666 -
I find that an excellent way to make it easier to write when there is no conflict is to have two characters who work well together. This is what I try to do with Hallucinogen and Moonscribe in Crown of Thorns. . . I can almost always think of something amusing for those two to say to each other. If you don't like having your characters think to themselves, that's a good solution.
"A crime?" said Hallucinogen at once. "What crime? What happened? Do you know. . . sorry. I'm being impatient. . ."
Dangit. . . did Essex ALWAYS have to get herself involved in dangerous things like this? -
"Gweetings, Phawaoh!" said Moonscribe, seeming to appear out of nowhere. He floated to Archlich's shoulder and hugged him as politely as he could muster.
Schizo appeared quite literally out of nowhere, having been invisible. He grabbed Archlich's hand viciously and hugged it, sticking burrs into Archlich's body .
Hal appeared next to Archlich, and touched his back tentatively with one finger.
((EDIT: Stupid liches.)) -
((WARNING: Cliche alert. But you know what? You freakin' ASKED for it.))
"Yes. . . beautiful. . ." Hal muttered, watching Essex run into Curtis. His mind was evidently on things other than the scenery. . . -
"I think this is the place. . ." a disembodied voice muttered out of nowhere.
There was suddenly a loud rustling behind Essex, as though someone had just had a violent start, and a figure materialized out of nowhere. Hallucinogen, clouded in a green smoky haze, complete with gas mask, picked himself up off the ground, holding a crumpled invitation.
"Uh. . . Essex! Yes! Didn't know you were coming!" -
Mr. Thomas. Percy sighed as he walked back to his cubicle. That was always it, wasn't it? He had no intention of talking to that [censored]. Well, he had gotten by well enough up until now. . .
Percy returned to the programming department, and took his seat in his little cubicle, completely identical to all the others. The other department heads would have their offices and fancy chairs and all that, no doubt, but Percy considered that silly. If he was going to lead his department, it made little sense to set himself apart from the rest of them. Besides, he hated to be noticed. -
The hallucination returns!
. . . I've actually been on a lot today. Vague plans will do this to you. . .
But anyway. Moonscribe plays the piano. Are you really surprised? XD -
. . . Given circumstances in Crown of Thorns. . . isn't Schizo ALREADY next in line?
It seems I am able to post tonight.
I would note that Hal is actually seven at the time of Crown of Thorns. Yeah, he's seventeen physically, but if you take his actual age into consideration it's not so bad. Or anyway that is, I'm sure, what Hal keeps telling himself.
And Schizo? Come on. He's messed up in every other way. . . what did you expect? -
((Got time to throw this in.
"Mr. Tharomar," said Percy, inclining his head as though bowing. "I am pleased to report that programming for Project Forecast is going according to plan. We expect. . ." he glanced at Clarence, smiling slightly, and light flashed off his glasses for a split second, ". . . no delays."
"However, some of the people in my department are unable to work as fast as is desirable, due to their outdated computer systems." For a moment he looked somewhat disgusted, as though there was nothing in the world worse than an outdated computer. "I humbly request that certain of the systems in our department be updated or replaced, as necessary."
He inclined his head again. "That is all." -
((Okay, everybody, I may not be able to post anything through Wednesday, and if I do it will be very erratic. Must give some attention to my friend visiting from California. . . If the thread must go on, Essex can control Percy, as she knows who he is and hopefully may know what he would do. I may post occasionally, but don't count on it.
((Okay, everybody, I may not be able to post anything through Wednesday, and if I do it will be very erratic. Must give some attention to my friend visiting from California. . . If the thread must go on, Essex can control Hal. She probably knows what he'd do. I will post if I can, but don't count on it.
His Phantasm appearing again and scooping him up, Hal floated through the opening, preparing to fire if anything attacked them.
". . . So," said Hallucinogen. "Are we going? Or are we going to wait for some maniac to steal a deadly artifact and hurl this planet into the depths of madness?"
He considered. "I have no idea what that meant. Except that we're wasting time." -
((Okay, I don't say this much, but. . .
. . . I'm confused. What's going on? XD)) -
Percy waited for Clarence to speak. He had been astounded at the idea of controlling the weather when he had been assigned to work on Project Forecast, and had been twice as motivated since. Of course, he had felt all his life that if one only knew how, anything was possible. It was like programming; you could tell the computer to do anything, if you could write the code.
Hal looked up at Essex tearfully. "I dunno. I just feel sad. Schizophweneez and Moonscwibe always tease me. Dey hate me."
Percy glanced at Vasquez and his usual military equipment, and restrained himself from sighing. For crying out loud. This is a company. . . not boot camp.
And the worst of it was that it was probably necessary. Why did the human race have to be so violent and unreasonable? You would never guess, from walking down the streets in Diamond City. . . and yet the news every day had so much killing and suffering. . . Couldn't people just work out their problems peaceably? He was sure they could come to some sort of agreement.
But the meeting would start soon. Percy set his thoughts aside and waited for Tharomar to speak. -
Moonscribe went off to the sandbox and sat down. He began typing on air, and little pyramids formed out of the sand, followed by miniature sphinxes and other monuments. Water appeared out of nowhere, and formed a large river that flowed down the middle of the sandbox. . .
"Weally no importance," Moonscribe laughed as he jumped on the elaborate scene, reducing it to a lot of wet sand.
Schizo floated around, laughing. Somehow, he was covered in burrs again, and began throwing them at anyone who came near.
Hal clung to Essex's leg. "I not wanna go play wiff them. . . they all hate me." -
Hal landed neatly beside Essex and Ginstar, his Phantasm disappearing as he did so.
"You okay, Essex?" he asked tentatively. -
The frag grenades all hit, but when the smoke cleared, beams of light were shooting out of it, followed by a brilliant, glowing Hal, who was clearly seriously wounded from the grenades, but not enough to go down, thanks to the invulnerability he enjoyed in this form. His Phantasm appeared again, and scooped him into the air. Aloft, Hal began healing himself, as the Phantasm attacked. . .
Meanwhile, Schizophrenias did not really care much that Ian had blocked his attacks. It was giving him an excellent excuse to search for Ian's mind so he could crush it. But he doubted Ian wold leave him alone for long, so the Coralax waited outside the spikes of rock, ready to attack with another wave of cold as soon as the warrior showed himself. . . -
Haha, this is pretty good. I won't say anything about the formatting, since you already. . . Whoops. Anyway, I won't say anything else.
But yeah, it's looking pretty good. -
Hmm... a water bucket o'er the door, best make it sos the other lasses kin get 'round it.... ink bombs by muh bed... Ah'll 'ave ta string out trip lines each night, need ta find out if any of the lasses sleepwalk...
[/ QUOTE ]
Moonscribe smiled, glasses flashing again. He would make sure to be careful. It was fun reading minds. -
Percy walked quickly into the meeting room, and took a seat next to Penny. He too had his laptop. . . after all, as lead programmer for the company, he was wasting valuable time by ever leaving his cubicle at all. . . and he was still catching up on the work he had been supposed to do. He closed it as he sank into his seat.
He had never seen any of these people before. . . Percy decided there would be time for introductions later. He waited impatiently for the meeting to start. Come on, he hadn't even started on the latest batch of bugs. . .
((I hope Percy qualifies as important enough to come to this meeting. I wasn't really clear on that. . .)) -
"Now, now, Wosie," Moonscribe said. "No need violence. Sure we can come some sort awangement." His glasses flashed.
"Yeah, awangement!" Schizo cackled. "We awange you sweep in big doggie cage!" He tossed a bur at Rosie.
"Stopit," Hal complained. "No make twouble for Essex, she nice."