
Forum Cartel
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  1. [ QUOTE ]
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    Foo you can always draw Hexy if you get bored. But I'm not sure if you would want my craptastic drawings in trade.

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    The one you've posted so far looks good to me. We only get better by practising, though, so go for it, says I. If it's horrible and you're too ashamed to show it in public, you can always try again.

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    That or I can always draw one of your characters all goofy like like this!

    Look out, she's cute and she's got a gun.
  2. Foo you can always draw Hexy if you get bored. But I'm not sure if you would want my craptastic drawings in trade.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    awww is this an assumption tha I don't respect local artists?

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    Of course not!!! Just allow it to serve as a warning

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    I'm still waiting for my massage over here TA. I can't sketch one more line until I get it!!
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    Another one finished from Guildhelper.com


    Hope you all enjoy it..

    Coming Soon: GwenSnow and TA

    Does Light 2406 have enough time to save his friends??? -Finished Artwork

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    Man, that looks great! I would LOVE to commission a piece for City Information Terminal. Perhaps someday....

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    Honey, you guys provide an awesome service to the community, I don't think it would be hard to get someone to do something up for you.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    Normally it would be at this point that I would start littering the floor around my desk with wads of paper.

    * glances sideways, looking for HexGirl *

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    o.O what?

    Wanna see my latest pile of crumpled paper? We could make it a date hehe.

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    Psst.. that guy standing outside your room.. He's not your date... He's the fire marshall.



    Of course, if you make a date with him...welll...

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    Mmm firemen are HAWT!!!
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Is that what they're calling it now? <,<

    (I love this board <;.;>b)

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    errr. oh. *backs away slowly*

    I'll just be over here.....*runs*
  7. That's looking awesome hun.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    *rubs hands together*

    someone else need my shocking grasp?

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    Yes, come fix my knee!!!
  9. [ QUOTE ]
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    Drawing TA is better for their business though!

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    Better then drawing a hot Witch? Pffft. You jest sir!

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    Well... ya know... TA's already been in 'that' kind of pic... <^.~> maybe Hex needs shock therapy?

    (JK JK >,< sorry!)

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    I already get shock theropy every week on my knee thank you
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Drawing TA is better for their business though!

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    Better then drawing a hot Witch? Pffft. You jest sir!
  11. Awesome!

    But if you do TA, you are going to get whapped with my nerf bat!

    Drawing Hexy is much better for peoples health
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    Normally it would be at this point that I would start littering the floor around my desk with wads of paper.

    * glances sideways, looking for HexGirl *

    [/ QUOTE ]

    o.O what?

    Wanna see my latest pile of crumpled paper? We could make it a date hehe.
  13. Ya, but I was gonna plaster it everywhere and put it in my sig.
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    It took me a lot of work, went through a lot of problems, but I've finally finished the big guy.

    With this one, I was going for the opposite of AoT and I think I managed to pull it off. I was attempting to emphasis TA's connection to higher powers, to being an earth bound avatar of a god. After a lot of work, and about 5 poses and numerous idea sketches, and a little help from the boards, I believe I finally have a rendition of Thor's Assassin that I'm pleased with and I'm sure the big guy will be too.

    So, here ya go TA...

    I'm a Pretty Assassin!

    (Die regen scrappers! DIE!)

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    ZOMG!!! That is the best thing EVER!!!!!!!!!

    Can I keep it for black mail purposes?
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh and I apologize to the regen scrappers out there! But I just can't control my artistic urges!

    *hopes this doesn't make it's way to the scrapper forum*

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    *sends it to the scrapper forum* Muahahahahaha
  16. Very nice hun....but umm... can you fix my poor lil scrapper now since you made her more nerfed?
  17. ZOMG! You just nerfed my regen scrapper.

    I'm gonna get you TA, and your mass of art too!!
  18. [ QUOTE ]
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    Ok that's already better then mine.

    *throws her paper on the ground and lets her dog rip it apart*

    Hehe jk. Nice though.

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    Trust me; If I'd kept every drawing I'd crumpled up and thrown down in disgust I'd have suffocated under a mountain of paperwads looooong ago.

    Thanks for the kind words

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    *looks around her room*

    You mean you aren't suppose to keep them in a big mountainous pile?

  19. Ok that's already better then mine.

    *throws her paper on the ground and lets her dog rip it apart*

    Hehe jk. Nice though.
  20. YAY!

    *huggles squirrel*

    Very nice.
  21. Alright. With the latest patch, the Mesh top under Tops with Skin and the Mesh sleeve under Smooth/Bare -> Bare hands no longer match. The colours are completely off.

    Mesh colours

    (yes, they are the same colour)
  22. Female -> Upper Body -> Tops with Skin -> Jungle

    It's been like that since the game was released. If it could just go all the way around that would be awesome.

    Jay is so incredibly sexy.
  23. My guess would be when i7 hits live. Which according to Posi will be by the end of the month.
  24. HexGirl

    Forum Girl Vote!

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    how about this: We have our 32 girls here, right? right.

    Some one else starts their own thread with 32 different girls (not it) compiled mostly of all the janey-come-latelys.

    Then the winner of this series can have a face off against the winner of that series.

    I nominate Mantid to run this other thread.

    [/ QUOTE ]Then you have to find 32 more girls.

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    That's crazy talk.
  25. HexGirl

    Forum Girl Vote!

    I am so completely confused as to where we are with this now after reading so many pages of babble lol.