot, if all you're worried about is making it so that folks can still be hurt once he's held, make his goo acidic or something (i.e. minor/moderate DoT) - or give him a BIG ol' "HELD" graphic. Something.

  20. [ QUOTE ]
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    [/ QUOTE ]

    That was pretty much my reaction, too.

    All the physics are client side only, and no information about them is passed from client to server -- so, it's strictly a visual on your machine. That means, there is no way for people to play volleyball, or kickball. We could put one in that only you, the player, would see, but I imagine that isn't what everyone would like.

    Sorry, folks.

    [/ QUOTE ]
    What if you made the ball a Giant Monster that happened to have no attacks what-so-ever. Then we could all play with the BRB right?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That would make sense (from a programmer's perspective, albeit one with no insight into the specific code here) to me. If I were given the task of implementing the BRB, I would:

    1) Make it a mob. Give it no attacks, and a zero movement rate. I don't know if it'd be possible to code it to follow the ragdoll physics (i.e. roll down hills) if it ain't dead, but if it's possible, do that.
    2) Make it spawn via the Giant Monster rules. I say this because GMs already seem to spawn, for the most part, on a one-per-zone basis... although I've seen reports of two Luscas in IP before. Possibly via the *triggered* GM rules (i.e. have something in-zone to trigger it, somewhat like Caleb is a triggered GM spawn).
    3) Make it immune to hold/sleep/immob/confuse/fear/etc.. everything but Knock* effects.
    4) Give it Hamidon-level HP and resists, but no regen or healing capabilities (as if it was affected by MoG's anti-healing effect). Yes, this means it'd be possible to pop the BRB if you play with it too roughly.

    Again, disclaimer: This is what I think *ought* to be possible from what I can see outside the system. It's entirely possible that something exists that Castle can see that I can't.

  21. The accolades (or, really, any +HPMax or +EndMax you get) do not affect the rate of regen (ticks per minute) of either bar. What they do do is increase the raw amount of HP/End that is healed per tick. This is why Dull Pain, for instance, is so good for a /regen - you're still regenerating just as fast (zero to full time), but now each tick heals more damage.

  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    Whoa. It's not every day you come into a thread you've been followin' and see a redname...


    Anyways - much thanks _Castle_. Shows that even the Hero Builder number is a bit high, and puts Stamina's base at about (exactly?) a 25% buff.

    *mails SherkSilver*


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Castle is confirming numbers that have been around for a really long time. The numbers I use match this site which has been around for quite a while and I believe is parroting information from a guide that was posted long ago (but the exact original source for this information escapes my memory).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This particular number for Stamina may have been around for a while, true - but only as one of several (e.g. Hero Builder's number, Screwloose's number). And I find it interesting to note that it didn't come out as having been "around" until after Castle posted - which leads me to believe that it wasn't that well-known. Having a dev come by and tell us which one is definitive is always a good thing.

  23. Whoa. It's not every day you come into a thread you've been followin' and see a redname...


    Anyways - much thanks _Castle_. Shows that even the Hero Builder number is a bit high, and puts Stamina's base at about (exactly?) a 25% buff.

    *mails SherkSilver*

  24. Saw the difference in our final numbers, thought I'd see why.

    I think your "base" figure for Stamina is off. Just going by "feel" Stamina doesn't double your end recovery at three slots (i.e. zero to full in 30 seconds).

    Now, Hero Builder numbers have base stamina at 0.507 end/sec, which works out to about a 30% base rate (0.507 / 1.667 = 30.41%) - which, three slotted with +3s, will add about 1 end / second (zero to full in 37.5 seconds).

    Anyone feel like testin' tonight?
