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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by StarGeek View Post
    The easiest thing to do would be wait and see what works for you under premium and what doesn't. Spend them on things like licenses or unlocks you might feel the need for, or for character slots.
    Thanks all. I'm really not gened up on whats going to happen to me lol.

    Right as a Premium Player i'll do as StarGeek suggests and wait and see what happens. I think from memory i'm almost at the top of the tiers so hope my IO's will be ok. 6 years continual sub puts me at tier 8 i think.

    If i then find i miss the Incarnate stuff which i don't think i will , i assume if i resub again everything on my account go's back to the way it was?
  2. Hi guys

    At the moment i seem to have 1200 points to spend on fluffy puppies or something else in the Paragon Store.

    My subs ends on 17 December and i am going F2P from then on and wonder will i still have access to said points or will they disappear?

    Just wondering if i should spend them just now on something i don't really need or if i can hold onto them and spend them later that would be preferable.

    Any advice as usual appreciated.

  3. Thanks for the reassuring words guys.

    I think im tier nine , one of the top row?

    Did not realise i would still have all these benfits , so good news for me.

    Thanks again.
  4. I'm thinking when my current 3 month sub ends mid December i'm going to drop down to a free account status. I've not been on as much these days and when i am it's only for an hour or 2.

    From reading through these threads i think i know what i'll be loseing and missing out on and i'm ok with most of that. Incarnate i don't do anymore for example and have more fun just lvling alts to the early 30's.

    I believe as a 7 year Vet with all the packs bought i'll have a number of slots to use to unlock toons with but here's a couple of points i'm not sure on.

    I have around 12 toons on Exalted just now , i won't have access at all to them , is that right? That being the case i'm best to strip them and sell up to get the inf from them.
    Follow on question is as a Premium player am i capped at a certain lvl for Inf? and is that cap per toon or my account?

    What do i need tier wise to be able to still chat on Globals , don't want to miss out on my friends chat.

    I did do a fair bit of IO crafting and enjoyed what i was doing but it's not essential to my new casual gaming style i reckon. I hope i can just get by on SO's but is crafting out of my reach with out spending more cash every month , something i was aiming to cut down on?

    Sorry if these have been asked before but i'm just trying to see where i stand if i drop my sub.

  5. Any of the usual restrictions apply on cozzies like auras and powers active to enhance the look?
  6. Hibernia

    I'm Back

    Another returnee , welcome back Blue
  7. Hibernia

    *Looks around*

    Welcome back MA , nice to see the Scottish players still around
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Sailboat View Post
    At level 50, for finished builds, lots of people like to 5-slot level 50 Doctored Wounds pieces, which will get you allllmost-capped healing and recharge values (assuming you count the 5% global recharge bonus) while also leaving that 5% global recharge bonus available for all your OTHER powers. That's very sound slotting -- assuming you're 47+ and you have lots of money.

    For now, you can get the same enhancement values for frankenslotting 5 carefully-chosen dual and triple pieces in the mid-30s level range. It'll be much cheaper, although still cost some millions, and you won't get that 5% global recharge bonus.

    Furthermore, it will use the same number of slots (5), which not only saves you a slot now, if you get more money, at 50 you could just dump in the expensive level 50 DW sets right over the frankenslotted stuff without worrying about losing expensive IOs or needing to respec. So you can have the best of both worlds.
    I got 2 Numinas , 2 Healing con and 2 doctored wounds in last night. Heal almost at max , recharge at max and a bit of End red thrown in for good measure.

    Also got 2 KB Procs slotted in CJ and one in weave as well.

    I got 2 sets of Aegis this morning for the Resist set with a bonus for Fire Damage , was that a good choice?

    I'm not sure if there are any better sets to use when it comes to damage sets which will be my next endevour.

    Thanks for the advice again. Am liking the crafting being done , not something i've done before but like you said having a lot of Inf seems to help things along.
  9. Cheers guys , much appreciated. I will stick with the Fire/Fire and do a quick respec tonight and see what IO's are up for sale.

    I like the sound of Frankenslotting Healing Flames so thanks for that Sailboat
  10. Hi guys
    Over 6 years playing and never had a tank past lvl 30 till now , usually prefer the Defender/Controller AT's

    I have a Fire/Fire tank at 39 just now and while i don't feel comfortable in my Tanking ability in teams i do like this one solo so far.

    I'm not a big one for IO sets i usually use SO's till 50 then roll a new toon but i am keen on trying this farming malarky and see if i can build up enough inf to get into the crafting aspect of the game.

    I have around 600 mill i can spend and wondering could someone suggest a build that would make a acceptable farming toon for just myself. I've no experience with Tank sets and sets that would best to use.

    I've checked a lot of threads and of course depending on play styles a lot of different opinions on the go as to what IO sets are best to use and most seem to involve obsene amounts of inf i just don't have. I guess i want to sacrifice some Def/Res for damage if i want to kill a lot as quickly as poss? but of course surviving the mobs would help in the long run.
    Showing my ignorance of the Fire /fire sets i don't have Burn at the moment as i thought that chased the mobs away , seems that has been reversed in an update?
    I think my build as it stands probably sucks but i have loads of Vet respecs available so can respec to my hearts content with your advice

    I'll probably get told 600 mill is not enough and that's fair enough , that being the case i'll just continue with my SO's and hope for the best
  11. I seem to have survived with @Hibernia though i had some back up names ready
  12. Getting this the last few days as well. Usually have to quit retry quit retry for 5-10 mins , eventually works.

    Will try that techie tip when i get home from work tonight.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
    I doubt that's even on the cards.

    There's a lot going on right up to xmas... so I'd imagine if there was anything even planned - which we have know knowledge of and are purely speculating about - it wouldn't be until 2011 earliest.
    Saying that , did we see see the servers being moved as quick as they did or did i miss some news to that effect? , knowing how slow i am at the best of times it's probably been in the public knowledge for weeks
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    Also go's for me. Server merge for Christmas would be the icing on the preverbial cake however
  15. Hibernia

    I'm back..

    Originally Posted by SteelRat View Post
    Oo yes - looking forward to i19 actually from what I've seen of it, especially more Tip missions - and I can see me spending a large amount of time respeccing various characters into inherent stamina, not forgetting of course that extra slot.

    Incidentally, Hibernia, you wouldn't be a Dark Age of Camelot player would you?
    No i'm not , it's a reference to my footie team up here in Scotland and a name i've used in all my online gaming since the late 90's

    I used to get asked that question a lot when i played Lotr but your the first in this game to bring it up. A zone in DaoC i've been told but sadly never had the chance to check the game out.
  16. I did find Praetoria very busy on launch but sure has quitened down a lot now. Saying that i've taken 4 toons to 20 and into Paragon City since launch and with only 1 slot left on Defiant i'm holding that one for emergencies

    I'm certainly not holding back for i19 as i've sp many vet respecs lying unused it's no real hassle to go back and change things round.

    No way now if i make a new toon would i not make it in Prartoria , spent too long and too many toons in Paragon and the RI starting areas.
  17. Hibernia

    I'm back..

    welcome back and glad your enjoying the new content and more just coming shortly as well!
  18. It's like being on Lag Hill on an ITF with out the Romans running around for me , had to give up for tonight. That and i can't actually seem to get back in the game to announce i'm giving up for the night
  19. Due to a slight oversight which might be down to age (at least mt SG buddies keep assureing me it is) i missed a 3 month period in my sub whilst running around on little Hobbit feet in Lotr , giving me my 57 month award last month instead of my 60.

    Still just another couple months to go for that badge. Must say the 60 award looks a little better than the 57 month one

    Still on most days and still enjoying the game though thats more down to my Legionaire friends and Echelon pals more than anything.
  20. Had a similar problem last nigtht. Took me 20 mins just quiting the launcher and restarting it before i got in and now at 8am UK time the same problem , just can't get past the initial screen.

    Off to work now so will try again tonight and see if my problems gone.
  21. My forum name is always my main name in any MMO i'm playing , at least "touch wood" i've been lucky to get it so far

    It's my local Scottish footie team , Hibernia FC but i like it as an individual name as well.
  22. You could try what i've done once or twice when bored and run an American Trial for 2 weeks.?

    Bit more restricted obviously but works of the same client , i just had to have a separate shortcut to it.

    Let's you see how busy the various servers are etc.
  23. Hibernia

    Hello all!

    Nice teaming with you the other day Cat , welcome back to the game.
  24. Chat caused me a lot of inital problems as i used local for everything and didn't realise there were other tabs like the useful "Team" one

    Also my first sending to Kings Row. I thought this was a street address in Atlas , must of uncovered the whole map searching for a street sign before i thought to ask someone
  25. Hi Loadstar

    Remember teaming with you in days gone by though can't believe it's been 3 years!. Pre-ordered CO yesterday so hopefully see in there or here if they ever merge our servers