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  1. I think a good example of a difficult, non EB fight would be the mass of Dopplegangers at the end of the first half of Posi. It's unique, and it's challenging. Has less to do about mounds of HP to overcome and more about tactics and strategy.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
    You forgot the complaints about the complainers.
    Ehhh, what can ya do, heh.

  3. I think regardless of when it comes out people will complain about:

    How long it's taken
    How long it took
    The sounds
    The animation
    The damage output
    The endurance costs
    The lack of a certain type of damage whether it be ST, PBAoE, or etc
    That it doesn't look right while flying
    That it doesn't bathe their cat
    That it's not open Sunday

    etc, etc, etc.
  4. I think there's been plenty of good suggestions for creating difficulty without resorting to something that make alot of people gnash their teeth, stomp their feet, and proclaim unfair. :P
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
    Here's something everyone would hate:

    An enemy that can turn off half your powers =) All at random, and it would switch which powers are "off" every minute or so. Would not apply to Temp powers.

    Enemies that deal direct, unavoidable damage when killed.

    Enemies that "Respawn" with high resistance against the attack type that killed it last.

    An enemy that can rearrange your UI >=)
    Sounds Eternal Darkness-y. Just missing an attack that if it hits you brings up a screen-overlay of the login screen. :P
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Ardrea View Post
    I've found the DA content more challenging generally. I was on a team of six running story arcs and half the team was getting killed in each encounter -- we had to stop and work out a slightly more deliberate approach to get through.

    Why the difference from others' experiences? I think there's three parts. First, it was a pug, and wasn't full of tricked out, min/max-optimized characters. Second, it wasn't full of plus-3's; this was mostly a group of non-incarnate fifties, some of whom hadn't run trials because they dislike that style of play. Finally, some of the new boss-level enemies in the DA arcs are very dangerous to 'normal' characters -- we had an invulnerability brute, IO'd but +0, who kept getting a new hole ripped into him over and over; he said he felt like a squishie.

    I think if there's a perception that DA is too easy, try it from the perspective of a non-incarnate, less heavily optimized build. Here in the forums, active posters generally aren't average players.
    On the contrary, I am very happy with the difficulty presented in the standard mobs. Said mobs are more difficult than the elite bosses, to me. There were some close calls, alot of back and forth, some times where me not dying involved pulling tricks out of my hat and thanking my recharge rate that certain powers were back up. However, I've had fights with random spawns go on for much longer than the fight with the Sentinel.
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
    after...3 or 4 commons, I just went with the Incarnate Merits and ended up getting 2 Empyreans.
    You got two Empys? O.o
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dr. Aeon View Post
    We have been reading people’s feedback regarding the EB’s in Dark Astoria. Right now, we’re planning on leaving them the same. The goal of Dark Astoria was to provide challenging content for solo players and small teams; upgrading these EB’s to be AV’s that scale down, at this point in development, has the risk of causing a number issues that could hamper this experience, which is something we want to avoid. However, we are taking the feedback into consideration for future arcs, so please continue to give us your opinions about this. Thanks!
    Well, darn.

    That's a shame, but, glad to hear it's being considered for stuff in the future.

  9. Unaware that the rest of the game was incarnate group level content, boy, do I have egg on -my- face!
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Sure thing. Just wait five years like and endure a cavalcade of trolling and insults like I have.
    Or, y'know. We could ask for it now and cut out the middle man. If it's all the same to you.
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    Except in DA where there are no AVs because we're supposed to be that powerful, even if you happen to be on a Defender who can't stand up to an AV.
    Defender AV Soloer right here. I enjoy AVs. I like challenging things, things that make me feel like I have earned either the power to beat them as they are or the skill to handle them or both.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
    Happened to me, too. Except what I did was go into the missions tab, selected the mish, and set it as my active mission. That reset the marker and told me to go to the boat.
    This didn't work for me, however, on the overworld map, the icon was in the correct place.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
    The burden of proof isn't mine.
    I was unaware we were on trial, but, considering your answer to requests for a harder difficulty are "go trial" I suppose that's not too surprising.
  14. ... and still, some of us solo AVs, so, that'd be nice. As a thing. To have. Not trying to make a huge hissy fit or get up in arms, just, "hey, you know, stuff's great, good story arcs, but, if we could have an optional bump, an OPTIONAL bump, that'd be nice."
  15. The majority of you are ridiculous.

    Arcanaville wouldn't need a chalkboard.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post

    So again, you're better off playing a trial or TF if you want to be a faceless cog among many, battering a big bag of HP and regen.
    Or maybe I just want a more dramatic one on one confrontation other than "Welp, ten seconds, that was fun, see y'all around."
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Valandir View Post
    REALLY want the veined skin too.
    Yep yep yep yep yep yep YEP YEP YEP.
  18. Yeah, the option to have these guys actually be AVs would be nice.
  19. But how can you even kneel in all that armor?!
  20. *hops up and down, waving hands about*

    Ooh, me, me, I'd like a PM, oh please oh please oh please.
  21. Evidently the blessings of the Well of the Furies didn't extend everywhere.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mister Rik View Post
    Hey, can some of y'all mention the names of the characters instead of just posting screenshots? Some of us haven't been in the game long enough to know every NPC on sight. I have no idea who those are in posts #87 and #105.

    Anyway, as far as in-game models I have to add another vote for Mirror Spirit, simply because she's got the best model of the NPCs I've encountered so far. Most of the female signature characters I've encountered, at least in their "stand in one spot because they're contacts" versions, are just way too skinny, which leaves even Twinshot and Flambeaux beating most of them.

    Also, I'm a big fan of one particular Longbow model:

    cutesy LB model

    I first encountered this model while playing a villain, and it was hard to get a good screenshot while fighting, so I was happy to find this lady standing in one place talking to a civilian in Faultline
    Wow. I vote for that.
  23. It is pretty much the greatest annual event discounting maaaybe Christmas. Maybe.