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I still feel the powers starting out with such a massive recharge time feels like a PVP balance issue, which could be solved with simply locking them in PVP zones and Arenas.
But I'd take that yeah. Probably trade in a few more points on time to make it hit harder, if it isnt going to be loosed upon unsuspecting PVE mobs that much as it stands. -
I'll chime in here.
For my Arbiter-built machine of smashing destruction -
Name: Hellstorm Pulsar
Range: I don't want it to be melee, but he is a brute, so...the range of impale, roughly. So 2 points? (gomen nasai, dont wanna go look up the oooold original post.)
Area of Effect: Single-Target.
Strength of Effects: High knockback, medium damage. 3 and four, again. Effect is done as DoT, from multiple blasts. Each blast has 100% knockback.
Duration of Effects: none. It's just got Knockback and Damage.
Recharge: All remaining points go into recharge.
Accuracy: Accuracy is the base accuracy.
Visuals: He moves into the Energy Bolt animation and rapid-fires six bolts of red, thick energy (like the arachnos maces and drones shoot) at his target. The target is juggled by the knockback of each burst, making it an effective and cool "GO AWAY" power. -
I second everyone who says I'd rather at least see
"sorry, we cant do this."
"We like it, but it's gonna take some time"
than utter silence. Even just "we have read the thread" would be awesome. -
Allright, here's another one from me.
Blazing Ruin (fire/Dark corruptor)
Demon's Breath - uses Fire Breath animation, but black, when it hits the target uses the fireball explosion anim. The attack itself is a normal cone size, each burst is not an AoE of its own. -Res (fire), -Def (Ranged), Fire/Neg damage. Storywise, he has been a member of the Skulls and Hellions, and this attack is his self-created merger of the two types of power. -
Virtue has way too many idiots nowdays, because it's a high-traffic server - a lot of that happened Villianside, because people didnt want to join freedom and joined Virtue. Villianside, I have a huge problem finding any toons to roleplay with, ever. And am simply swarmed with doomsday blind invites.
If a small coalition were to get together and start a RP server on like, Triumph, Infinity, I'd be there and rolling up a new toon and so would my g/f and my buddy. Virute's population type has gone down... or maybe it's simply that with more people there I notice the idiot population more.
But I have a habit of checking bios on everyone I pass, and I'd say maybe 1/100 have a bio that's not a sentance like "bad [censored] mother censored" -
The important thing is to remember the primary point of this is to have a power that ONLY you have. Most everybody slots thier powers the same now (though that will change with IOs) and it's entirely possible to run into someone who has the same exact build as you do (espcially on sets with a few stinker powers.) This would be something totally new, while your Fire/Dark corruptor might have "Burning Death Flame Barrage" mine might have "Hellstorm Apocalypse Punch!"
Like the Crey cryo rifle, it's more NEAT than USEFUL. -
Yes, I do like the idea of being able to put points into a power to reduce the recharge time.
You could have a Justice Fighting PUNCH that did minor damage and looked flashy and cool that you could do a lot, or
a Justice Beatdown Doom Attack that did massive damage but was up rarely. -
Gotta fall in with the group saying IR needs an unroot.
It's a travel power - I'd even accept the loss of the PBAoE part of it, as by the time you have it even on a Defender, everyone should have thier own travel power. However, I dont feel that that's necessary - it is wholy useful for travel, and falling out of the sky bites. -
I guess I'll add in a signature power of my own:
Scarlet Fiend - NRG/Elec brute
(Short version of his story - his attacks and defenses run off the souls of the dead he has captured.)
Signature Attack - Absorb Soul
Uses the Siphon Power animation with negative energy-styled graphics. Short range (impale range.) Medium Negative burst damage. If it hits, +Acc +Res(all but toxic) +DMG to Scarlet for a decent time. (10 seconds?) -
How vital is Air Sup to the attack chain? The build feels really tight in the lower levels, trying to get stamina and a travel power in.
IMO, we should bug them crapless about this idea.
It rocks so impossibly hard.
/signed. -
I dont see why we'd need a CoX2 when they can just build off this one.
And the character with multiple powers would have less useful powers on the whole, as thier points would be less effective.
My new Brute (SS/Electrict)
Thundersmash - Fury of the Storm - Double High Damage (1 Smashing 1 Energy), very long recharge ST attack/hold.
Knockout blow animation starts, dealing the first "tick" of damage as the poor target soars into the air, followed by a Whirling Hands (without the energy pom poms) animation, hitting them with sparks about the same time most mobs hit the ground, for the electric damage. Limited duration minion mag disorient once they get up.
Wow, typing these out is almost too much fun in and of themselves, oh man if I could put this in now. -
And since I'm such a nice guy too, I'll add on what I have.
Iceciro (Ice/Kin Tech Corruptor)
Go away!
Raises hands like a Dominator's Block of Ice anim, massive icicles raise out of the ground (or could just surround the enemy's feet for a moment like when hit by Chiblain), Player-based AOE, Moderate damage, HIGH knockback, -slow -rech.
I think this would be an awesome OH SNAP power, and it would suit him soooo well.
I would totally turn it into a macro that had him scream GO AWAY when he used it. Plus I dont have enough knockback in his powers (knockback good.) -
Controllers are my favorite Hero class, but my favorite Villians?
Anything but Dominators. Seriously. It takes SO BLOODY LONG to kill even conned minions soloing it's like stabbing a spork into my knee, and while sometimes I get lucky enough to get someone who will allow a Dom on thier team, I dont feel like I'm doing much.
Compare that to Controllers and the awesome power of containment and the fact that thier holds work better, they have a FAR MORE USEFUL secondary...
Forget about it. Controllers both control and dominate. Dominators are like wet noodles.
IMO - give Controllers the toggle boost, have that affect thier holds and damage, give dominators holds with slightly better mag and that nice fat containment bonus. Really - why does the heroic AT do better at beating stuff to death with thier powers than Dominators even do at holding them still? -
Bloody hell. The reason they're all there is that they're the archetypical hero powers. Most heroes fly. the Flash runs really really fast. the Super Mario brothers jump. Spidey jumps (it's the closest thing he does to the AT powers, but he's a special case.) I think the Punisher just has sprint.
Most heroes, however, tend to fly. -
On my Atlas Park mission, I was turning my named villian into a pincushion as he RAN AWAY FROM ME. My archery blaster is literally pelting this guy -i'm talking he's taking DOTs from burning, and I'm pelting him with snap, aimed, snap, and he died right before he made it to the getaway car, thankfully. If I had it on any level above heroic, I'd have been owned.
Seriously... my tank would benefit greatly from a web grenade, lazer eyes, toxic breath... and to really stir it up, a mighty punch.
Easily formed from existing graphics as an APP for villian brutes.
You've shown us powerset originality in PPPs, now show us that we still have a choice with some villian APPs. -
Honestly? When you play in the arena, limit stealth powers.
Stalkers will whine at first, but theyre not really ubergimped if they play smart.
Most people here are allready in a supergroup that RPs... myself being the exception.
The pocket D rules for roleplay, though. I went in there and started a bunch of stuff randomly. -
They probably all work like power pools.
Also, it's crap that MMs dont get a bonus pet. :P -
Yeah, Virtue is my home server ^_^
One thing that does need to be said is that the roleplaying environment gets better as you move up in level.
Mercy and Atlas, respectively, are crap for rp.