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  1. Heroid

    So rude!

    Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
    That's not really any better.

    Yeah, okay, maybe I was a little hasty. Next time I get asked something similar, I'll at least wait to hear what exactly they want from me before I tell them "no".
    ((This is why you're one of the growniest grown-ups on these boards. ))
  2. ((I'm moving...

    ...when they pry my Virtue out of my cold, dead hands.))
  3. Heroid


    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    Someone either has a problem...or they broke up!
    ((Thanks! That's the nicest thing you could have said about this one!

    And yes, it is in-game rp teen-angst! ))
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DJ_Shecky View Post
    I will miss Galaxy City also. Met some cool people there.

    The biggest problem with open RP is too many different styles, people not taking new people in, and basically it splintering into a bunch of SGs and private stuff.

    Why talk about RP here, when you can do it on your SG website and not incur the wrath of those who "know the right way to RP" and claim you RP wrong?

    Why RP with strangers in an open space, be it pocket d, studio 55(which is a pretty empty place), studio b in the AE buildings, or even prometheus park, when you can play it safe with people you know?

    I remember Killer Whale showing me the ins and outs of getting into RP in Gemini, and even then, most people just ignored my characters, even when I would try to interject.

    I do spend a ton of time in Pocket D, and I see every type of RP there, from well thought out good stuff, to flippant, I am here to relax stuff, to ERP. Yes there can be a bunch of jerks there, but you can fnd areas where they aren't.

    If we really want an open RP place again, then choose a spot and just do it. Hang out there, let others know.

    Whining and complaining wont do anything to further the RP scene.
    ((I never had a problem rp'ing in Gemini, and I didn't join an rp sg until way after the Park rp was dead. I rp'd in different circles with different people. I will admit that some alts didn't seem to click with *anybody* though. And even though I'm looking at it through the rosey lense of nostalgia, I had some good times there. I moved from Gemini to the D without too much problem until I started playing characters who just wouldn't go to a bar.))

    Originally Posted by Kai View Post
    I hang out and end up talking to random okay people in RP all the time at the D....not saying everyone's great, but its far from dead or closed. Helpful tip, standing in the back, on a railing, or against the windows and waiting for someone to come talk to you isn't going to get you anywhere, frankly, you probably aren't that interesting at a quick glance
    ((And I've started rp'ing there on occasion also. The D isn't as bad as some people make it out to be. I think the ERP jokes on the boards have given it a somewhat undeserved reputation. RP can be found there and it's nice to put your character into a larger context than just the people and characters you usually hang out with. For those who do no appreciate Virtue's Pocket D, go there on another server and see how lonely you feel.

    But I'm still not happy that Gemini is going to be destroyed, though I understand why it's happening and agree with the devs reasons -- Galaxy is a dead zone these days.))
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    This is Xanatos' theme song:


    I'm not even joking. I remember his origin story I wrote way back when I was 15. Xanatos was kidnapped by a villain and a group of heroes came to rescue him while this song played. ("In the distance...song lyrics could be heard...") I actually interspersed the lyrics with the prose. At the time I thought it was seriously epic, looking back now it was so unintentionally tragic.

    Of course I never explained where the music was coming from.
    ((I remember back in the day when almost everyone had a theme song for their characters. HEROID's theme was "Waiting for Superman" by the Flaming Lips. It was always part of the fun for me to imagine that song playing in the background as Roy Kirby angsted and malaproped his way through life. It might be silly, but hey, it's the superhero genre -- no matter how serious the story might be, there's an inherent element of silliness (even with --no, especially with -- Batman). In fact it used to be common that every couple of months someone would start a "what's your character's theme song" thread.

    We used to discuss all aspects of rp on these boards -- dialogue, background-building, interactive storytelling. As much as I miss Gemini Park, I also miss those first couple of years on the Virtue boards. And this isn't an attempt to point out what is wrong with the boards these days. I'm just saying that they used to be more interesting and useful. You could actually keep up with various characters' stories here. You could learn the ins and outs of rp and we built what was very close to a shared universe. Not so much these days.))
  6. ((Very nice tribute to Gemini Park, Ascendant. I have many, many great memories of the rp that was found there. I still remember the first time I went to Gemini and saw literally hundreds of superheroes gathered there in groups. I can truly say that if the Gemini Park scene had never happened, I doubt that I would have played past the end of 2004.

    I'll miss it (and have, in fact, missed Gemini since the advent of City of Villains killed it as THE rp hotspot) and hope that there will be some way to access one of the most beautiful areas in the game.))
  7. Heroid


    ((Ah... pvp.

    What would make PvP interesting to me would be, you know those bank missions? I'd like it if instead of all of them being PvE that some of them were PvP. Such as, if a team of heroes goes into a bank mission at the same time as a team of villains, then instead of fighting Echidna (or whoever) you'd fight a player-driven character. And let it be random. Sometimes you might get trounced, sometimes you might roll over your opponent. But it would add an element of surprise to what has become a pretty rote part of the game.

    Or maybe you could have like a reverse-pact where you choose another player's character as your arch nemesis. You could have missions where you are at cross-purposes and have to fight each other and compete to complete objectives (which one clicks the most glowies) and stuff like that.

    But that's just my opinion. As far as the rest of PvP goes, myeh. But other people like it a lot, so I think the devs should continue to give PvP'ers new and exciting toys to play with.))
  8. There's a new webcomic coming out written by comic book great, Greg Rucka. It's looking pretty interesting.


    And the facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Lady-...12740415434389
  9. Heroid


    ((What are we talking about here?))
  10. Heroid


    Originally Posted by MondoCool View Post
    I like these pictures, but those annoying OOC tags keep distracting me from actually enjoying the artwork. Sorry!
    ((Would you find it less annoying for every other post to be, "Who is that?" ))
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Veritech View Post
    Frak you Marvel.

    And for those of you catching up on Ultimate Spider-man and wondering if it's worth bothering with now -- yes, it is. Just like I'm reading through the b&w Essential Spider-man books that cover the 60's through 80's. I hate, hate, hate post-OMD, but the stuff that came before is still good. So it will be with Ultimate Spider-man. But for me, the series -- and the Ultimate Marvel Universe -- is dead now. I won't buy anything new concerning it.
  12. Heroid


    ((Cassandra Finch of Westbrook Academy.

    And yes, I've been doing a LOT of drawings for my friends there. It's because they're all awesome! ))
  13. ((I'll be on Virtue as long as there's a Virtue. ))
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kasoh View Post
    Some people don't like Bendis's (Bendis'?) work, for whatever reason, but I've generally found him to be a good writer, especially on Ultimate Spiderman.
    I loved the first few years of Ultimate Spider-man, but you can tell that the past couple of years, Bendis' heart just hasn't been in it. He should have given the title over to someone else instead of killing Peter Parker.

    Also, I loved the original run of Powers, but at this point, looking at his Avengers books and all the other stuff he's doing for Marvel, I'm afraid that Mr. Bendis is running on fumes. But a paycheck is a paycheck, and I'm sure he'll be glad to take on a few more titles to hack out every month.

    But as far as the Death of Spider-Man goes, I'm done with the title. I don't care who else is in the costume. And the issue itself (USM# 160) lost a lot of it's emotional impact because Pete had been dying for like two issues already. It was too dragged out. Like a really bad death scene in a really bad movie.

    I give it a D-

    I really wish he hadn't done it at all.
  15. Heroid


    Originally Posted by Kosh_Naranek View Post
    Man, Roy, I remember back when you first started arting. It's kinda cool to have seen the steady progression..Looking good, dude!
    ((Thanks Kosh! And I know you're tired of hearing it but -- I blame Polaron! (Seriously -- Polaron was one of the first drawings of CoH characters I ever did. ))
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
    Meh. Puppy, sit down with that noise. I thought you were better than this.

    ((No fair! All I got on my last rant was a photo of you with a crummy cardboard sign. I mean... it was cool and all... but this... this is art.))
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Cien_Fuegos View Post
    No had every intention to quit but upon the replies made sense
    So puppeh will stay atleast until nov when sub runs out and consider options
    It's a free country I can ragE quit or nOt if I want
    ((As one who has threatened to rage quit on several occasions, I understand completely.

    The only problem I have with the changes right now is that there will still be those that do pay to play and those that do not. For those that DO pay, I'd like for the name of the game to be called City of Heroes: Freedom. For those who DO NOT pay, I'd rather it would be called City of Heroes: Freem.

    Other than that, I'll wait and see what happens. There have always been changes I really hated and changes I've really loved. Hope this will be one we all can live with. ))
  18. Heroid


    ((And this one's for the ladies...

    Wyatt Wyborn of Westbrook Academy.))
  19. Heroid


    ((Peyton, aka Filcker from Westbrook Academy.))
  20. Heroid


    ((Lauren, aka Crossfire, from Westbrook Academy.))
  21. Heroid


    ((This is Krista, aka Butterfly Screams, another student at Westbrook Academy.))
  22. Heroid


    Originally Posted by The_Spartan View Post
    Your work is making strides. You're getting better and better.