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  1. Well i've not deleted her yet but have been really enjoying the Stormie secondry though admittadly i've only sampled a few powers.
    I think if i didn't have a 50 Empath already for the team contribution i agree with you , Empathy is very good but i just can't bring myself to go through the lvls again with shouts of HEAL PLZ which i remember an aweful lot of

    I've got 2 slots free on Union and until i get an other flash of inspiration i won't delete the Empath...for now
  2. Hi Okt *wave* , had a Kin to 32 and don't know why but didn't enjoy it so it went in the bin

    Mr TPF i do indeedy remeber Block of Ice and fun we had. It was double xp weekend that got me back and resubbed again

    Got my new Earth/Storm up to lvl 9 last night and already i feel more comfortable with her than my Empath one.

    Thanks again and hope to see you on Defiant again soon. I play too many alts to have a good run of levels on one particular toon
  3. Hibernia


    Like most i really like Dark as the Secondery. Great for solo play and team play. Not a PvP'er but i can't see it being a bad choice there either.

    I'm playing a Bots MM just now with Traps and it's ok come the 20's but i still prefer Dark overall.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Btw, is Liberty-Belle a fire blaster?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Liberty is my Sonic/Ice Blaster over on Defiant
    I do have a Fire Blaster on Union , Miss Hot Stuff.

    Thanks very much for the comprehensive Earth run down there.
    I'm tempted to try the Earth/Storm for the fuller Controller feel but think i'll take the Earth/Empath here to 32 and see how it go's.

    As you said as you progress and do the odd respec things tend to get a little easier and clearer.

    As you also said getting onto the right team with experienced players who know what to expect and when to expect it makes life a lot more pleasant but that's not something that happens all that often , for me anyways.

    Edit :- Actually no , when i think about what you wrote i'm gonna scrap this one and reroll as Earth/Storm.

    Storm is another powerset i've not tried. I didn't want originally to play 2 new powersets and be an uber-noob which is why i took Empathy but on reflection 2 new powersets will make it more interesting.

    Thanks again for your comments , deffinatly sticking with Earth Primary.
  5. Hey guys
    Decided to try a new combo that was a little different and got Earth/Empathy.
    Now i have a 50 Empath Defender so i know (or think i do ) how to play the Empath roll but never tried Earth before.

    Was thinking some control in between dishing out Heals would be the order of day but seems i was a little wrong. All i seem to have time to do , in a decent sized team anyways is Heal , Heal and Heal with no time to rattle of any of my Earth Shattering holds

    Admitadly only at lvl 12 so far but as for power choice it looks like i'll have to take most of my secondarys as people when they see Empathy will expect these buffs etc? at the cost of the more "fun" Earth Troller moves.

    Anyone play this combo at higher lvls and have fun or are you just expected to be a Heal Bot?

    Thinking of rerolling Earth to a differnet secondary before i go too much further but not sure what a better combo would be?

    Don't get me wrong i don't mind the Healing part but could i get away with just Healing Aura and Heal Other plus prob RA or do i need Rez,Fort etc?

    I would just like to try a few more of the Earth powers without getting booted off a team for not being able to Rez someone
  6. Not long back in the game myself and getting random crashes on my 8800gts card. Works ok in other games just crashes me in this game.

    Reading the last few posts i'm kinda happy others are having the same problem as i thought my card was borked. Now i'm thinking at least i do'nt have to buy a new card just stop playing this game
  7. Hibernia


    Welcome to the game Shaikar , you won't go wrong in the Echeleon
  8. Yay someone else likes Sonics

    My only Blaster is my Sonic/Ice and as Snoox says it has a controllerish feel with stuns and the great mini-ice slick.

    Only at 33 and have had a great laugh getting there , really recomend the combo.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    Bitey definitely moves, and I love when he's at mid-range, that's when he uses his cones and throws thorns! When he does the single dart move, it looks like he says "Bullseye!" with a quite matching sound.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "He" ! , surely you mean "she"

    Always thought of Fly-Traps as female for some reason. Mines go's by the name of Rose.
  10. Hibernia


    Will hopefully be there with PA and TP and GF if needed.
  11. Will try and make it , Sundays np's , other nights not so sure.

    Hopefully see you for PA dropping.
  12. Great raid , thanks to Leaders as usual , a nice time had by all
  13. Hibernia

    tri forms

    Got my PB to 40 recently , great fun off and on doing it.
    Then started a WS and i found it loads more fun and got to lvl 22 very fast. Once you get all 3 forms it's a hoot to play with the double Mire malarky.

    If i knew ages back what i know now about both forms i would have started with a WS. Not sure how a WS plays at later levels but it's more fun to me as fare as Dwarf form anyway.

    Have fun with whatever option you go for
  14. Should be a long for PA dropping and Group Flying Transportation Service
  15. May as well sign up here as well. Wanting to transfer from Defiant to Union if any nned Defiant Inf.
  16. Okies , 3 recharges then , Hasten i got already

    Thats been my process as well. Dwarf Mire, Human Mire into Nova and fire of my 2 Aoes before it wears off. Purple madness
  17. Hi Guys

    Got my WS up to 21 last night and almost ready to splurge out on SO's.

    What's the best way to slot my Mire's , Dwarf and Human?

    Acc and 3 recharge is what i've been recomended. Damage is what i would have thought best but apparantly not?

    Don't want to waste my inf , i reckon i should about have enough to cover all my main powers.

    Bit of a noob when it comes to WS's
  18. Hibernia

    The Return !

    Welcome back Licker! , cya you at Hami
  19. Hibernia

    Thugs Mansion

    I'm up for some Thugs action Defiant side. Don't think i've ever teamed at the same time with another Thugs MM.

    Will join channel tonight after work.
  20. Gratz again Suspira , well played
  21. HUGE gratz Anz , well done , again......

    Worth missing Hami for i would say
  22. Hibernia

    TP the Vines?

    Is that all they last , seems longer in the heat of battle and they do reform on the next spawn.

    On the other hand i had no idea you could tp them at all!
  23. Thanks Cap for the organisation of another succesful raid.

    OMG i seemed to have missed all the broadcast malarkey! Up on the PA team i just use team chat for coordination and Request chat for instructions from leader. May make for a more boring time but less disruptive by the look of it.

    Don't be put of by the actions of a few Cap but take heart from the appreciation of the many
  24. Hibernia


    Cya Krazy have fun in WoW and WB Tyl
  25. Will certainly try and be there for PA dropping duties.