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  1. ". . . You do realize we were trying to kill each other a second ago?" Hal sighed, grinning at Essex. "We're hopeless."

    "Bah!" Schizo said, turning his back to them both. "Sheesh. Rob ONE bank and suddenly you've 'broken the truce'. Old Hal-chan here is quite a slave driver!"

    ". . .Don't CALL me that!" Hal growled. "And it was your third in one DAY!"

    "Well, EXCUSE ME if I'm out of missions and have to make do with newspapers," Schizo muttered darkly.
  2. ". . .You can keep AWAY from her," Hal said, glaring at Darkstorm as he let go of Essex, his hands glowing and eyes flaming red.

    "Yeah, loser," Schizo said, thorns sprouting on his body. "She's MINE."

    ". . .Wait. . . since when did she become an inanimate object that anyone OWNED?" Hal yelled at Schizo.

    "We have a right to her!" Schizo yelled back.

    "I'm glad you're letting me in on this! And no we don't! I can't believe she puts up with us, honestly, the way we. . ."

    "Argue over her in front of everyone?" Schizo cackled, grinning.

    ". . .Yeah. . . pretty much sums it up. . ." Hal muttered, face now flushed, looking nervously over at Essex. "Oh, and, uh, AJ, Acid, Cortianna, whoever you are, hi," he added, ignoring them.
  3. "Essex!" Hal exclaimed, running to her. "Ugh, I know, I'm sorry. . . this ALWAYS happens. Can't they at least leave you out of it?"

    "Since 'Hal-chan' is occupied right now, I'LL answer you," Schizo said, leering at Pstorm. "Yup, that's Hal all right! And I'm Schizophrenias, the evil guy who lives in a big purple castle in his head full of aliens. A pleasure to meet you!" He extended a hand.
  4. "Dangit!" Hallucinogen yelled, beams of light flying from his outstretched hands, though it was hard to make any part of him out through the green smoky haze that constantly surrounded him. "I thought we're supposed to have a truce! STOP ATTACKING ME!"

    "Oh, I'm sorry," Schizophrenias replied, leering behind his garish green blindfold and barbed wire, and scratching his exposed brain with one hand while the other fired thorns at Hal in response. "But see, I'm robbing this bank. And you're trying to stop me. YOU'RE the one who broke the truce!"

    "I can't just let you rob a bank!" Hal groaned, dashing to the side and disappearing completely from view, though his voice still echoed everywhere. "I'm a hero!"

    "And I'm a villain," Schizo returned, purple miasma pouring from his hands all over the area, revealing Hal again, clutching his head, and barely able to stay sane, let alone fight. Not that he was sane to begin with if Schizo had come from his head. "And you suck, and COELOCANTHS!"

    It was over in another rush of thorns. "Yay! I win!" Schizo cackled as Hal disappeared in a flash from his mediporter.

    And then he was blasted by lightning and incinerated in a gout of brilliant bluish-white moonfire. "Oh, not really, Pharaoh," Moonscribe said calmly, ignoring the fact that the money in the bank was now singing exuberantly about how it was the root of all evil and three-eyed rabbits were playing golf with some of the coins. "But it was an excellent try."

    * * * * * *

    "Where the heck am I?" Hal muttered, appearing beside Burning.

    "Huh? I'm not supposed to reform yet!" Schizo complained as he appeared next to Archlich. "Wait. . .guess that isn't THAT bad. . ."

    "On Second Thought!" he declared, raising his finger dramatically in the air and then pointing it at Hal. "It sure as heck is for HIM!"
  5. ((Wahahahaha that is so like him. ))
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    "...Scare the [censored] out of me." he muttered before turning the lights off.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And me. Creepy. More!
  7. ((Yay! Khell is back and burning at both ends!))

    ((. . . My mother says that, don't ask. ))

    ((Anyway, aeons ago I posted what Hal and Schizo were doing and it was never responded to, probably because the thread was going berserk. So that Khell does not have to go find it here it is.))

    [ QUOTE ]
    A wind blew over the desolate landscape of western America, and Hallucinogen was nearly outrunning it, speeding invisible into the distance, ever further toward Oranbegan territory.

    "They found us again," he muttered as he ran and leaped over ghost towns and destroyed buildings. "They always find us, no matter how far we go, or where we hide. What's even the point? Maybe we should just give up."

    "Yeah, good idea!" Schizo cackled in his head. "I LIKE the way you're thinking, Hal!"

    Hal chuckled to himself. "Thanks, Schizo. You've made me realize that I can't give up now. Not if YOU think I should. Thanks for being there for me."

    ". . . You suck," Schizo grumbled.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ((I have no idea where they are going, so feel free to have something happen or tell me where they arrive. Also bear in mind that Schizo is no longer manifested.))

    Moonscribe (or rather his Disciple) smiled and struck a few keys in the air, and a grand piano appeared in front of him, taking up far less room than seemed physically possible.

    He sat at the bench and began to play Scott Joplin's "Gladiolus Rag", smiling to himself, never faltering once.
  8. Ehehehe.

    Essex is so cute. Of course, I would say that.

    Anyways, keep it up, other Essex. Or Rosalind now, I guess.
  9. Hallucinogen_NA


    ((Hey, "horribly confusing"!="wrong". At least I think that's how you write that. XP))
  10. Hallucinogen_NA


    ((Yay for horribly confusing time travel logic! <3 <3))

    ((And nice job! ))
  11. ((Bah! Didn't realize anyone was actually *gasp* posting! Also. . . I've been neglecting the boards, sorry. T_T))

    "Oh, hi there dollface," Schizo said, turning to AinuRauco in an instant, the plates circling him menacingly. Well, okay, maybe not that menacingly. They were plates.

    "Anyway, if you want a plate, just ask!" Schizo cackled, the plates beginning to shoot at AinuRauco. . .

    "Gah!" Hal gasped, freed from the Spirit Shark's jaws. "Anyone who even TRIES to attack Schizo is a friend of mine," he muttered darkly, and AinuRauco would feel a burst of radiation pouring through her and strenghthening her. . .

    ((Accelerate Metabolism, and yeah it's a PBAOE, shut up. ))

    "Hmm," Moonscribe said, surveying the chaos. "They seem to be doing pretty well. And to think some people say humans are so useless!" He chuckled softly.
  12. Hallucinogen_NA

    RPvP planning?

    HERESY! Hal is Essex's personal body sl--

    I mean, uh. . .

    This might not end well.
  13. Hallucinogen_NA

    RPvP planning?


    Thank you, that is all.
  14. Hal: Agh! Essex! S, sorry! I don't even know why I did that! It's like some sick mind is controlling my every action. . .*frets*
  15. Bah! I just meant it was THAT hard to get rid of me. And I'm green. Well, Hallucinogen is and that's my general moniker.

    Hal actually does not leave stains, but you must be careful to use only as directed by a doctor as side effects may include dizziness, nausea, and/or loss of consciousness.

    Also I'm using the power of sarcasm to--*is blasted by Jenny* Ow.
  16. [ QUOTE ]

    As for me, my home base is Protector. But there's a clump of us Board RPers who tend to stick together and follow each other from server to server, so most of us have toons on Virtue.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    YAY CLUMPS! *clings to Essex . . . it will take a lot of soap and scrubbing with a washcloth to remove him, and even then she'll probably have green stains*

    Not that I have anything to do with that!

    And I agree, mind controller sounds most appropriate. . . NO, I'm NOT just saying that because Essex did, thank you!
  17. "Oh, uh, hi Essex," Hal said, appearing out of nowhere again. "Uh. . . Good luck. . . heh. Not that I can imagine who'd vote you off. . ."

    "Yes, very tactful, I am sure," Moonscribe said, walking up beside Hal, although he most certainly had not been there before. "Remind her that she could well be kicked out and humiliated in a few minutes."

    ". . .That wasn't what I meant at all! I was just trying to be nice!" Hal exclaimed angrily.

    "Indeed," Moonscribe said calmly, folding his hands. "And failing at it miserably."
  18. Hallucinogen_NA

    Attention all.


    Thank you, that is all.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Trying to actually help you is like taking a bath with a toaster. It's not even a good idea in theory!"

    [/ QUOTE ] ((Essex: I like baths. D: ))

    [/ QUOTE ]

    ((Hal:. . . No comment. *blush*))

    ((Sorry. You can all slap me now! ))
  20. "For honor, glory, and copious amounts of dry catfood!" Queen Etta declared. "CHARRRRRRGE!"

    ((And she's got all the leadership powers on, by the way, except Vengeance. And that's only off because no one's dead. ))

    "SUPER ROBY ATTACK AT RANDOM!" Roby yelled, and dove into the sea of Rikti, slashing at them with his mighty paws of steel, energy blasts deflecting off his super hard fur.

    "We're sorry," said Pyewacket's assault bot in a clear, calm woman's voice, clearly recorded, "but we are only able to provide service to citizens of the United States. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. Please hold!"

    And missiles swarmed into the horde of Rikti, followed by a few blasts from Customer Service's plasma cannon. . .

    "Yayayayayay!" Sir Darktail yelled, and simply seemed to disappear. Some sort of grey blur shot from a completely different direction into the Rikti, and Darktail was in the middle of them, slashing with his sword and dodging so quickly it looked like there was more than one of him. It was official now; His armor really WASN'T weighing him down. Or obeying basic laws of physics.

    "Greetings, and farewell," Lord Biggie said, walking calmly up to the Rikti and smashing them left and right with his huge paws. Well, they were huge for his size. Which was about three feet high. But he was clearly much stronger than he had any right to be, since the Rikti energy blasts were just bouncing off his fur, which seemed to have formed itself into crystals. . .

    And Maria sighed. "Honeyyyyyyy. . ."

    A really rather cliche dark summoning animation played in front of her, and a being formed of blackness stood before her, red eyes glowing menacingly.

    The Dark Servant sighed. "What is it now, dear. . ." it said in a bored and lazy voice.

    "Don't 'dear' me, you good-for-nothing creep!" Maria yelled, blasting it with a bolt of dark energy. "Get over there and fight those Rikti! If you're not going to get a job, at least save the stupid planet!"

    "But my show is on. . ."

    "Honeyyyyy. . ." Maria said furiously, advancing on the servant, claws outstretched. "Kill. . . them. . .NOW!"

    "I'm going, I'm going!" the Servant said hastily as it drifted off to the others and fired paralyzing bolts of darkness at the oncoming Rikti. "Sheesh. . . can't a man get any rest? Women, they're all the same."
  21. Ehehehehe. I enjoy the ambient wildlife and peaceful scenery of the Island of Conclusions. I'm so glad I jumped here.
  22. ((Okay. You know what this thread needs? Other than people actually posting? ))

    ((Some sort of reference to the mansion's layout! I don't THINK Hal has been to the lecture hall, but to be honest I don't have the faintest idea where things are, and if I did I would definitely be posting more.))

    "Uh, Ian, Essex, Naga, Experiment?" Hal muttered, turning to all four of them. "I guess we need to find more clues or something."

    He sighed. "I wish I knew what happened, but as usual, I'm completely clueless. I just want to know what's going ON. I hate this sort of thing. . . Has anyone checked the lecture hall? I mean, it sounds like a bunch of stuff happened there. There's gotta be SOMETHING we can find SOMEWHERE!"
  23. Well, uh. I am sure such people would not deny what they are doing, or attempt to exempt themselves from blame.

    But if, hypothetically, one of these people had no idea they were not the last person to respond on one of these threads, and the GM never bugged them about it. . . it might well be weeks before they realized they were holding anyone up!

    And of course, this is all PURELY hypothetical. *goes to post in Live by the Sword*
  24. ". . .Agh! What the heck is this thing?" Hal exclaimed as the Spirit Shark clamped down on him, and he could do little but struggle against it. . .

    ". . . Hmm. I wonder if anyone is watching. . ." Moonscribe muttered to himself, getting to his feet. "Ah, I believe the phrase is "what the hell"."

    He raised a hand, and it glowed for an instant with brilliant bluish-white moonfire before streaking across the room at Gai like a shooting star. . .

    "And now, YOUR turn to dance!" Schizo cackled as all the plates flew at Jenny and a volley of thorns followed.
  25. Hey, hey, whoa! the Phantasm exclaimed, floating around dizzily. It was mostly unharmed, since being formed of energy, it was not very susceptible to it. But it was clearly not in a position to do anything. . .

    "The answer to your question is simple," said Hal, and Nox was surrounded by radiation. It was weakening him gradually, and had a hallucinogenic component, so that he would become convinced that he was mortally wounded. And it could deal some very real psychosomatic damage. . .


    ((Yeah, that's a Radiation debuff and Spectral Wounds combined. The debuff is Enervating Field if it matters.))

    ((And YAY! Once again, I am able to use the term "psychosomatic"! For some reason that always makes me happy. ))

    "Woohoo!" Schizo cackled, pulling himself back together quite literally and catching the plates in midair with telekinesis.

    "Well look at me, I'm a poltergeist!" he said. "DO THE POLTERGEIST DANCE BABY!"

    And the plates began flowing around him, diving at anyone who came near. . .

    ((And, uh, I think that falls under Telekinesis somehow. XP))