Need opinions on this RP - SG idea




What if you gave a SG and no body came?

I think i have a really fun idea for a SG, but its going to be new territory for me to set up the all the ususal trimmings. < message boards etc. > I'd love to put in the work if there's a decent chance of success. I'm apprehensive to say the least. . .

What does the CoH RP community at large think of:

A live voice RP supergroup? I was thinking of setting up a Voice Over IP (internet) server with a couple of standard 'In Character' rooms where the team verbally role plays whatever hero they have logged in. The more folks ham it up the better. I'm thinking it would be a blast for everyone involved.

What do you folks think?




What about guys who RP girl character? Will they have to try to sound girly? and the girls who RP guy character?

Wouldn't that be too much of a problem?

I'm a guy who play a girl (in body), and at nearly 30 y old, my voice is too manly to pass for a girl even if i try real hard.




However, a group of friends and I use TeamSpeak and we don't RP, but we have fun talking bout the adventure. Granted, those who we pickup that don't get the teamspeak are often left to wonder why we're so quiet. =D



Me personally? I don't practice or encourage cross-playing.

That having been said that is an exellent question and something I hadn't previously considered. I think a man playing a woman on an RP VOIP would be a non-stop laugh riot enjoyable by all. I would gladly welcome one so light hearted and daring as to try that into the SG.

Any other excellent questions?




What about guys who RP girl character? Will they have to try to sound girly? and the girls who RP guy character?

Wouldn't that be too much of a problem?

I'm a guy who play a girl (in body), and at nearly 30 y old, my voice is too manly to pass for a girl even if i try real hard.

[/ QUOTE ]

There are programs out there that you can get to change your voice.

I would also like to see if they had a voice to type option so you could talk to every one and not just people on a separate server.



I love the idea of the Voip. it makes more sense, as I am not a great typer. Also when you are in combat it is not easy to start typing "over to the right" and such. I also think it would be funny the male voices playing female char's. Since I am from NYC, I pretty much speak Brooklynese, yet 1 of my char's is supposed to be from New Orleans. I can type brooklynese, I cant type southern drawl. I can vocalize the accent, not easy to type though. And as a long time RolePlayer I have always found it a lil funny when certain people play certain roles. Yet if they play it well, it works so good. No matter who plays the role.
You say you are interested in getting a RolePlaying group with Voip. I am so down with that. Need a new headset, Yet Yes. Quite interseted also in the voice altering program NinjaX had mentioned. That would help the illusion, since I also am a man with a rather deep bassy brooklynese accent and 3/4 of my characters are female. I mostly play on the Guardian server yet will redo my 2 primary's on another server



Bringing this idea up to date.

Thus far I've gotten 2 very positive responses. While that's not a huge response I remind myself that one of the greatest nation's in the world started less then 250 years ago with but a few hundred people. So great things can come from humble beginnings.

If anyone is interested in trying this out I invite you to the Champion server. I have a very humble super group there by the name of the Fantastics. <Not exactly fear inspiring, but its not copy protected either. . .I hope> feel free to come over and contact me directly, post a reply here, or <best option> visit the group message boards at:

I'll tell you know I'm nervous as hell about this idea. I, like everyone else hates failure. As the ground works already done <message board and vent server are up> I might as well give it its chance at life. Should be a ton o fun regarless of how it finally turns out.

Hope to see you there,

Ice Herald