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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
    If anything, the problem isn't that there aren't enough non-stripper costumes in there, but that, ironically for this thread, there aren't enough costumes that are in between "stripper" and "uniform." I can be Girls Gone Wild or Hillary Clinton. Joan of Arc is in there also along with Samus. Where it gets tricky is when you want to make a character wearing a dress, say. Things like the magic bolero are probably there specifically to address that deficiency (actually, I kind of like the lines in the combination of Bolero + Steampunk skirt + Savage bottom).
    Dresses are, of course, tricky because of the "no full length skirts" issue for the models. But I've had good luck using combination with the pencil skirt and robes or various tops to make dresses. Samuel_Tow recently showed his new character which I thought was very nicely done. Don't take this to mean that I'm against more dress options (or even bona fide dress options as opposed to constructing them). On the other hand, I remember the game before Pencil Skirt was an option and it was pretty dire trying to make an even semi-modest dress.

    As a side note, I won a costume contest tonight with this incredibly sexy, lingerie clad female.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    You have avatars of females with male hats and yet you begrudge others wanting other 'male costume options' for their female avatars.
    No, I don't. I just didn't see the "sexism!!" in the developer's choices that some do nor agree with some people's claims of limitations. And I agreed that it was more fruitful for the designers to come up with parts that will enjoy wide use rather than bog themselves down in parity -- and sexy pieces are no doubt popular if one looks around the game and compares the number of slinky outfits to females dressed in heavy armor or business pants or whatever. I'm happy to have both with all the flexibility it provides but let's not kid ourselves here.

    Besides, it's really one female depicted in multiple images

    You get into this discussion over and over again. And yet you take a seeming high road as you leave this discussion saying that doing precisely what you did isn't worth it.
    It wasn't worth it. Not after the first post or two to give my basic opinion. I'm not going to convince you that there's not some problem and you're not likely to convince me that there is.

    What other contradictions are there you'd like to entertain us with?
    Take a deep breath before posting next time
  3. I tend to look for a guide when I try a new power set. I'm not looking for concrete Mids data or anything, just some opinions on what's better than you might think and what powers look better on paper than in practice. I'm not much of a numbers cruncher or data monkey so the guides certainly helped me out.

    I understand why people have gotten out of writing them but I do notice their absence when I can't find a semi-recent one. Thanks to those who have contributed in the past.
  4. The menus and text and all clear, though.
  5. Edit: Really, it's not worth getting into over and over. Take care.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Genia View Post
    I've seen quite a few very nice designs as well. However, I will say this: it is significantly harder to make certain styles of costume for females than it is for males. My husband and I've been playing, for years now, a married couple who dress in fairly similar tones. It had always, almost without exception, been more difficult for me to design anything than it had for him. This holds true for several different styles of dress: dressy, casual, awe-inspiring, combat, etc' etc'. This is not an absolute digital yes/no issue, but the possibilities are indubitably skewed.
    I don't see much value in just going back and forth on it so I'll say that my main point was regarding the "lingerie" statements from several people in the thread. Claiming that women are stuck with lingerie or have all this sexy stuff thrust upon them or can't create non-sexy costumes does a great disservice to the argument because it's so easily proven wrong. Making a "fully dressed" female character in all manner of styles (civilian, superhero tights, power armor, magical garb, etc) is trivial. Arguments that imply that it's not just make the person look uninformed.

    I'm not saying you're uninformed, and I'm generally in favor of new stuff so I'm not going to say you shouldn't get a long coat or whatever, just that the hyperbole in the thread goes counter to what you (general "you") are trying to achieve.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
    I'll pick the choice that leads to a Hero Merit.
    Dismiss the tip and go do that one where you get to beat up Desdemona.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
    No, the decisions are plainly and obviously gender based and not model based.
    The two aren't mutually exclusive. In fact, given that 2/3rds of the models represent standard gender body types, it's pretty much impossible for them to be mutually exclusive.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
    AKA Gender.
    Erm... yeah. I don't know who was arguing anything different. Females get different parts because they want variety between the two genders and porting pieces so each side gets the same exact stuff means less variety overall. The only one who seemed hung up on "Huge" as a separate type was you. Sure, it might mean that each male part takes twice as long to do (since you have to do it twice) but it doesn't change the fact that they need to make the decision for the female part as to whether they're going to copy the male part again or come up with something new.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
    The fact of the matter is that the argument was about model types and how much work it is to make things multiple times, yet they do it every single time with male and huge.
    Which isn't a good reason to do it three times for every piece.

    They choose to make the items twice for the male and the huge, and they consistently choose to do so. If it was simply an issue of variety between model types, then there would be items that exist only on male and not on huge, and vice versa.
    It is an issue of variety between types. The "types" being Male/Huge & Female.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Diellan_ View Post
    If the issue was that the art people would rather make new than port, then why is it that the male and huge options are exactly the same?
    Because the "Huge" model is nominally male and it makes more sense -- and would be more expected -- to have both "Male" models match in costumes than to match the male and female models.

    I suspect you knew this already.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Genia View Post
    Women should have as much variety in costume as men, and that variety should range from "skimpy lingerie" to "a nice, respectable coat" to "civvies" to "awe inspiring and dignified magical". And at present female toons really don't get that.
    I very much disagree and I've seen spectacular costumes in all manners of design. I'd always love more stuff but I think comments like this do a disservice to the "issue".
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
    I will take this thread even a step further. It is not just about male and female parts, but how mutually exclusive parts within the models themselves are. Why again can't I use the warrior belt with the tight top option? No cyborg arms with Warrior tops? Yeah, that is even more messed up.
    Even stranger is parts that don't come up despite being allowed in identical costumes for the other gender. I had a costume I was designing with Dress Shirt 2, Open Science coat, Tucked in Cargo pants. With the male option, I could use the tied cloth belt (Martial Arts 2) or the "Tactical" belt with the row of pouches. Neither option can be used on the female model wearing the exact same costume. In fact, they only get about 80% as many belts as men do under those conditions.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Black Orchid II View Post
    I'm a little confused about the idea that making an entirely new costume piece is easier than modifying a male coat into a female coat. Standard Design Rant applies, of course.
    It's not that a new piece is easier than porting a jacket, it's that porting a jacket is no less difficult than making a whole new piece.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    If anything, the hero would be slaughtered by the media
    Life of a superhero...
  16. I personally have no problem making them work. Your mileage may vary.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    So $terrorist_organization either gets access to a nuclear weapon or kill 5 civilians.
    You're saying that those 5 aren't worth the sacrifice?
    You can try and get help to stop the terrorists, track them down later, whatever but once the five civilians are dead, they're going to stay that way.

    Now if it becomes "Rescue family vs. stopping school bus from exploding" or something then you have more of a dilemma.
  18. I'm certainly not against things like women in long coats... but...

    Seriously, people. Probably 60-70% of my characters are females and none of them are running around in "lingerie". One is wearing something you'd call "skimpy" and that's because it's derivative of a tribal style costume. If Paragon city is full of women in fishnets and Eden tops, it's because people chose to design them that way (and there's a long comics tradition for it). Conversely, I don't know if I've ever seen the "leather straps" chest used on a male character that didn't include purple butterfly wings and the "big grin" face, pink afro, clashing colored Speedos and a hook hand (You're the first to ever do that! Hooray!!)

    Heck, I used the Steampunk parts to make a country-style dress for a new character. You're not required to leave it as bare skin under the corset tops, you know.
  19. I don't even see where it has to be family -- the hero's primary goal should be the safety of others. A couple people in real, immediate distress should trump hypothetical (even if probable) distress in the future.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    That almost sounds like some kind of long-term goal as part of an endgame system.
    And it also sounds nothing like the way Task Force Commander actually works in the game. Funny, that.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    I think you're missing the point - the new rewards are more of a bonus rather than a goal - you'll unlock them as you do the main Incarnate content of unlocking new slots and powers.
    Except that you'll probably be using your merits from unlocking the tiers to actually build the powers you slot into those tiers. The armor/emotes/auras are a separate grind to undertake after you've done the actual business of unlocking/building/slotting your powers.

    Task Force Commander doesn't compare. That's a gimme that costs you nothing except to run the entire group of task forces. A fair comparison would be to say you have to run Posi through Numina and then spend 300 of the merits you earned to buy the Commander accolade. And another 300 merits if you want the costume epaulets.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    And as long as we're on the subject, here's her new costume that has nothing to do with Steampunk:

    I think I dated her in college
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    Actually, given what fashion designers have a tendency to make and put their models through, yes, I would sooner take Golden girl's word as a fellow clothes wearing person than the word of someone who stuffs half-starved girls into utterly ridiculous outfits.
    That's like saying you would listen to a random schlep talk about cars over an automotive engineer because sometimes the auto companies put out concept cars that you think are silly. Who do you think designs all the "regular" clothes at the department stores?
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AzureSkyCiel View Post
    I concur. I also want to question Positron's belief that gating these pieces is anymore a disservice to their work than giving them out. Personally, I feel that we could appreciate the Ascension Armor a bit MORE if it was a bit more common.
    Ironically, gating the pieces at 50 and behind the merit unlocks pretty much guarantees that I'll never use them which seems more of a disservice to their creators than allowing me to use them at level one.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
    Is there a point in the life of a booster that the sales diminish to a negligible amount? If that's the case, wouldn't it be better to offer an alternate method of unlocking said booster(s) without the need for money?
    From a business standpoint, it would make more sense to eventually lower the price (either permanently or with a sale) so you can collect from people who wouldn't spend $10 on a costume booster but might spend $5. No reason to go from $10 to free.