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  1. "Please, everyone," said Reginald. "Calm down. If you would like to be killed by Lost because all of us are arguing constantly, then that is your prerogative, I suppose, but I would prefer we simply tried to get along."
  2. "Hey!" Hallucinogen yelled. "Weave him awone!"

    An illusion of a tyrannosaurus appeared in front of Jake, roaring menacingly.

    "I got better idea!" Schizo cackled, and raised his arms. Burrs shot from them at the illusionary fairies at high speed, as though he was firing a machine gun. It looked rather appropriate with his black leather jacket.

    Moonscribe, however, was ignoring all this, and typing. The gravity in the room began to weaken. The other children's feet began to lift off the floor.
  3. Regarding the song you posted, Essex. . .


    That will be all.
  4. "The sewers?" said Reginald, leaning against a wall.

    "That works for me. When shall we depart? We cannot waste too much time."

    Was this the beginning of his destiny. . . Well, he would have to wait and find out, like everyone else.
  5. ((No, robotic sensors would have no effect. Hal's invisibility works by causing those around him to hallucinate into thinking that he isn't there. If you can hallucinate, you can't see him. . . unless you have a bunch of +perception buffs or something, of course! ))
  6. Yeah. I obliterated that game. But it took me awhile to beat Sephiroth. :P
  7. "AHHHH!" Hal screamed as Sienna began making sound effects, and his Phantasm attempted to blast Schizo with rays of light. However, the fledgling illusion's attack had an effect closer to shining a large flashlight in Schizo's eyes.

    "Hey!" Schizo yelled, tossing a burr at Hal. "Stop dat!"
  8. "Hmm. Interesting," Reginald said. "If the Lost are behind this. . . Aren't they supposed to be connected to another organization somehow? I wish I knew more about this world. . . it would be much easier to solve this."
  9. Bah! He'll be better when he has Stamina!
  10. Oh, do not concern yourself with me, Pharaoh. I am really of no importance.

    *conjures huge lightning storm, tornado and blizzard*

    . . . I'm sorry. As you might guess from my own writing style, Kingdom Hearts really appeals to me. I think there's a fair amount of influence.
  12. "Enough talk," said Reginald, who had aimed an arrow at Zoria the moment he entered. "Please explain what you are doing here."
  13. Hallucinogen continued past the officers and detective into the laboratory, trying to stay focused on the task at hand. He was having trouble.

    Come on. She obviously still likes you. You should be happy.

    "But she doesn't remember anything. . ." Hal sighed.

    So what?

    "So. . . what was even the point? After all I did for her, or tried to do, she can't even remember any of. . ."

    Calm down! Don't blame her! Look. Aren't you supposed to be PAYING ATTENTION TO THE INVESTIGATION?

    ". . .Oh yeah."

    You are the worst detective ever, you know that?

    Hallucinogen tried not to breathe too loudly as he looked around the entrance.

    He saw Andrew, and quickly jumped into the shadows. Great. . . a robot. His invisibility wasn't very useful against anything without a mind. . .

    ((Oh, and. Hal didn't actually say anything out loud. . . it would just be too confusing for both him and the Phantasm to be in italics. ))
  14. Hal sighed. "I not want to grow up. Grownups all sad. I sad now." He sat mournfully on the ground.

    Schizo dove into the pile and pulled out a black leather jacket. He disappeared under it and mimed shooting everyone else with a machine gun. "Yay! I terrorist!"

    Moonscribe, however, evidently could not resist. A dark cloud formed overhead as he began to type. A trickle of rain came down. . .
  15. "Hmm," Reginald said, not remotely surprised by Nena's outburst. "So, MAGI is already busy. . . If anyone needs assistance, I would be happy to help."

    After all, this had to be what the Oracle had brought him to Oranbega for. This was clearly his destiny.
  16. It took Hallucinogen a few seconds before he realized he was just standing in the middle of the room. That was right. . . he was supposed to go check out the lab. . .

    He disappeared on the spot. Years of being able to turn invisible had taught him how to move silently, and he didn't make a sound as he crept toward the lab. He was apprehensive. He knew something strange was going on here. . .
  17. ((Hey there.

    I'm waiting on Soviet. ))
  18. "A Maltan bullet. . ." Hallucinogen said. "I don't really think this has anything to do with the crime. . ."

    He looked carefully around the room, scanning it with his radiation as well. In such a small area, his personal radar would be able to practically map the place out. . . it would be pretty hard for him to miss anything, given time.
  19. "Hmmm. We are well enough, but. . . we do not really bring pleasant news," Reginald said.

    "Something serious has just occurred in Oranbega. To be honest. . . I do not really understand its significance. But. . . as best I can tell. . . someone has infiltrated the Circle of Thorns. Why. . . I really cannot say."
  20. . . . This reminds me.

    To this day I am unsure if Hallucinogen should really be of Mutant origin. Yes, his powers technically come from a mutant gene. . . the radiation powers, anyway. . . but then there's all the hope and light and soul rigamarole. And he was created, not born. . .and how he was created just confuses things more.

    . . And no, I'm not telling you. Shut up.
  21. Hallucinogen's fledgling Phantasm picked him up and flew shakily into the living room.

    Schizophrenias floated after him, cackling as usual. "Hehe! Activities futile! We all doomed ta misewy!"

    And Moonscribe floated after him. "Hmm, activities," he murmured. "Wonder if dey be more fun in rain." His hands were twitching ominously already.
  22. ((Yay! The Wielder of the Painpipe!))

    Reginald flew into the MAGI office and stopped to hover in midair, hoping Xander was close behind.

    "I hope we are not interrupting anything," he said, looking around the room. "Oh, hello, Pariku, Nena. It is good to see you two. . ."
  23. Hallucinogen was a fairly normal hero to begin with, apart from his appearance being entirely illusionary. One day I decided that he didn't know where he had come from, who his parents were, or if he even had them. Apparently this started some sort of avalanche, because those are only half the poor guy's problems now.

    Schizophrenias, obviously, contributed to this. He was concepted essentially as he is today. I was unsure of whether the Thorns powerset would fit him, but nothing else did what I wanted in the Dominator secondaries. And I warmed up to it pretty quick.

    I wanted his name to be Schizophrenia, and it was on Test. But that name was taken on live. Thus, I figured, what the heck. . . I'll add an "s" to the end.
  24. ((Hmmm. I think we could probably say they have. And it's Reginald, of course. Ugh, I'm such a hopeless nitpicker.))

    "Here," said Reginald, flying up to an ornate wooden door. "This is one of the city exits, I think." He pushed it open, and flew through the cave system it connected to and out into the fresh air . . . well, they were now in Kings Row, so relatively fresh.

    Reginald made a beeline for the station. They would reach the MAGI office in no time now. . .
  25. Reginald listened carefully. "I see."

    The Oracle activated on his back. "Well, what are you going to do, Reggie?"

    "You know what I am going to do," Reginald answered. "So do not ask. You can teleport, correct? Than you can keep up. We must go to MAGI immediately. I understand little of magic. . . there was none in the world I come from."

    And with that, Reginald flew at top speed towards the nearest exit to the surface. . .