11 -
Someone gave me an idea and i feel rather stupid not to think about it myself. If you bougt from the wrong seller and you want the other helmet, as long as the bonus disc is not sent you can still cancel your purchase.
But I still have a problem : I can't buy it from Gamestop because i'm from Canada! Well maybe EB don't have the right helmet, but at least they are not some kind of intolerent discrimining *auto-censured* -
Regarding the other issues you've raised in this thread regarding the genders of the helmets and associated issues... although there will be a period of exclusivity for these items, we do plan to make them available to our community eventually. So if you can't get your hands on a particular costume piece right now, we will announce at a later date how you can acquire all the helmets.
Have a great weekend!
[/ QUOTE ]
So....then....why bother with a pre-order (other than to start, what, 2 days earlier)?
And the link that someone had posted for EBGames for the pre-order "collector's edition" was like $80. Is that right? WTH is with that price tag?
[/ QUOTE ]
Where did you get that quote from? I've look at every message from Alexa and didn't find it. Are you making that up?
I hope you aren't because I'm on of those who didn't get lucky and bought from EB before knowing that there was a different helmet for each sellers. No need to say that i'm the type of player that play mostly with female characters... Anyway, there'll probably be so much costume option that maybe i won't need the *auto-censured* helmet -
Gender Gap - Man, I feel like a woman. (hehe, ok, it's not really a SuperHero song, but, read about my background at
and you'll understand hehe) -
We sould have the same boombox and dance emotes, but with different dance, really evil type dances. Like:
* The Time Warp from the Rocky Horror Picture Show
* The achy breacky dance
* Heavy Metal head trashing
* a slutty dance (the same dance for the guys)
* a Micheal Jackson impersonnation
* The robot
* any breakdance move -
One that i found funny is the Top Dog one (you get it by going on top of the Atlas Globe). Well the "Top" is certainly for the "top of the Globe", but Top Dog is also a group of dogs that can make tricks, like the walk on a sphere (you know, you put the dog on a sphere (a giant ball) then he walks on it and the sphere roll).
So we go on the big sphere to become top dogs....hehehehe. -
BJ:"That could be a problem. She could tell every one where you have birth marks."
GG:"*Thinking a moment* You know, i don't think Tania would hold a grudge against me. She might me troubled that's for sure, that someone she knew as a collegue went intimate with her body in a way she never thought possible."
BJ:"You mean you saw her naked and touched her privates?"
GG:"Well, I have to bath and stuff like that like everyone, you know!"
BJ:"I know, but did you get a Big One?"
GG:"a What?"
BJ:"You know....The Big O"
GG:"OH! errr.....yeah, i did"
BJ:"Cooool. And who has it better, the women or the men?"
GG:"The women. Definitly!"
BJ:"So why do they not want it as much as we do?"
GG:"That's a mistakes most men make. They do want it as much as mens do. Maybe it's just you."
GG:"Anyway, that wasn't the question. Will Tania hate me? I don't think so. She was a very understanding person. She might get angry at first but she won't hold it against me for long. She'll understand it wasn't my fault but an accident. I couldn't have made it on purpose. Maybe she could even see me as a twin sister from now on hehe. That would be interesting...."
((ThanksThe funny part is that the opinions i get are really mixed. Some people finds my background funny. Other get freaked. I think the one who get freaked are "manly men". What do you think? hehe))
What about guys who RP girl character? Will they have to try to sound girly? and the girls who RP guy character?
Wouldn't that be too much of a problem?
I'm a guy who play a girl (in body), and at nearly 30 y old, my voice is too manly to pass for a girl even if i try real hard. -
Gender Gap is definitly just a guy, well a girl..with a guy mind. He/she just try to do his best with his/her newfound powers.
BJ:"Yeah, that would be cool, this way I could swap with Statesman and be really famous!"
GG:"No Bob, don't even try that! I'm sorry SupahFleaTNT, but i didn't try any other swapping experimentation. The first time my body went dead, and Tania's soul dissapeared. That's too dangerous to even try. I wouldn't recommand it to anyone. For my part, I really got lucky. Just think what would have happened if instead of my assistant, i had found myself into some lab mice? or a cockroach which would have just passed by?*Shrug*" -
GG:"Thanks Winsany. You know, that's a question I've asked myself several times. The only answer i could give myself is that if my body died, it was probably because no soul was left in it. So Tania wasn't in my body that's for sure. But then, where is she? Knowing that Tania's soul must have been affected the same way mine has been, i can only deduce that her soul has been sucked into the experiment. My soul was sucked too, but since she was between me and the experiment, my soul went into her body. If that is, whatever sucked her soul must have sent it somewhere. She might be in another dimension, or maybe even worst. One thing certain is that what happened to her has nothing to do with a natural death, and that is saying a lot. I always hope for the best, and i wish that someday i'll find an answer, and, if needed, a way to save her from her fate. That's the least I could do for her."
Bob Johnson : "Good Morning everyone! Here's your favorite host, Bob Johnson for your radio show "Interview with a Super-Hero". This week we have a special guest. Well, special is kind of a small word to explain how this guest is special. You'll see what I mean in the next moment. So let's welcome, a Victory's Super-Hero, Gender Gap"
Genger Gap: "Hi Bob"
BJ: "First of All, i'm sure the people at home would be surprised to know that your secret identity is not really a secret"
GG: "That's true, Bob. My real name is John Boyd."
BJ: "But isn't that a guy's name?"
GG: "It is"
BJ: "Then the people at home most be as surprise as I am because your voice is definitly that of a woman and what I see in front of me is no doubt a woman. Right?"
GG: "My body is 100% female, yes"
BJ: "Can you tell us how it happened?"
GG: "Sure. I was a scientific working for S.E.R.A.P.H. and we were working on some experiment about energy transferance."
BJ: "Who do you mean by we?"
GG: "Me and my lab assistant Tania. One minute we we working me in my books and her on the experiment when I heard her say "Oh S***" then everything blacked-out. When I came to my sense, I found that something wasn't right. On the chair near my desk was my body, dead, exactly where I left it."
BJ: "you mean you're a ghost?"
GG:"No, i'm still alive, but not in my own body anymore, but my assistant's body."
BJ: "So you were a guy, and now you're a girl? it must have been a shock!"
GG: "It was. My balance was completely off. I had weight were i never had before and some other weights were missing. I didn't know the first thing about what to do. My skin was now suddenly very soft. My voice was completly different. A real nightmare."
BJ: "But you seems to take that very well right now."
GG:"I am. You see, people often associate who they are by their gender and what they look like. When your gender and your whole body is being replaced by someone else's. You have to see yourself in a whole new way. You body doesn't tell you who you are, you have to find it for yourself."
BJ:"You have a family, John?"
GG:"True, I have a wife and two teenage daughters."
BJ:"With as much women in the family they must have been really helpful"
GG:"Well....errr....Let's just say they prefer to play dress-up instead of telling me who to put a tampon"
BJ:"Even your wife?"
GG:"Well my wife still finds it funny and kinky. You see the costume i have right now? She made it."
BJ:"You mean you didn't decide to get a reveling oufit like that."
GG:"Exactly. And she even promised to my daughters that they'll choose for my next outfit."
BJ:"Seems to me like your wife is the one wearing the pants. hehehehe"
BJ:"errr.... ok. *cough*. Well, you must have super-power? What are they?"
GG:"All my power seems to be energy based. I can throw a blast of Energy, and control the energy very well. And recently, I found that if I concentrated real hard, i could use that energy to hover very high. With some training I might be able to fly."
BJ:"Sounds interesting *Yawn*. You know that you're the only guy that his wife will never complain about him leaving his seat up? hehehehe"
BJ:"err.....I think we have a call. Someone at home who have a question? You're on Interview with a Super-Hero and our Guest this week is Gender Gap"
((ooc: If you want, you can add a question. Gender Gap will answer it, and probably BJ will comment it too hehe. If someone want to take the Interview concept and the BJ character to interview their own character, there's no problem with it. You have my permission.))