Something for SG's and Coalies
I have made a 'Coalition" with The Sisterhood, and Sentinel of Liberty SGs here on liberty. Within the next week or so whenever I find out a way to get the 3SG Logos together for the Banner and to represent Liberty Round Table.
Liberty Round Table consists of Leaders from Project Obsidian Operations, The Sisterhood, and Sentinel of Liberty. We have around 10-15people if I'm not mistaken.
We plan on hosting events/raids every weekend.
If Lady can't do the 3 logos(shes a busy woman, I understand )
I'll try and 'find' a way to get the 3 logos together and get this "Round Table" rolling like a nascar pit stop.
Don't want 'a lot' of people/SGs in the Round Table, because it will just end up like a chat channel, chaos... Nothing won't be done.
You can.... /Chan_join Sisterhoodfriends - or - Obsidian Ops Friends
Channels...... Better off with 'Sisterhoodfriends' channel, still working on ideas and get from other servers to join us on events etc....
The Bunny Race was my first event that I held, 500mill given out, and 60merits. Was fun, and went nice and smooth. So did the GM/Sig AV hunt. No one was in RV besides 1 villian, wont mention any names "tried" too grief it. But the Heroine, PW, saved the day.
Wow, I'm messy today. So yes, still working and organizing stuff before 'Liberty Round Table' is up and running. Focusing on getting people together to bring down the mighty Hamidon, tfs, MSRs, trials... Events... and more. Hopefully to get some PvP events, and get things going in the PvP zones.(If anyone is up for a little arena fun, with rewards.) *In the Future*

I think it is an awesome idea, Saint John. I think it would be a great way of spreading the "spirit of Liberty" and an added benefit would be getting to know the other SGs and SG leaders here on Liberty.
I have set up a forum board for Liberty Round Table at our website for event planning discussions.
Yes, it would be a great idea. As Steele told me in a PM in game, not to have too many people in 'Liberty Round Table' channel, will cause problems and other people pissing on others ideas. I don't see a problem to have 'Leaders' only in the channel, just not to many. The Sisterhood 'Liberty Round Table' forum is a great idea.
Have one here as well.

Hey, I'm all for a way to help make Liberty better... Been here on this account since 2005 and on my previous account since the game came out... though I am guilty of often taking time off in the past and not always paying the fee... lol...
Anything I can do to assist or help would be fine with me... my time is typically limited to an hour or so in the later part of the evenings during the week (10ish Eastern Time) and a little more flexible on Saturaday afternoons or Sunday...
I'm sure the 'Round Table' will represent the server well... Just unclear as to what a 'Round Table' will focus on that the current avenues such as PERC and other larger groups of folks have not already established in the way of events and such... But hey, if it works to Liberty's advantage... You have my vote (if I actually had a vote to cast )

anytime after 8pm EDT or on the weekends works for my SG, the Crimson Order. We tend to do a lot of TFs and raids but it's always spur of the moment because anytime I schedule stuff, people forget LOL. We would be interested in refreshing our coalition list though and look forward to participating as a group in any of the functions that the Round Table comes up with.
I'm glad we were able to get such a good turn out last night for the Trials. We did the Cavern and Sewer trials and I know my teams had fun on both runs, so just drop me a tell in-game at @Carlos Spicy Weiner when you're ready to do the next event. Give me some advanced notice and I can edit the Crimson Order global channel's MoTD as well. You can also feel free to add Shadow Shard Shaturdays to your list of events that we do every Saturday at 1pm EDT (shameless self plug)
Yes. Yup. Positive.
Last night was for fun and badges, REAL stuff is on weekends. I don't mind leaders into Liberty Round Table, unless they are active on the weekends... and is a good role model for LRT.

Legion of Steel would be interested in taking part as well. We are a smallish group but with a complete base whose members are active in the game. (we all play just about every day for a little while at least)
I did the Sewers and Cavern and had fun on both. Eden would have been nice but no time. Maybe next time!
BTW, I usually run a NSTF (Non-Speed run Task Force) on Sundays at Noon to help new players and returning players get an idea of what they are like. Speed runs are hard on new players and often leave them wondering what the heck just happened. You can add this to your calendar if you care to.
Okay. I found out how to merge photos/logos together. If you can get me your SG logo by 7pm edt today... or tomorrow any time. I will add your SG logo to the Liberty Round Table's Banner. Whenever I catch Lady on, I'm gonna give her the Banner and have her post stuff about LRT. (I'm not good at posting pictures/images up) usually is broken... and she does a wonderful job at making everything look good.

Okay. I found out how to merge photos/logos together. If you can get me your SG logo by 7pm edt today... or tomorrow any time. I will add your SG logo to the Liberty Round Table's Banner. Whenever I catch Lady on, I'm gonna give her the Banner and have her post stuff about LRT. (I'm not good at posting pictures/images up) usually is broken... and she does a wonderful job at making everything look good.
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You can go to the AWOL website and right click | save as on our logo to download it or go to and get it directly.
I also agree that a refresh of Coalies would be a great thing for all of us.
Thank you,
Got it. Orginal idea was 3 SGs. Maybe I can make it 5 for LRT. Got your logo..... Matt

So, it's time to get this all started... Of course we're all in this together... so by this time tomorrow I will head over to the SHForums and see if we can't get something going...
Liberty has so much to offer that I am sure with the GREAT minds that encompass this forum and the game itself, the LRT is sure to enhance the game-play of new members and vetern members of the Liberty Server family...
I look forward to being a member (or simply a passive voice), in any standing... assisting my fellow Liberty SG's...

I am working on the Logo for Liberty Round Table. Hopefully to have it done by Wednesday.

There are many great SG's out there and I know this is a well beat path and thread... but maybe we can all plan an EVENT DAY with as many SG's as we can gather... What I am thinking is a day planned in AP where we all open our doors to our SG's for others to tour, ask questions and even join if they wish...
Have an SG day where members of different SG's team together solely to get to know one another again... I know many great people and toons in this game and seldom have the pleasure of teaming with many of them...
This should not be considered a recruiting tool, but we all seem to have certain groups we all team with on a regular basis... maybe it's time we break that habit (guilty as charged) and seek other venues???
DW SG/VG at one point dropped into the top 100 on Liberty but the focus of the SG was never to be the biggest, but to offer teaming opportunities and group functions... Tho we have faultered and gained at the same time, we remain a smaller group that has everything to offer... (shameless plug)
Now, with i17 and GR soon to be released we all know the streets will soon be swarming with new characters and people new to the game... it would be GREAT if they got introduced to the spirit of LIBERTY... where we all believe we are the best server and certainly the most united of all the servers...
So, I propose a SG event day and teaming day where all the SG's form teams, be heroic and help each other out... No more than two members of an SG on the same team... with each SG team member getting a mission or arc and leading through... heck even doing TF's as a team...
Again, there are so many great SG's out there and so many never get to experience them unless invited to that SG... Why don't we open our doors for a day, get more coalitions going and do a SG event day together???
Any thoughts or ideas would be greatly appreciated as I ramble-on here!...