Shadow Shard Shaturdays




Congrats! I keep missing these and I'd really like to attend. The TF time conflicts with a beta I'm working on from 10 AM - 1 PM every Saturday. Maybe I'll catch you one of these days.



Sorry I missed it. I will try to be there next Saturday.



friendly reminder: Dr Q TF is tomorrow at 1PM Eastern. Our last run was in 3 1/2 hours, so I look forward to trying to beat that time! This TF exemplars down to lvl 44, so any lvl 50s WILL have all of their powers, just not all of the lvl 50 set bonuses. Many of the first missions are "rescue hostages from Rularuu" which is my least favorite mission of the Sara Moore. Our usual strategy is to pop a lot of purples and oranges and just plow through the mobs and only defeating the ones that have hostages. We call it "tank stealthing" so come prepared.



I think I'll show up.



Dr Q finished in 4:51:31

we had a few hang ups, such as spending 45 minutes hunting for a crey boss. and we lost a teammember after about 2 hours. but other than that, it was fun. Thanks to those that joined us on ventrilo! We had some good laughs

Crimson Training Bot - shield/axe tank
Pyro Technique - fire/kin controller
Slamnation - fire/shield scrapper
Flaming Rissa - fire/fire scrapper
Burly Dark Fist - dark/invuln scrapper
Mr. Bullet - invuln/super strength tank
Officer Spanks - rad/ice defender



Sorry for dropping out half way in. Got a map server DC, and then I had to get ready for work. Fun while it lasted though.



no worries, we got through it. I'm just glad you were able to attend and have fun



Friendly Reminder: Justin Augustine is this Saturday at 1PM Eastern. Come on out and pick up an easy 42 merits. This is one of the quicker Shard TFs, so we might turn around and do a Sara Moore afterwards



I would love to help out this Sat, i've been trying to find someone
doing Moore's and Dr.Q's TF's for some time. I dont mind running them
all over again, but will drop for someone that hasn't run Augustine
before. Hope to see you on Sat.



I will join in on this if you still have room.
See you there.



Justin Augustine completed in 1hr 24min for 42 merits. Good run folks!

Shock Block - electric/shield scrapper
Zambuca - illusion/trick arrow controller
Valkeris - energy/energy blaster
Babydoll Tax E - earth/kin controller
AJ Brightes Light - electric/electric blaster
Saul Tigh - shield/super strength tank
Crimson Training Bot - shield/axe tank
Melchizedek II - willpower/energy tank



I'll be working overtime this weekend, so this Shaturday's Sara Moore event will be led by @Krevan

Sara Moore starts in the Cascades, so look for him there or just send him a tell for an invite. Krevan usually runs shock Block for these events, but he just respec'd Tanker Ray so he might be on either toon. Our Sara Moore runs are usually done in under 2hrs and have become pretty popular amongst our coalitions and global friends, so be on time! If enough folks show up, we will run multiple teams. Good Luck!



I'll be there with my Broadsword/Shield scrapper, Rex Vanadium.

The one Shaturday TF I've made it onto was a blast, and the shard TFs, for all their tediousness, are among my favorites.



1:53 on today's Sara Moore, great job everyone!



yay! I'm snowed in this weekend! Faathim the Kind Saturday at 1pm Eastern. See you there



finished Faathim in 2hrs 23min for 73 merits. the extra merit bug has been fixed

Crimson Training Bot - shield/axe tank
Shock Block - elect/shield scrapper
Nyxoplyx - martial arts/dark armor scrapper
Serendib Djinn - fire/mental blaster
AJ Brightes Light - elect/elect blaster
Mystic Lad - kin/energy blast defender
Adarkar Valkyrie - katana/willpower scrapper
Torch Monkey - this toon just had the star so we didnt have to keep running to the contact. it's Serendib Djinn's 2nd account



this Shaturday was scheduled to be Dr Q, but I'll be working overtime in the office from 9am - 2pm. Since it will be the day after Christmas, we're going to reschedule for Jan 2nd 2010. I think that running Dr Q will be a great way to kick off the first Shaturday of the new year. See you then!



Will there be a Shadow Shard run this Saturday (January 2, 2010)?



Will there be a Shadow Shard run this Saturday (January 2, 2010)?
yup. Dr Q



Will be there, looking foward to Dr. Q!



Dr Quarterfield TF done in 5:07:51. Some missions took way longer than expected, but we persevered. thanks to everyone for coming out

Crimson Training Bot - shield/axe tank
AngelusDeMors - empathy/archery defender
Targashade - dark/shield scrapper
Samoan Warrior - energy/energy blaster
Mezzz - elect/shield scrapper
Valkeris - energy/energy blaster
Mugsy Malone - spines/fire scrapper
Zosimus - kin/rad defender



just a heads up, Justin Augustine Saturday at 1pm EST



my computer crashed in the middle of the Justin Augustine TF so I don't know the teambuild/time completed. Unless I can get my system running by the end of this week or if I am able to coordinate a replacement team leader, there might not be a SSShaturday this weekend.



If you cannot find a replacement from Crimson Order to lead the TF, I would be more than happy to do so.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



That would be great, Tax E. Thanks. This Shaturday is scheduled to be Sara Moore in the Cascades at 1pm EST.