Shadow Shard Shaturdays
I have added this wonderful festivity to the Liberty Calendar! WOOT!

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012
What an excellent idea, Crimson Order!
I have also added this event to the calendar on Sisterhood's Web Base.
Feel free to stop by and check the site out and you might as well join while you are there. ;-)
Oct 3 2009 - Justin Augustine completed in 1hr 38 minutes
team had 4 tanks, 2 fire blasters, 2 fire/kin controllers
Nice Justin Time...
I'd be up for this if not busy...just FYI, will be bringing a Stoner.
A couple of this, a couple of that.
Join Liberty
This Shaturday we'll be running the Sara Moore Task Force. Traditionally we can run this in about 2 hrs. I've heard horror stories of people trying and taking 3-5 hours and it saddens me. So to make this one special (and if we can get enough people), I'd like to have a race. We'll build multiple 8-person teams and the first team to finish will get a cash payout of 10 million influence to each person on the winning team. If you're on my team and we win, I'll give 15 million influence per person Be sure to be in the zone 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of 1pm Eastern. Hope to see you there!
wow nice.. i am definatly interested in this. only prob is i have to get a hero to level 40+ lol
Sara Moore done in 2hrs 22mins by Tanker Ray, Alpha 911, Nova-Ninja, Pan., Trucknator, RX-98 Panda, Muse of Song, and MSUpigskinLover. They all won 10 million influence each.
As for my own team, we had a few folks with some connectivity issues so we wrapped things up in 3hrs and 5mins, but we all had some fun and got 64 merits each, so all in all, not a bad day.
Hope to see you all there next weekend for Faathim the Kind!
I am sure I have more than a few 50s that need Faathim. Let me know what AT can contribute the most for the run and I will try to oblige.
Faathim the Kind TF completed in 2:34:31. Our empath quit on the 3rd or 4th mission, but we still had a fire/kin, 2 blasters, 2 tanks, and 2 scrappers. Several of the missions are stealthable, so I respec'd my shield/battle axe tank and picked up recall friend prior to starting.
We had enough people show up so we ran 2 teams simultaneously. Team 2 had the same team build, but they lost their fire/kin and a blaster. They were able to finish the TF in 3:22:56.
nobody turned out for the Dr Q on 10/24/09. We'll try again next weekend, although I'm not sure what kind of activity we can expect on Halloween day. It might be 11/07/09 before we have enough people. Regardless, I'll be in FBZ on 10/31/09 at 1pm EST in case enough people do show up for Dr Quarterfield. Remember folks, it's worth 122 merits.
I may not be able to make this after all, I just realized your start time was EST and I have a play test scheduled for a different game at that time. I'll come if the play test falls through, otherwise, good luck!
dr q finished in 3:28:15
Crimson Traning Bot - shield/battle axe tank
Shock Block - elect/shield scrapper
Pyro Technique - fire/kin controller
Phe'dre - earth/emp controller
Zambuca - illusion/trick arrow controller
Kabuki Girl - mind/kin controller
LadyAvenge - dark/regen scrapper
Encrinca - dual blades/super reflexes scrapper
thanks to all who showed up. next week will be Justin Augustine lvl 44-50
Awesome! I hope we can count on you to be there this coming Shaturday! My main has 639 badges so I understand how it feels when you realize you're missing just ONE in a series
*edit* - 640 now that I just finished Master of Imperious TF
Holy Shat. Had to be said.
edited the original post. Justin Augustine had a bug that was causing it to grant 24 merits instead of 42, but it has been fixed and the OP now displays the correct reward amount. Good thing too since I planned on running that one tomorrow.
strong run on the Justin Augustine. we wrapped things up in under an hour and a half. 3 scrappers, 2 tanks, 2 controllers, 1 blaster.
We got Sara Moore coming up next weekend, and since it's one of my favorites we might do something special for those attending. i'll post more on that later.
Sara Moore was completed in 1:56:54. good time, despite all the deaths
Crimson Traning Bot: shield/axe tank
Doc Hornet: energy/energy blaster
Zambuca: illusion/TA controller
Saint Doom: broad sword/willpower scrapper
Impervium Fist: martial arts/willpower scrapper
Kinetic Mage: gravity/kin controller
Shock Block: electric/shield scrapper
Pyro Technique: fire/kin controller
Had a great time, Infernal. Thanks for organizing it.
I look forward to Faathim the Kind tomorrow. I believe our last run was about 2 and a half hours which isnt too bad since this TF is worth 73 merits. I'll be running either my fire blaster Infernal Marquis or my shield tank Crimson Training Bot, so look for me in the Chantry. I'll be at the contact inside the giant death star in the middle of the map
Faathim the Kind completed in 2:32:41. In addition to the normal 73 merits, everyone got an extra 36 merits after we left the map.
Shock Block - electric/shield scrapper
Crimson Training Bot - shield/axe tank
Tax E girl - empathy/psi defender
Doc Hornet - energy/energy blaster
Serendib Djinn - fire/mental blaster
Roadkill Revenge - spines/fire scrapper
Earth Tone - plant/kin
Noble Joe - archery/energy blaster
The Crimson Order would like to initiate a repeating scheduled event focused on running the Shadow Shard TFs every Saturday at 1pm Eastern to give everyone a chance to get the badges. We'll run one TF every Saturday starting October 3rd 2009 and continue until there are no more player requests.
We will run them in the following order:
Justin Augustine - lvl 44-50 (42 merits)
Sara Moore - lvl 40-50 (64 merits)
Faathim the Kind - lvl 44-50 (73 merits)
Dr. Quarterfield - lvl 40-44 (122 merits)
Please be in the zone at the contact at least 15 minutes prior to the scheduled start time of 1pm Eastern. Team spots will be filled on a first come first served basis. The use of ventrilo will be available.
Thank you