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  1. awesome, will see what my bank account looks like by end of next week and ill get in touch
  2. these are amazing, really good work.
    do you ship to the UK?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mega_Jamie View Post
    While from a game Lore/RP point of view, I can see why a giant meteor chunk or a giant mechanical machine should take a while to defeat. From a fun over time point of view, I cannot agree with you more.

    The worst culprit of this is the computer in the ITF. It should melt in seconds to a fire attack, or be decimated by Demon pets. instead its soo freaking tough that as you're dismantling it slowly it has time to activate some robots nearby.
    Firewall ?
  4. Identity_EU

    Neuron, Pffft

    Think he is doing the Pushups emote :P
  5. Identity_EU

    Neuron, Pffft

    Your petty clones do nothing!

  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zortel View Post
    No, because there'd still be the animations for powers and emotes to do. And I for one hate being stuck in an Arachnos costume when I could use the slot for something else.
    just like there was for the Spiders? did stop that though
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Smash_Zone View Post
    To put it briefly, no.

    The longer answer; having multiple arms or heads or whatever would require building a brand new skeleton. Right now, we have three skeleton models to choose from: Male, Female, and Huge. Each of those has their own animation custom made for them for every single power in the game. That's including temporary powers, inherent powers, booster pack abilities... everything.

    Also, each skeleton has animations, again, custom made for them, for every single emote in the game. Every dance, prop, stance, costume change, etc... is custom made for every skeleton.

    But wait, there's more! For each skeleton, they've had to create customized versions for every single costume in the game, to make sure they look right on the model. Once again, everything is custom made for each skeleton, and it takes a ton of work.

    Now, let's add four arms. Brand new skeleton would have to be added. That's already a ton of work just to make sure it looks right and doesn't look stupid. Now, you have to take that single skeleton, and animate and recreate every single power, emote, and costume piece in the whole game.

    Every. Single. One.

    Having to re-do everything in the game for a single skeleton is hardly worth the effort it would take. That could potentially take a good couple months, with them working on nothing but that new skeleton. So instead of getting new maps, missions, costume pieces or what-not, they would have to devote an entire issue to just one new skeleton, which would probably take a lot longer than most issues do.

    In the end, it really isn't worth it to completely ignore all the other content just to focus on building a completely new skeleton just so players can have four arms, or three heads, or what have you. It would take a colossal amount of time and work with a payoff that would hardly compensate for it.
    this would be the case, but if they would do something like they did with the VEATS making only certain costume parts availible to that skeleton then most of the work would be saved
  8. Dont forget Revenge of the Sixth
  9. hey.
    So i have this bug where if i have the "Hide Auto Powers" option enabled on any of the buff windows (team, personal or pets) not only does it hide all of the inherent powers/buffs it also hides Fullcrum Shift and Siphon Power? ive tried pretty much everything and i cant seem to find a solution. Is this a bug or something in my settings?
  10. Identity_EU

    DB server error

    Ok.. seems to of sorted itself out now my side atleast for both accounts
  11. Identity_EU

    DB server error

    Hi, after todays maintenance i cannot login to my characters that was last logged into before the downtime, i can get to the character selection screen and when i choose the last used toon it hangs for about 5 mins then i get the following error;

    i get this when i try my other account too which was logged in the same time as the above account,
    my other characters are fine and can login and play.. just these 2 which get this error
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    It's funny how you keep shifting the "point" of your post.

    Hey! My first post in this thread is now a PERFECT response! Maybe you should go read that!

    Each time someone addresses your "point", you just claim your point was actually someone else, and try to insult them for missing your ever-shifting point.

    DO you not see the simularity between the 2?

    Bugs are Technical issues...?
  13. well its a rant about the technical issues so i thought this area fits the post just fine?
  14. Jeez you are still not getting the point..
    A couple of days is a big chunk of time to you? Really? Again, not reasonable. The game will still be here next week, next month and hopefully next year.
    It is NOT just about the Extended Downtime. IT IS about the Extended Downtime COMBINED with the downtime for certain players due to unable to PLAY the game BECAUSE of BUGS!.

    how hard is it for your small sighted mind to see this? i have said about 5 times now.
    you obviously do not have the same problems as me.
    so you can only see what is going on your end and think, i know just because i dont have it that bad i shall mock and insult people who have it worse then me.
    bless you.
  15. I dont want anything in perticular, im just trying to show how annoyed i am / vent some anger.?
    I dont want compensation for anything, i just think it is a harsh that during these downtimes they give 2 or 3 people costumes codes as a kind of 'were sorry' for the downtime, while the rest of the players dont get anything.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
    You insult and degrade the devs, you deserve no better.

    You ARE exaggerating and you ARE over-reacting.

    I never said you were not allowed to voice your opinion.

    I was simply voicing mine as well.

    The precious game-time that you feel you and other gamers have lost is a microscopic bit of carbon in a galaxy made of it.

    So there have been a few hours out of YEARS of up time. Even if you try and use the 'getting worse' angle, then is been a few hours out of weeks of up-time.

    It's quite obvious you have absolutely no clue as to the complexities of a system of this nature, at a technical level nor at a business level.

    Your OP is neither constructive nor warranted.
    I have never Insulted the Devs.
    I am not over reacting or exaggerating at all, if you was a player suffering alot from these bugs you would be just as annoyed as me.
    whilst you did not directly say i wasnt entitled to my opinion you slate me for doing so.
    you are exaggerating, over-reacting and sound like an entitled petulant 6 year old that has not gotten a nap.
    Like i said, if you suffered from these bugs you wouldnt be saying this, Especially if you are a working EU player suffering First Hand with these bugs and the downtime is during your prime play time.
    The precious game-time that you feel you and other gamers have lost is a microscopic bit of carbon in a galaxy made of it.
    Whilst this may be microscopic to Hardcore Gamer Like yourself, to a casual player like me and many others this is a rather big chunk of game time for people with a life outside of CoH

    It's quite obvious you have absolutely no clue as to the complexities of a system of this nature, at a technical level nor at a business level.
    How exactly have you come to this conclusion?
    You know absolutly nothing about me. and taking personal digs is unacceptable.
    I have not slated the system or the devs, i know that sometimes things pop up which is unavoidable,i could say this a few more times if that makes you understand? you are missing my frustration simple because your sole intent of insult and degrading me.

    Your OP is neither constructive nor warranted.
    Well, my Opinion is indeed warranted when I am expeirencing the problems, which is why i made my orignal post.
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
    Downtime has NOT been ridiculous, you are exaggerating, over-reacting and sound like an entitled petulant 6 year old that has not gotten a nap.

    Is my point clear enough?
    im not saying that the Downtime is rediculous. im saying the unexpected downtime is Getting rediculous, Combined with all the other Bugs which has cause alot of players to be without game time.

    Your post is not constructive nor wanted. In my view, you are just trying to insult and degrade me, which is totally unnecessary when all i am trying to do is voice my opinion which i am entitled to do.
  18. Quote:
    Yes, unplanned downtime is bad, but the devs aren't actually obliged to do anything to compensate us for it (Read your user agreement). In fact, if I were them I'd almost be tempted not to do anything because I know full well that *anything* they try and do by way of compensation is going to make people complain about how it isn't how *they* wanted to be compensated.
    I'm NOT saying they have to compensate us!, Infact I have already said 3 times that I KNOW they don't have to..(Read Previous Posts)
    All I am saying is that in recent weeks the downtime is getting ridiculous! and the ways they have chosen to compensate (Although the don't have to) us is for the minority of the player base and not the majority!
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shagster View Post
    I think you missed Kitsune's point which might just be "this isn't the kind of thing you should expect compensation for."
    whilst i see what your saying, but as i read through his post i see NO relevence in his post as to what your saying
    "this isn't the kind of thing you should expect compensation for."
    If you was to read my post properly you will see
    I know that you brought in the Halloween event for the last big unexpected downtime, which i understand that you didn't have to
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
    Welcome to the world of software. No matter how much testing you do, you'll encounter issues when you roll it out wide scale- that holds true for any software product (hell, a common "joke" in the IT world is to wait to a update to a new Windows release until Service Pack 1 is released... and then a few weeks after that... and that's the bread and butter of a one of the largest companies in the world...).

    There will always be issues after a new release, especially one that adds new frameworks/infrastructures.
    I think you are totally missing my point, maybe you should try reading this part of my post again
    i know that unexpected down time is, just that, unexpected, but you seriously think that spending 20 mins talking to us and giving out 1 or 2 costume codes is compensation for this?
  21. Locked at OP's request

    Now this is a rant also maybe a reality check.

    The recent unexpected downtime is starting to get extremely annoying, you are supposed to be professionals and while i know that unexpected down time is, just that, unexpected, but you seriously think that spending 20 mins talking to us and giving out 1 or 2 costume codes is compensation for this?
    Now, I know that you brought in the Halloween event for the last big unexpected downtime, which i understand that you didn't have to
    but how about something for the non-badgers people? not everyone cares about costumes and badges.
    we all pay the same amount of subscription fee and seems that the minority are getting some sort of compensation whilst the majority are sitting around waiting the next downtime occur.
    The recent Issue 20 update has been released with severe trial crashes, messed up character slots and a pretty amateur bug with XP SP3,
    All this combined with being an EU player has resulted in very little game time for the working EU Player base
  22. they said during the USTREAM that it on there white board of things to add
  23. it happened to us too, team of 16 using Premade
  24. Identity_EU

    6 hours downtime

    Originally Posted by Revens View Post
    if you ever go to the Freedom Server, you will here it 24/7.
    thats a real shame, things like that can ruin games. I guess when the Server List Merger come in all the EU server will be getting spammed too
  25. Identity_EU

    6 hours downtime

    Defiant seems to be up and running