744 -
Cool, that means we now have 5 people up for regular teaming on new alts, and MaX when he (of course!) decides to continue his sub.. right MaX? [img]/uk/images/graemlins/wink.gif[/img]
Night Tricker
Looking for 3 more so we have a full team.
I'm currently thinking a 7:30 pm start on either Mondays, Tuesdays or Thursdays, on whatever server everyone can make. Start time can be adjusted but let me know if you're out of slots on either server or if there's a weeknight that doesn't suit you. -
My original intent was to roll brand new characters for this (or use existing very low level ones that would be easy to catch up with). I'd still like that if we can get enough people. If not then I'll think of something else - the plan for that is still very much in progress [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img]
They work correctly in new threads. It's a common conversion issue.
Welcome back, man of stylish costume!
Hmm, I do have a level 19 fire/fire on Union, so a level 20ish team there is another possibility.. I'd really rather make it at least a semi-regular thing though but at least that'd be something to try out.
Inspired by the 8 Dom RSF idea in General Discussion, I started thinking that whenever I've been on a team with 3 or more dominators it's been utterly fantastic. Would there be enough interest to start a regular once-a-week all dominator team?
We can figure out the details like the weekday and server later, right now I just want to know if enough people are willing to commit to it beyond the first couple of sessions. Doms mature late so while I think it will work well even at low levels, I don't think we'll see the full awesomeness until later. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
I'd like to roll a Mind/Nrg or Fire/Ice for this. Ideally, at least one of each primary would be cool. -
My fire dominator doesn't have Hot Feet yet but I think you do need to be on the ground. From what I hear, it could use another EndRdx too. I know Arctic Air needs 3 and I can imagine them having similar endurance costs. I intend to take Hot Feet and slot it for damage, but if you're not taking Fire Cages to keep disoriented mobs in place, slows in Hot Feet could be useful. All in all, if you're taking something that end heavy you're probably best off 6-slotting it to get maximum benefit.
I suspect you'll be hurting for endurance for taking Stamina that late, but you can always see how it goes and get it at 22 instead of Cinders if you need to.
Some people say Whirling Hands is really bad, might be an idea to try it out on test before taking it. I have no experience with energy assault but in general quick blasts (for building domination) and melee ST attacks (for damage) are the key for dominators.
My general slotting advice is focus your slotting early on. 6-slot your most important controls, at least 4-slot your best attacks. Other stuff like the tier 1 blast, power push and AoE immob can really do without slots until you can spare them (quite possibly 40s..). It looks like you've spread your slots quite a bit so far, I don't think it gimps you or anything but do 6-slot Char and Flashfire next, with a little interlude to 3-slot Power Boost [img]/uk/images/graemlins/smile.gif[/img] -
How about Stone/Ice for best survivability? Also, since you're slow it might help that the mobs are, too.
I agree, get Power Boost as soon as you can. It will make Flashfire so much better in the teens, it's worth even delaying Stamina for 2 levels. Really helps Cinders too.
I almost always recommend Hasten for dominators as it really helps with the recharge of area controls and the self buff. -
I'd like to have another go at this with my Ice/Ice dominator if such gimps are allowed. [img]/uk/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img]
Sunday group if there's room -
I would avoid Frostbite at all costs, otherwise can't really go wrong. The ST immob is often useful, though. Enjoy your ice dom!
Also, Claws has had some animation changes. Slash is now a really good attack so if you don't have it you might wanna consider picking it up
Well, the Dev's say 24, or 3 8-man teams.
Off the top of my head, things that "might" be womble spoons: (for those who don't know, the womble spoon is an item with seemingly no purpose required to defeat an invulnerable evil)
From the Eden Trial - resist inspirations dropped from opponents en-route
From the Hydra Trial - temp powers allowing much higher damage than normal powers allow
Neither TC or the cavern has an uberboss, although TV also has the precollected glowies in the reactor belts.
So, assuming that the Devs follow a pattern...
[/ QUOTE ]
Ice Mistral strike force on CoV has a way to drastically reduce an ambush that spawns when fighting the AV. Does anyone know if it's been investigated if something can be done about the Mito spawn, or is it definitely to do with people in aggro range? -
Well fire is trading control for damage. If you want a damage dominator then yeah go with fire but it isn't going to be nearly as good as mind of plant for control. My fire dom couldn't really go near large teams until late teens as my controls drew huge aggro and did little else. It does solo well even before the imps though. At level 18 I do insane damage when Domination and Fiery Embrace are up.
Ice or energy as secondary could help with the control, though, as you'd get Power Boost. -
In a nutshell, if you do any damage to the mobs you get majority of the XP while the damage the mobs do to each other speeds things up a lot, not to mention the damage they don't do to you. XP per spawn is only a little less, spawns per hour is a lot more. The people who lose XP by confusion are the ones that stand back and wait for the mobs to kill each other.
I think mind/nrg sounds like it would solo pretty well, and not only after level 32. My ice dominator only became a decent soloer after 33 and good in the late 30s. My fire/fire has soloed well from level 1. -
Eek! I turn my back for a few days and everyone and their granny outlevels me...
Seriously, grats Filth! -
I would get Power Boost and Arctic Air earlier. You can't run AA constantly before Stamina but it's great for filling the gaps between Ice Slicks. And you'll really want Power Boost before Glacier.
1-2 endreds are enough for Acrobatics and Jack needs at least one damage slot more, then possibly holds, although personally I think his hold is a little too infrequent to warrant slotting at the expense of your own controls. I also think BoI could use one more recharge, early on if you decide to leave AA until 20s. -
I completely agree with Faultline. It's very hard to tank properly with a peacebringer, at least without serious slotting commitment. I had never had a tank when I first got Dwarf, now I do and I'm blown away by how much more effective it is at holding aggro and maneuvring mobs.
It is great to have the option though. Sometimes there's just not a tanker to be found, and sometimes there's a temporary need for a second tank, and the Dwarf can easily fill in then. Versatility is after all the name of the game .
I have lightly slotted up mine, mainly the form, heal and flare. I'm sure it would be a lot more effective if I sacrificed some more slots to it, especially the taunt. I'm not sure it would ever be good enough to be worth it, though. You must already have noticed how tight slotting is on a triform peacebringer, so slotting the dwarf heavily means your other forms will suffer a lot. -
Thanks guys, that was lots of fun! I'm up for a repeat anytime, got a blaster nearly in the level range too.
Also no more TS virginity! -
If you end up with room in the team, I'd like to join with my level 40 peacebringer
I think it's 2 trollers for mez protection that does anything at all. Very hard to find exact information, though.