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  1. I said to a friend just the other night that I always start humming Carmina Burana in my head whenever I see/fight a Fortuna

    O Fortuna,
    velut luna,
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Slazenger View Post
    Would like a solo arc to be going into the Preatoria version of The Zig and freeing captured Heroes/villians, the more powerful the Hero/villian the better the security you will come up against, with various AV's called in to stop you on some sort of timer or activated by an alarm system.
    I like it. Maybe villains would get to go against Primal Earth Zig?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Then all of a sudden we're gnats before the might of god-modding NPCs.
    I would not mind half as much if they also gave us opportunities to face the same characters as Elite Bosses. So that when we face them on iTrials and TFs there is some story reason (access to the reactors or whatever) why they require so many to take down. I still think the AV to EB change was one of the most inspired additions to this game and has allowed me to single handedly (footedly?) kick the butt of almost all the signature villains and quite a few of the signature heroes too.

    I want to face Tyrant is single combat, hero to villain, and defeat him utterly. Then he can skulk back to wherever, and power up for the incarnate trial show down. Such events are comic book A B Cs as far as I am concerned
  4. My son (11 years old) was really looking forward to Diablo III, but its release has been pushed back to January. So I was wondering if the gaming population here might have any alternative suggestions?

    Extreme left field suggestions also welcome.

    ps: He has been good.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The devs have said the the enemies in DA will be harder than normal content, but not as hard as the Trial enemies - it'd be silly for them to all give the same level of rewards.
    One last go for luck:

    More hit points <> Harder

    AV on a team of 6 is more often harder to defeat than super-dooper Incarnate AV on team of 24.

    If rewards truly matched difficulty then the BAF rewards would be nerfed into non-existence. The rewards are there for teaming with people, not for difficulty.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
    Seem to recall whatever it uses is less actual peer-to-peer and more mirrored sources.
    Reading Akamai's own material I believe its both. They mirror the resources and the client uses p2p tech.

    I'd never heard of it until I tried installing CoX on an old XP machine. I believe it will work well for most people unless your ISP has particularly draconian throttling practices.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    as the solo stuff isn't as challenging
    You keep repeating this teaming-hard/solo-easy mantra and its simply not true.

    The team stuff gets more rewards to encourage play with other people, not because its in any way harder. Its not.
  8. Jagged

    Old XP Machine

    Originally Posted by WanderingAries View Post
    Is this a new CoX install?
    It started off as an upgrade but when that didn't work I tried a clean install to a separate directory with no luck. Unfortunately I am never getting as far as the install since the installer fails to start.

    Originally Posted by houtex View Post
    I'm guessin' it's one of two things:

    The file(s) in question are locked for some reason, either due to a program holding on to them, or one of the folders listed in the install somewhere is not allowing access to the files.

    It's possible the spaces in the name "NCPatcherCon fig" is the problem.

    Other than that... idunno. Drill press maybe.
    I've tried checking the file security settings and the seem okay. Its being run from an account with full admin authority. The same in the name was just me hitting the space bar when I copied and pasted.

    Anyway thanks for the suggestions
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Agent White View Post
    actually that's a bit of a misconception. People don't think they need to get a team built pre-queue in order to get in, people try to get a full team going for 'max rewards' to squeeze out as much XP as they can out of the AVs. Every time I've joined a DFB trial the leaders have always tried to fish for a full 8 because of that exact reason.
    Agreed. Plus trial and error (if you will pardon the pun) shows that its quicker to broadcast for a team than queue. YMMV.
  10. Jagged

    Old XP Machine

    I've been trying to get good old City of Heroes to run on an old machine running XP. This has run the game in the past, but has since had the game removed, newer graphics card added, and more recently thrown in the corner and forgotten

    I've done the windows update, installed the most recent .Net and the Core XML Services but the new launcher gives me an ugly error code when it tries to run.

    Error Code: 13 (ProductConfigurationLoadError):
    There was an error loading the product configuration file 'D:\Games\CityofHeroes\Config\Default\NCPatcherCon fig\Products\NCLauncher\Main\NCPatcherProductConfi g.xml'.
    Please make sure the game is properly installed.
    Its behind the same router and the other PC running CoX and turning off the firewall doesn't help. Any suggestions from CoX gurus welcome.
  11. I'm with Captain-Electric, its not much to ask to keep spoliers out of thread titles.

    A polite request to a mod will get it changed, if you can't do it yourself.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The slower progress and time-gated rewards on the solo path will make it less attractive to any players looking for the fastest way to advance their Incarnate abilities.
    Any incarnate content that can be run solo will have the immediate advantage that it won't cause you to jump through irritating hurdles before initiation, like that required of you should you wish to PUG a trial. Therefore if you include the time taken to recruit and configure a league into the equation, the rewards for solo would have to be very poor indeed for them not to draw people from the iTrials.

    The good news is that solo content might make it easier to PUG due to more people running the solo content while queued.

    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    The Trials are toughest content in the game
    The fact that missions requiring 16 people to start have AVs that require 12 people to kill, doesn't make them tough. Quit the reverse imo.
  13. Does the new launcher make use of Akamai technologies?

    I have no problem with it myself but I have been told (second hand) that it can get hit by some ISPs under their peer-to-peer throttling.
  14. In short I think I would enjoy them all more if I could run them for a team of 8.

    If a significant proportion of the level 50 population feels similarly inclined then the iTrials will be run a lot less once Dark Astoria gets it revamp. I have no idea whether or not that will be the case.

    Make no mistake, I want to run the trials, but the league requirement and team-up-teleporter are all things that put me off. I've done the Underground and I enjoyed it greatly but it was a right royal pain in the **** to get on one. Not sure if I will ever join one again. I will make the effort to do the new ones at least once, after that? Who knows.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Moreover, I feel that City of Heroes lacks a certain something that many other MMOs have, and that's a sense of discovery and exploration, a sense of... Seeing the world.
    Are you sure its not just that you have lost that feeling because we've been here forever?

    I certainly used to have that feeling and would explore every zone as I reached the appropriate level. I remember the first time I ventured into Kings Row and I remember trying to sneak around Founders Falls (sans stealth powers) just to see the newly added zone. Now though, I am familiar with them all, have all the explorer badges, that sense of discovery is naturally gone.

    Mind you I don't think things like the horrid Team-Up-Teleport, Contact Finder and Mission Teleporter do anything to help.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
    inb4 flame storm
    On the contrary, I think we are all in agreement with this rare moment of sanity
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
    I think he means at the part right before choosing a server to log into.
  18. Jagged

    Old XP Machine

    I've been trying to get good old City of Heroes to run on an old machine running XP. This has run the game in the past, but has since had the game removed, newer graphics card added, and more recently thrown in the corner and forgotten

    I've done the windows update, installed the most recent .Net and the Core XML Services but the new launcher gives me an ugly error code when it tries to run.

    Error Code: 13 (ProductConfigurationLoadError):
    There was an error loading the product configuration file 'D:\Games\CityofHeroes\Config\Default\NCPatcherCon fig\Products\NCLauncher\Main\NCPatcherProductConfi g.xml'.
    Please make sure the game is properly installed.
    Its behind the same router and the other PC running CoX and turning off the firewall doesn't help. Any suggestions from CoX gurus welcome.
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Chaos Creator View Post
    PLing is a service industry.
    As is supplying drugs and prostitution.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gruumch View Post

    *starts suffering flashbacks*

    Truly awful film. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Draugadan View Post
    Hmmm Jennifer Connelly ....
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
    These are all moves that I've never seen, and have no intetion of ever seeing. Especially "swingers". Never heard of it before, but it sure sounds naughty.
    You should give "Little Shop of Horrors" a go.
  23. You can add me to the list of people that enjoy this mission. Even though I have failed it more than won it, because my regular gaming group are a bit light in the damage department

    Still I think I would rather the Devs don't touch it because it will probably end up attached to the LFG mechanism or will be changed in some other way that I won't like.

    My Suggestions:
    1) Make the Hydra Enhancements scale with level up to 50. We can do that now right?
    2) Make the Particle Cannon and Thermite Cannon available as alternative weapon skins that can be unlocked through this trial.
    3) Have the Krakens give rewards like they once did. In Days of Yore the Krakens were a rich source of glorious XP! I think these days your average farmer or PLer would turn their noses up and laugh

    I also think the OPs suggestions for reward merits are good.