Impervious Fist

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  1. Let me start off by saying I am not in any way talking about why players are always there. I'm talking about why are villains always trying to strike there. Recluse's map on his meeting table has crosshairs on it, Neuron's portal shows it, it's the first mayhem mission, why?

    I think Galaxy City would make more sense, it has more statues, the Freedom Corps main building, the MAGI vault, no litter, no graffiti, less crime, and more Longbow. It has even been around for a longer time.

    Atlas has the City Hall, that's about it... yet it has graffiti, a couple of Longbow, ruins, a ton of Hellions, and is more trashy...

    Wouldn't it make more sense for Recluse, Cole, and all of those other baddies to try and strike Galaxy City instead?
  2. Impervious Fist


    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    I mean no offence when I say this, but are you actually proud of that?
    Eh, I'm not what one would call, eh, what's the
  3. Impervious Fist


    During Mechano and Sam's conversation, I read the first paragraph of the post that started the whole thing. After that I thought tl;dr, and scrolled down to see all of it. Honestly, I never saw so many big words in my life...
  4. In that case, Emperor Cole and i18:

    I think the lyrics are perfect, personally.
  5. I just wanna say that if characters aren't to be paired off, does this mean Statesline was not meant to be?
  6. Although the Dominatrix is AWWWWWWWWW-RIIIIIIIIGHT!
  7. Impervious Fist


    I like how this thread changed from why Jim and Fussionette are different genders to what Sam's preferences in humor are.

    Which reminds me of the original question: Why are they different genders?

    I think I realize that it maybe, just maybe, and if so possibly only slightly, that it is supposed to be a joke. (Which in my opinion, kinda takes a knife to Praetorian Lore)
  8. Impervious Fist


    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    Part of what bugs me is that that's actually in Jane Temblor's description. Something about "inexplicably different gender" or some such. Yes, I get it. Jim Temblor is Jane Temblor. It's funny, I get it. I don't need to be prompted to laugh at it. You don't need to lampshade it. The more you explain a joke, the less funny it is.

    City of Heroes can be humorous, I make no qualms about this. But it's so ham-handed with its humour that it just ruins the effect. You don't need to explain your own jokes, you don't need to turn everything into a running gag and you most definitely don't have to include "You should laugh here!" nods to the audience.

    I know I'm probably one of the few remaining dinosaurs who still check the descriptions of our enemies, especially on a TF, but it's there, and that in itself set me off on a bad leg for the whole sketch.
    Until I read this, I found it to actually be a bit funny. Thanks Sam...
  9. Impervious Fist


    No one answered my question that I never asked therefore it never became a question, so I shall ask it now.

    But fo' why so seriously, why are they different genders. SPOIL- wait never mind too late.
  10. Impervious Fist


    If I included a picture, how could I be able to write a short OP that explains nothing?
  11. Impervious Fist


    Praetorian Faultline and Fusionette...........

    I'm sorry, what...uh...what...what was that?
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
    244 merits to be precise. I think anyone would run Doc Q for that much.
    Not I. First time I ran Doc Q:

    Everyone made a vow to complete this TF, no matter what and it was my first time so I figured "Eh, what the hell, can't be that long."

    1/2 way in, the servers crashed and we lost 4 people, leaving only 3 of us plus one dude who crashed every 5 seconds. So, the devil made me want these merits...badly. 8 Hours it took, continuous death all around. All of us were exhausted.

    It gets better, last mish was bugged, the enemies were in the walls, thiiiiis close to being unable to finish.

    244 merits for that hell? No thank you...
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The Hound View Post
    Emperor Cole (It's just something I can picture him singing after he becomes Emperor )
    Probably be better for Romulus Augustus, especially when in his dark form, no?
  14. So we all know the end of the Warden storyline, and if you don't then

    SPOILERS MAY OCCUR...just not in this particular post...
    So yeah, Good Rebel gone bad. Doesn't seem like something a Warden will do, eh? So anyway, what's your thoughts on it, and if you could put in a different ending, then what would it be? (Meant to write this right when I finished the storyline, months ago, but I forgot and I think it seems like a good thread idea)
  15. ........Woah...they're so...woah...
  16. Could it be that the great and all powerful giant man of blue is actually the leader of the members going against the evil tyrant, using the Resistance to his advantage so his legacy could live on or some other ingenious plot the mighty blue one may be planning?
  17. Of course, I'm talking about the blue captions. Who's saying them?
  18. I would redo the structure of the game to meet the modern standards of the New Age in which high quality graphical appearance and simply exquisite gameplay creates a creation of amusement in which many people would gain an exuberant amount of frivolous entertainment.

    or sum crap lyk dat
  19. Why does every thread I make always go so off topic, just like that Statesman one, but this one actually a question...

    Anyone remember the original question, y'know, why am I, a guy who thinks hes still a vigilante, trying to do evil that I know is evil when I thought the evil I was doing is good 5 minutes ago.

    It's more of a topic on Lore and Morality, not a complaint on lackying for contacts.
  20. So what your saying is, its up to the player really on what their intentions are?

    Or you could just be making the funnies, I dunno I'm really messed up tonight.
  21. So ever since the i19 new morality missions came out I noticed something that's bothered me. I know by the time you reach the villain morality mission, basically your a hero who has gone waaaaay to far to serve good. However, even after you reach it, your still all "Justice is served" and then you can be a villain and probably end up saying "Justice is still waiting for it's order." All I wonder is, what happened? I see that the missions are made for you to be more like seeping too far, because they are genius like that, but it really doesn't fit so well with the redside's goals, doesn't it? What's my motivation for doing bad deeds that I know are bad, right after I came off of a boat saying "Justice is awesome, too bad that puppy didn't realize that."
  22. Aigh, the wiki link is not what I meant, as said in the first post. I mean I got stuff like this, instead of any of that other stuff:

    Dark Astoria creeps me out! I once had a friend go in and never return!

    I heard there are some great classes in Steel Canyon! Only there though!

    The sewer threat? A hydra? That's just a silly rumor kids tell these days, it's not true!
    Yeah, stuff like that. On the redside, it works for both bluesiders and redsiders, but on the blueside, bluesider's get the things listed on the wiki, while redsiders get stuff along the lines of the 3 things above. If it works for Rogues, why can't heroes and vigilantes get the same?