1204 -
I am having more fun. I started in issue 3.. left in issue 7.
I came back in Issue 9..left around issue 14/15.
Came back recently and love all the trials (TPN, MOM, LAM, and BAF..not a fan of Keyes). Love making my toons even more powerful than before and am very excited about the DA revamp
My problem is... None of my friends..and I mean NONE of my friends play any more. So I join random PUGs etc..no one really talks much and in the 2 months I have been back I have made exactly zero friends LOL. The social part of the game seems to have changed for me. I used to have 15-20 close global friends...now.. none :P
I swear I am a good player...polite..funny...and even generous (gave some random person 50 candy canes today cuz he was trying to get things in the chalet).
But in general... yes having more fun -
You mean the other numerous threads where people are offering them .... as available now?
FYI... Sending me a PM to back off... uhmm ok.
I was pointing out to anyone who may peruse this thread that nothing (even Buy It Now) is not worth 2.6 bill as there are numerous people selling basically all the high end IOs for significantly less. -
Nothing in game worth 2.6 bill
Can get any IO for 2.25 bill or less -
The most i have run DFB on one toon has been twice.. to get the end recov and def increase temps.
I'm sure there are people out there who use it to PL themselves basically, but almost everything in this game is farmable. I think the xp on this trial is where it should be and simply because some people choose to do it over and over and over and...over....oh well. I see people do the same thing with ITF from 35-50; especially when it is the WTF.
I see more people PLd through PI than I do DFB (Yeah PI I know right how Issue 9). -
Quote:Yeah no thanksI'd really like to see Death from Below subject to diminishing returns... Couple potentials here.
1) XP gains from DFB reduced by 25% of maximum per run after one successful run, to a minimum of 0% after the 4th run.
2) XP gains reduced to 0% after level 10.
I think the second would probably be a better choice, since the max level one can use powers from is 10.
EDIT: The reason I post this is because there is virtually no reason to run DFB above level 10 aside from badges, providing one hasn't already gotten all of them. Also I'm tired of the constant spam. :/ -
Since you have been around for 6+ years and have quite a few posts to your credit.. I am sure you are aware this is the forum where players ask players questions. If you have a billing question you may want to seek out... the billing department.
Less than 12 hours!
Feel like I am winning something hahaha. -
We already have this feature.. it is called open beta....
I have seen many things change as a result of beta.
And we already have the devs ears. Check out the dev digest if you ever want to see just how much they interact and listen to the player base. I love bases..and yes I am disheartened they have not received more attention BUT with that said...the devs know this is an issue/wish with a minority of the player base..as well as pvp.. etc etc etc. It comes down to MANY things to give players their wishes... and changing bases and/or pvp is constantly addressed by the devs and is not something simple that can be done with the flip of a switch (contrary to popular belief).
What you are asking for is not needed and would simply create more problems than solutions. We ALL already have a voice...right here on these forums. Just because your idea, or Joe Schmoe's or 50 people's or 1,000 people's ideas are not implemented does not mean the devs are not aware of it. -
I am absolutely against this idea.
The player-base is already represented by all those willing to come to the forums and voice their opinions. Just because your idea or the idea of 100 people is not implemented does not mean that the devs are not listening to people's opinions.
This would be nothing more than a popularity contest that at it's root is not even needed. People assume because X IDEA is not implemented that no one is listening... and frankly "elected" representatives would have no more say in decisions than the thousands who already frequent the boards and voice their opinions.
So I say NO THANKS to taking my individual voice away from me... -
Well if no one is gonna bid I will haha!
That's my bid!
Could use a nice starter base. -
I have no issue with the way veng currently works. Compared to the other powers in primary/secondary/pool veng would be over-powered to say the least if it was league wide. It does more than +def it does:
+resist (Fear, Disorient, Sleep, Immobilize, Hold, Confuse, Taunt, Placate)
+protect (Fear, Knockback, Knockup, Repel)
and heal (minor)
So uhh yeah WAY overpowered -
Bought lvl 10 and 50 recipes. Smooth transaction
Just purchased recipe.. Smooth transaction. Thank you very much
looking to buy.... send me a tell in game if you wanna:
@I Burnt The Toast -
Sent you a tell in game
@I Burnt The Toast -
Yes please... I was hoping the glitch would have been permanent...but alas.. unlike some of the bugs that have been around for years..they fixed this one
/signed -
Looking to buy:
Panacea: +Hp/End
Glad Javelin: Chance For Toxic
Please send me a tell in-game: @I Burnt The Toast or a PM here
Please state asking price in tell/PM
I think MM need more PRE DETERMINED options for pets. Sorry but I don't stand behind being able to actually select your henchman's costume.
I would love to see alternate Robots (That is what my MM is)
Female versions of the existing sets: Merc, Ninja, Thug, and I guess necro
Alternate Demons (maybe one's that aren't as fricking noisy!)
IMO you should be able to select from 2-4 choices per PET...maybe someone wants a male/female posse of thugs hehe.
I think this would be a better option than giving control of each henchman's costume for not only "decency" reasons but would also be something that would require less resources. -
Quote:I disagree ... FEW things truly separate a VIP and freemium... Incarnates is a HUGE bonus and as such should be for those willing to fork over the $15 a month.I still think that they should give Premiums a taste of Incarnate with a t1 Alpha and the ability to have 4 shards at a time. This would prevent them from hoarding shards while giving them the ability to craft a tier 1 Alpha and see a very small bit of what they're missing. But I understand why they feel they shouldn't even open the door to that.
Bought lvl 10 Glad Armor Proc recipe for 2.25 bill
Easy and smooth transactionTHANKS again!
Quote:I love it when people call the devs lazy and liars.. always a great way to show them your appreciation.To be more precise that is the EXCUSE of a Dev.
I realize that the use of that word might be seen as a nit-pick on my part, but I think it's important to realize that Posi is simply using that doom-n-gloom rationale as an excuse to avoid having to do some extra work to give us an option that apparently many people still want.
I'm willing to grant that Posi's fears may have a small portion of validity. I'm quite sure there would be at least a -few- idiots who would abuse this. But I honestly believe he's oversold the negatives simply to serve his real inclination to avoid doing a bunch of extra work he otherwise doesn't feel is justified. I think he'd rather have us think "his hands are tied" in this situation rather than to have to tell us he's just arbitrarily decided he doesn't want to do it. *shrugs*