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  1. Heroid


    ((Mia Cobol, magical girl-next-door, from Westbrook Academy. ))
  2. Heroid


    ((Thanks, ya'll! ))
  3. Heroid


    ((Ack! I've neglected my art thread! I've got a few I didn't post yet, so I'll catch up now:



    The Tariq Family

    And finally, Wyatt Wyborn of Westbrook Academy

    Thanks for looking! ))
  4. ((Deebs, your art just keeps getting better and even more charming. I love it! ))
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
    Goodness gracious!
    ((No wonder he's got balls of lightning! Have you seen that hammer he's swingin'?))
  6. ((I'm sad to see you go too. I wish the best to you and your wife. I hope good things come your way. Class act all the way around.))
  7. There's a nifty superhero redesign website over at http://www.superheroofthemonth.com/

    This month's subject is X-23. Check it out!
  8. Heroid

    D Intruder

    Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
    *snickers* Okay...that was funny.
    ((I agree. And I snickered too.))
  9. ((You should try Pocket D. There are always people role-playing there.))
  10. Heroid

    I Demand....

    Originally Posted by FeyDuex View Post
    I demand Ice Cream
    Can we have chocolate suuurp an' marshymellas on top?
  11. ((...Or will this not affect us?


    Just in case it happens, I'm heading down to Walmart to put some shotguns and shells on the ol' Mastercard. If it doesn't happen, check out my ebay store sale on shotguns and shells! ))
  12. ((I generally don't do content that can't be done solo. I rp in groups, but most of my levelling has been done solo. Can't solo Trap Door, so I have no idea what the +1, +2, +3 business actually does to your characters. From what I see though, it doesn't do anything that would help my characters be more unique, and would, in fact make them just pawns of the Well of Whatever.

    I know it's part of the game lore, but it just goes against the grain of all my characters to seek out such power and follow any kind of "higher power". If it was worth my while, I would do it all "out-of-character" so to speak, and ignore the lore part of it. Kinda the way a lot of people do their Kheldians. But it just doesn't look worth the trouble. Plus, as I have complained about elsewhere -- Trap Door isn't soloable without jumping through hoops.

    I have 0 interest in raids. I20 didn't add any new zones, or significantly expand on Praetoria (need more zones and higher levels there, as well as the ability to form sg's), so in my opinion, on a scale of 1 to 10, I20 rates a 2.

    However, I do have to give the devs points for rolling out issue after issue of mostly awesome content. It's just that this issue didn't give me anything to get excited about.))

    But that's just me.))
  13. Heroid

    I missed it :(

    ((Happy CoH-versary! ))
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kai View Post
    That was good And a certain short redheaded gun shop owner would be sorry to see the Row lose something else.
    ((That's what I see as the value of this story -- it helps fill out how this section of town has become what it is. It's not like what happened in Overbrook or the Hollows. What happened in the Row was more insidious and mirrors what happens every day in cities and neighborhoods around the world.))
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kiana Wolf View Post
    Welcome back, person I do not know.
    ((He's responsible for starting one of the longest-running threads on Virtue!


    Maybe it can be revived!

    And welcome back!))
  16. ((Niiiiiiice! What happened next? ))
  17. Heroid

    ...,with Batman

    ((Tea-party with a four-year-old girl, Miss Huggums the frilly-bear, My Little Pony Unicorn, and... Batman. "You have to wear a hat, Mr. Batman. Miss Huggums says so."))
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kiana Wolf View Post
    Yes, but would Wonder Woman look like an anorexic preteen? I doubt it. She lives an active life style and actually eats, so by logic she'd be fairly athletic.

    Besides, when you present your character to your audience, would you want them to immediately react with "Wow, she looks like she could arm wrestle Superman!" or "Good god, get that girl something to eat!"?
    ((Keep in mind she's an Amazon also, and that her people are athletes and warriors, even if her powers are somewhat magical in nature, strength, skill, and athleticism are all part of her culture. She would not be skinny.

    Oh, Lucy Lawless -- where are you when we need you?))
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kai View Post
    Look at that old picture. Now look at the new one. See what's missing from the new one? Try a girl that has something resembling an athletic build for a character who's supposed to be a warrior. There's not much you can do with a costume to make Twig Inflataboob look like anything but a theme night stripper....
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    My point was more along the lines of "She's been fighting gods, wearing spandex/skirt for a long time now, I don't see how leather/pleather makes a difference"
    ((Ahhhh... well... I see your point. But I've never been a fan of her strapless bathing suit costume. I remember back in the 60's when they gave her a fashionable white jumpsuit that I thought it was an improvement (though I never understood why they had to take away her powers in order to improve her look).

    In my opinion, if you want to design a costume for a melee-type, female superhero, then you should start with something along these lines http://www.bravadawomen.com/performance_tops/ and build from there.))
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
    Except it was always Wonder Woman who would get tied up... The creator of Wonder Woman was very much a feminist, and lived in a three way relationship with two other women.. So WW's character was very much influenced by their independence and ideas that were unheard of in the 40's... She is often held up as a role model of early feminism in comics. And yet nearly every story had her being captured and tied up by men, often with her own lasso. In fact that was her great weakness, when tied by a man she became powerless. Many of her early book covers featured prominently Wonder Woman tied spread eagled to a giant rocket or some other phallic death trap... So she has always been a strange combination of themes.

    Also ironically, the creator of Wonder Woman is also the person who invented the polygraph machine... An attempt at a real Lasso of Truth?
    ((While most people have assumed that Marston was indulging in a bit of "bondage" comics, I think the case could also be made that he was using said bondage to say that women are often tied down and kept down by men, using the very virtues that women possess. But that's just a speculation on my part.))
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    So, the iconic spandex bikini style outfit = AWESOME! But the pleather style pants = OMG! Never fight a god in that?

    ((Did you miss where I said I've always thought she needed a new costume?))
  23. ((They could have taken the Rucka Wonder Woman series and created a show without having to adapt the rest of the DCU. Instead, they are making Ally McWonderWoman. The costume does not look like something a "warrior" would wear. It looks like something you'd wear to a dance club. It's definitely not something you'd want to be wearing if you were fighting an angry Greek god. But then, it sounds like she's going to be fighting lawyers and marketing firms, so I guess the extra low-cut bustier and the high heels might be effective for that. I have always thought Wonder Woman needed a new costume, but this isn't a move in the right direction. (Don't like the Jim Lee look either.)

    I'm a fan of the character (from the Rucka run and up through the Gail Simone run) but I'll take a pass on this.))
  24. ((I wonder if the devs will offer a free server transfer window?))
  25. ((Since I consider rp to be a form of interactive fiction writing, I thought this link was pretty funny, and, yes, it has reminded me of some rp situations I've found myself in where two people clearly were working in different directions. Be sure to read to the end. ))
