1204 -
She is stating her opinion; which everyone has been doing. Telling her to stop stating her opinion because she believes in her opinion seems a bit odd to me.
Quote:You keep presuming that it would be a bad business decision on their part.
You keep presuming that the price offered was 500k.
You keep presuming a lot of things.
Like the rest of us, with maybe some exceptions, you don't know.
Sometimes it is better to sit on a IP, as it can be used somewhere down the line to revive it as other games have done. Sometimes it's better to sell the IP and get some return on it other then shelving it. It's not up to us to say what is, or is not better business for them, that's up to them. We certainly can speculate all we want.
From your point of view it maybe better for them to keep it, but that's your point of view not theirs. Quit acting like your point of view is the best,and only choice for them. You don't know, just like we don't know. -
Putting a Korean's name in red is an insult; especially considering the intent. And yes GG knows I am Korean..and yes GG knows the Titan kibun efforts is why I left Titan....
In other words: She is just being a racist b|tch.
It's all good though. Her kibun of me was/is about as effective as the kibun efforts on NCsoftIt reflects more on her prejudices/ignorance than anything else.
Your utter lack of knowledge of true kibun techniques and relevance is on par with other non-Koreans.
Quote:Let me preface this by stating that I'm not actually inclined to do anything like this at all. I'm unhappy about the game being closed, and the manner in which it was done will probably cause me to avoid buying anything from NCSoft in the future. But behave abusively to an executive for making what I have no doubt he thought was a sound business decision? Sorry, I'm not 12 years old.
However, if I were so inclined, I'd send him a Statesman figurine casually glancing over its shoulder and turning to hand him a business card, written and trimmed in red, with its left hand. If you know about Korean business culture, then what's on the card is pretty irrelevant, given how it's being offered. -
If your post is indicative of the level of maturity on Virtue - no thanks.
Quote:For those of you that still don't seem to realize this even now- VIRTUE IS STILL ACTIVE! If you want to actually play with other people, than you need to come here. We run constant TFs, and there's always multiple teams advertising for tips, papers, etc.
There's a reason why Virtue's population eventually exceeded Freedom's. PUGs on Freedumb are a nightmare of immature players that play poorly. By comparison, Virtue is PUG heaven. We tend to be friendly, mature and intelligent. You will have fun here. Transfer today. -
Except IF I do come for the sunset - I am going to be on the server I have been on since 2005 (Freedom). Not spending my last few minutes on Virtue or any other server. I didn't play on Virtue for a reason - same reason I wouldn't want my last minutes in this game to be there.
Seeing as I have nothing against him or NCsoft - nothing.
I did send him a letter thanking him and NCSoft for their support of CoH over the years. -
IF I decide to come for the sunset it will be on Freedom. I basically said my goodbye the the game on 10/20 when I did the Extra Life campaign. Every time I log in now none of my global friends are even on. So logging in to watch a game sunset without any friends there...not really something I want to do.
I belong to quite a few friend's SGs to help them with editing and/or inviting alts...I logged into them all yesterday and the most recent login for any of them was 23 days ago.... -
I never said they respected their customers here or in Asia. What I said was they were producing games that were popular and sold well in Asia; nothing to do with respect more to do with creating things that appeal to the majority of their customer base.
I did not say they would never close an MMO aimed at the Asian market.
You said:
Quote:Which is why I said:Any company can be toppled off of their pedestal. I am looking forward to the mighty *SMASH!* when NCSoft topples off of theirs.
Quote:If you are waiting for NCSoft to topple over - I would not recommend holding your breath.
Quote:What on earth makes you think they are going to give their Asian customers any more respect? lol if anything, I bet they get less.
Do you really think they would *never* close a MMO that was aimed at the Asian market? I think NCSoft would close a game the CEO's MOTHER played, if it suited their whim. This is a bloodthirsty bunch.
I never said anything about holding my breath, but when a company is clueless, they're clueless.
I can wait. -
Yep and Aion at it's peak had 3.5 million subscribers in Asia....Aion performed quite well it's first 2.5 years and made NCSoft quite a chunk of change. At it's worst Aion still posted 300% more in sales than CoH's best quarter. Aion still accounts for 17% of sales in 3Q 2012.
But just like a lot of MMOs the shine wears off as newer shinier things come on the market.
Apple has 50,250 US employees.
AOL and MySpace failed to adapt to the changes in their core consumers.
NCSoft's Asian market makes up over 90% of their consumers. The changes they are making and games they are producing are specifically aimed at their biggest base of consumers.
If you are waiting for NCSoft to topple over - I would not recommend holding your breath.
Quote:Have no idea. I have no horse in that race, since I own no Apple products. Whether or not Apple lives or dies is nothing to me - after all, all those jobs are overseas so the US has little skin in that game, right? Right. Also, Apple is a company literally hundreds of times larger and more complex: I dont see that there is much of a parallel there.
[However I have seen a few online articles questioning Apple's recent direction, so I guess anything is possible. I remember when AOL and Myspace were The Supreme Beings in thier respective classes; both are now shadows of what they once were. And IBM! IBM was The Uber-est. Not so much anymore.]
Any company can be toppled off of their pedestal. I am looking forward to the mighty *SMASH!* when NCSoft topples off of theirs. Thier brainless business decisions will make that happen a lot sooner than any of the above companies' demises, I'd wager. -
Just about everyone I knew had multiple accounts. Most of us had them back when 12 toons was the server limit.
I always had a farmer on each account so I could dual log and farm a toon if I was bored. My alt accounts for the past year or so were mainly to invite toons to my SG.
Quote:Yep, and dont forget that you can have a forum account for every single account that you have under your control.
Which brings me back to the thinking that most of the people that i knew had a VIP and a "premium" account, if not multiples out there.
*shrugs* Maybe the playerbase was fooling itself with how large it actually was, when most of them were playing with their friends without realising it. -
I just ate some turkey and (way too much) stuffing. Now I have no room for pumpkin pie....until later
Common sense +1
Quote:It's a little frustrating that this has to be pointed out at all, much less over and over and over. I understand why people want that feeling that we're "beating" NCSoft somehow, but it's just not so, and players harping on it has been a constant source of irritation for me for the past two and a half months.
Right after the announcement that there would be refunds for subscriptions and last-month purchases, people on in-game channels started harping about how this was because the whole SaveCoH movement pressured NCSoft into the choice. What? No, it was a common-sense move that they were almost guaranteed to make anyway, and probably would have announced at the same time as the shutdown if they'd been doing their jobs. Of course they're not going to keep payments given for services they never provide; EULA or no EULA, that's a lawsuit, and more worryingly, a lot of temporary blocks from banks and credit card companies. They're not going to make it impossible for players to buy GW2 just so that they can keep some sub fees. It had nothing to do with angry CoH players. Still, the cry went up: "We're beating NCSoft!"
Then NCSoft made the "exhausted all options" announcement, and, somehow, that was still a victory for us. They weren't going to say anything, but we pressured them into a statement! Well, it's a statement that we won't ever get what we want, delivered in smarmy corporate-speak that more or less declares "and we think you're idiots," but sure, we got a statement out of them. We just didn't get anything we wanted. Still, the cry went up: "We're beating NCSoft!"
Now we have the stock slump. Never mind that CoH was maybe 1% of NCSoft's revenue, and that about 95% of it is in Asia. Somehow, this stubby little tail is wagging the dog because we want to believe it is. It's maddening enough that people believe that we can destroy NCSoft (with what, voodoo and wishful thinking?) and that we should destroy NCSoft (because losing 80 jobs is a tragedy, but hundreds or even thousands would be justice). The belief that we are destroying NCSoft requires ignoring all evidence and common sense. Still, the cry went up: "We're beating NCSoft!"
But we're not. We're just not. This isn't even a fight. We're angry ex-customers who are angry because we're ex-customers, but they'd already done the math and decided that losing our business was a worthwhile trade for...whatever they accomplished. (Seriously, what the hell was it?) NCSoft has made a weird, possibly pointless mistake, but they won't really suffer for it. Believing that they will just makes us childish, and accomplishes nothing. -
No mention or hint at CoH. I'm not saying CoH isn't/wasn't a great game, but it was a TINY part of NCSoft. The article actually tells you WHY the slump is happening and what NCSoft has to do to get it back up to a "normal" range.
Except their stock prices have nothing to do with CoH. If you read anything in the Korean news; ya know where NCSoft is located, you would know why their stock has fallen.
Quote:When the OP's article was posted originally on 11/7, the trading price was ~213,000 won (KR).
When the OP posted it on 11/17, it rested around 156,000 won.
Today, it's hovering around 158-160,000 won.
A year ago, it averaged 300,000 won.
I'm reminded of a favorite passage by Alan Moore.
The Gamer: Existence is a great simplicity. There is black and there is white. Just look above you. Do you see? That is called the immense board of lights. And there is the great black and, strewn all across it, small and vulnerable and brave there is the great white.
Mr. Nebula: Oh. Oh, yeah. Of course. Hah. You know, thats perfect. Thats really perfect. And the great white I mean, theres so much more black. A-are we losing?
The Gamer: No. Once there was only black. We are winning. All is right. We can go.
- Top Ten, Book 2, Chapter 1. Written by Alan Moore
Good night, Hero Nation. -
All of my toons were mutants. I never wrote bios or anything for my toons, but mutant always seemed the logical choice to me. I think my reasoning behind that was more along the lines of X-Men - you have so many various characters who were mutants. Hmm so basically I guess my toons were just waiting for Professor X to show up
I have no interest in B&S or WildStar but I find it funny that CoH players are up in arms over the costumes that CAN be created. 7+ years and most of the female toons I seen (Granted they were prolly G.I.R.L.s) were mainly Playboy pinups or naughty school girls. And also let's not forget the hyper-sexualized catgirls; you know... kitty ears, tail, D sized bikini top and short leather skirts.... /e walk and/or /e getsome - yeah THAT's family friendly
There was nothing "family friendly" about CoH's costume creator; because just like in a lot of MMOs...the people who wanna make skanky looking females will with the tools given to them.
And here's a pic from the first Tanker Tuesday - what's holding HER boobs?
http://mfers.net/wp-content/uploads/...5-23-20-58.jpg -
I forgot to add: The sheer number of hero zones. The zone number could have been easily cut in half but instead we had empty places like:
Boomtown: Only reason I saw people going there was for the one mission during Synapse TF.
Eden: Just a zone that gets in the way on your jaunt to The Hive.
Crey's Folly: Uhmm Jurassik was there.
Faultline: Saw a short surge in people when it was revamped....it has been a ghost town since.
Terra Volta: Respec... and then uhm... hunting Freak bosses?
Chantry, FBZ, Storm Palace, Cascade Archipelago: Nice to look at but a pain to get around. Hunt Seers and then what....a nice looong tf or two?
Croatoa: Once a popular zone but now even Sally rarely bothers to show up.
The Hollows: See Faultline. I remember back in I3-7 when The Hollows was a happening place. Even Frostfire and Atta couldn't save this zone.
Skyway: Ya got the Synapse TF there and Babbage...otherwise pretty much just a big empty zone.
Galaxy City: We all saw what happened with that.
So where did I see people?? Atlas, Kings Row, Steel Canyon, Perez Park, Independence Port, Talos, Brickstown, Founders Fall, and Peregrine Island.
If I saw a zone event pop up in other zones I didn't bother going because I knew getting people together would be a PITA.
This of course does not include Red or Gold side.....
I wish blue side had been as small and simple as red side.
29 pure hero zones...and 10 pure villain zones (Not counting Oro on either side or any co-op zones).
9 Gold zones.
Yeah - let's spread people out even more LOL! -
I didn't play those other 4 games - so I wasn't fooled 4 times already. Heck from what I have seen posted very few people here played any of the other 4 games.
Then again I don't consider what NCSoft did "fooling me" in any shape or form.
Apparently some people are not capable of using self control and ignoring things they find vile..or is that bile?
I have two people on ignore because every time I see their posts I have to fight the urge to smack my monitor.