224 -
the first assault is at noon eastern time, but you can hit the snooze button and attend the second assault at noon pacific time.
I can lead an Alpha team in the morning and an Omega team in the afternoon.
I'll be postponing the Shadow Shard Shaturday for May 1st for this event. -
Sara Moore done in 2:01:54
Crimson Training Bot - shield/axe tank
Resonaunce - sonic/mental blaster
Burly Dark Fist - dark/invul scrapper
Sagaris - willpower/axe tank
Shadow.Shield - elect/shield scrapper
NyghtSide - dark/dark defender
Big-Joe - spines/elect scrapper
Agriculture - plant/kin controller -
Sara Moore is scheduled for this weekend. if we get a solid team and we got spare time, we'll likely run it again with alts
Allow me to play devil's advocate for just a moment in regards to the "elitist being heard more than the rank and file types."
Whether your base is cram packed with tricked out deco or the base is nothing more than an entrance and a storage workshop, you pay the same per month as anyone else. *If* the devs are going to listen to anyone, they'll listen to the more outspoken, as CaptA said. The squeaky wheel gets the grease, in most cases. And the ones that squeak most here are the ones that take their base seriously enough to show it off and talk about all the stuff they want to design. Typically, the folks who don't care much about their base because there is no functionality aren't the ones here asking for it. Of course there are exceptions and I'm speaking in generalized terms. But everything else you said is golden and spot on.
/no flame war
/moar functionality please -
April 26-27 would be a good day to be finished by. Issue 17 releases April 28th and I'll be pretty busy running the Posi TF and the new story arcs, as well as badge hunting.
don't be shy. no base is too big and no base is too small. everyone spends hours upon hours tweaking and making things look just right. I'd be happy to take a peek and spotlight anyone's base, even solo or duo SGs/VGs. In fact, all 3 bases pictured above are fairly small in size and roster.
If you want yours showcased, just send a tell to @Carlos Spicy Weiner in-game or PM me on the forums. Please be sure to include the designer's global name, the server, and whether it's a hero or villain base. Please keep in mind though that to limit the amount of forum space used, I'm only going to post 4 screenshots of each base I tour. Tell me what you like most about your base and I'll do my best to make sure your voice and enthusiasm is represented in the post. -
This is the villain group Glass Dragon, also on Liberty server. The designer/owner is @Cale Westmarch
If you're going to see the base, make sure to leave a trail of breadcrumbs. The whole concept of the base is "density," which means it's not a very large plot but there are rooms within rooms within rooms within rooms within rooms. I give props to anyone with that much patience for stacking. It's hard to capture the scope of this project with just screenshots, so it's really something you need to see in person to appreciate. The other great thing in this base is the attention to detail. The designer RPs as an arsonist, so there are fire hoses and extinguishers all over the place. Proper safety is important considering he also has a forest on site. -
Next up, we've got L.A.W.L.E.S.S. which is a villain group on Liberty server owned and designed by @Niaflyte
The thing I liked about this base was the symmetry in certain rooms like the entrance and the medbay. In so many bases you see, stuff is just thrown wherever it will fit with no care for how it looks at certain angles. When looking at some of these rooms head-on, it's almost as if there is a mirror down the middle and I really appreciate a base that shows that level of design. The other great thing about this base is the lighting. It's a dark, brooding motif that uses indivual room lighting to accentuate the design. The entrance really sets the mood for this base as a whole because it's dark and lush, almost as if you were going to take a walk at midnight in the spooky woods. You half expect a fog to come rolling in as you zone into the base. The base overall is a delicate mixture of arcane and tech. Another nice highlight is the personal vault. The vault in this base is simplistic yet clever. Niaflyte filled in one square on the plot and then placed the vault door on it so it looks like the vault is built into the wall and adds depth to the room. The vault isn't just slapped onto a wall, it's carved out of the room. -
First off, we have the Liberty server Villain group "The Drow" owned and designed by @sblamphere
This man was really proud of his vehicle designs, as well he should be. He has several "big rigs" and "urban assualt tanks" around, as well as "gooney bird" planes and what appear to be helicarriers. The big rigs use torches to make it look like flames coming out of the exhaust ports. He also had several "spider machines" which i think looked more like AT-TE's
the thing i really liked about this base though was the empowerment station setup. For some folks with all the crafting badges and WW badges, salvage is pretty pointless. Just about everything you have in inventory shows up as 5000 for sale and 0 bidding (at least for me) so I just use all my salvage crafting empowerment buffs and vendor trash the rest. The empowerment station is a rarely used, highly valued commodity in my opinion. I think the markets might even level out a bit if more people used the buff stations instead of placing thier stuff at WW. At least then, maybe someone's common salvage would sell for more than 10 inf -
There are many threads where you can see pics of someone's proud achievements, and there are always call outs in the BBI channel for people wanting to give a tour, not to mention fellow builders with tons of input/suggestions/ideas. This thread will be for all of the above.
Each week, I will endeavor to make a post spotlighting one base in particular with a list of things I like about the base as well as some screenshots. I'm really only doing this because I miss the base spotlight section from the Paragon Times. In my opinion, it really was the only section worth reading (like the funny pages of your local newspaper). -
Justin Augustine TF done in 1:04:10
Crimson Training Bot - shield/axe tank
Burly Dark Fist - dark/invul scrapper
Lacey Rene - dual blades/super reflexes scrapper
Serendib Djinn - fire/mental blaster
Thorn of Keebler - spines/willpower scrapper
Cindi - assault rifle/devices blaster
Outlet Parrish - elect/elect tanker
Shock Block - elect/shield scrapper -
This shaturday the Crimson Order will be running the Justin Augustine TF at 1pm EDT and I look forward to a big turn out. This TF is a fairly quick one (by shadow shard standards) so we might even have time to squeeze in a quick Sara Moore or even run Justin again with alts.
See you there! -
anytime after 8pm EDT or on the weekends works for my SG, the Crimson Order. We tend to do a lot of TFs and raids but it's always spur of the moment because anytime I schedule stuff, people forget LOL. We would be interested in refreshing our coalition list though and look forward to participating as a group in any of the functions that the Round Table comes up with.
I'm glad we were able to get such a good turn out last night for the Trials. We did the Cavern and Sewer trials and I know my teams had fun on both runs, so just drop me a tell in-game at @Carlos Spicy Weiner when you're ready to do the next event. Give me some advanced notice and I can edit the Crimson Order global channel's MoTD as well. You can also feel free to add Shadow Shard Shaturdays to your list of events that we do every Saturday at 1pm EDT (shameless self plug)
thanks -
I'll be there with an experienced posse available to lead multiple teams if enough folks show up. Look forward to it.
april 13th isnt likely, but i doubt it'll be in may. so i'll take the 13th
Shadow Shard Shaturday's Dr Quarterfield TF completed in 3:14:25! Well done folks and thanks for joining.
Crimson Training Bot - shield/axe tanker
Burly Dark Fist - dark/invul scrapper
Shock Block - elect/shield scrapper
Galaxy Dragon - energy/energy blaster
Niaflyte - empathy/psi defender
Lacey Rene - dual blades/super reflexes scrapper
Scots Shield - shield/fire tanker
Outlet Parish - elect/elect tanker -
sorry for the late post...
Dr Q scheduled for this Shaturday. Same shard time, same shard channel -
Faathim the Kind completed in 2:43:01 for 73 merits and the Slayer of Madness badge
Crimson Training Bot - shield/axe tank
Niaflyte - empathy/psi defender
Burly Dark Fist - dark/invul scrapper
Galaxy Dragon - energy/energy blaster
Resonaunce - sonic/mental blaster
Thermogenic - fire/rad controller
ICYs REVENGE - peacebringer
Trucknator - dark/dark scrapper -
Faathim the Kind TF is scheduled for this Shaturday at 1pm Eastern. Hope to see you there!
pretty good run. we finished up in 1hr 32minutes, but i forgot to get everyone's name. sorry
Sara Moore this Shaturday at 1pm EDT
see you there! -
i found some downtime tonight and... well... one thing led to another.
http://www.thinkgeek.com/clearance/on-sale/bb94/images/ -
Justin Augustine completed in 1 hr 43 min
Crimson Training Bot
Kinetic Mage
Neuro Burn
HMO Medic
Delta 911