Returning Player after 5 years, looking for input.




Hey guys, Just wanted to post here and see if anyone could point me in the right direction via an in game channel or something, but here is the gist of my issue:

I have a couple really solid character concepts I like to play, been messing around making different characters and the like, just about have my whole power set and backstory compiled, but where can I find a solid grouping of RPers to get involved with?

I've always preferred to work my way into a supergroup rather than join the first spammer in Atlas, but some nights I see huge groups of folks, other nights I miss the boat, I am just looking for a way to find a RP-SG with a solid playerbase to mission and patrol with along with all the other stuff that comes from the RP possibilites of COH. Honestly having been away so long, I am downright overwhelmed right now, and would like to start by finding a solid group of players to hang out with. It's lonely beating purse snatchers up all night in Atlas park.




((You should try Pocket D. There are always people role-playing there.))



You could always start your own Role-playing SG based around a theme or concept, and as you make new friends in game ask them if they like the idea and want to join a character.



The boards are a good place to start: you can look through the recruitment thread at the top of the page, or post your character concepts and ask for suggestions. You can also go to VirtueVerse and read up on groups there.

Cynics of the world, unite!

Taking Care of the Multiverse



Theres two roleplayer channels now




( im not a mod) can join either of those make friends and see their sg

as Ood Sigma said....We will sing to you, Doctor. The universe will sing you to your sleep. This song is ending. But the story never ends.