Grey Pilgrim

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  1. Grey Pilgrim


    Haven't even heard of most of these, so it's hard to say. How the heck are they making Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs into a movie? I suppose just like they did with those Dr. Seuss books... ugh. Kids books that are that short can maybe be made into a short movie (like the TV cartoon, 30-minute classic of The Grinch Who Stole Christmas), but not an actual feature.

    I'll probably see Harry Potter, since they've been doing a fairly decent job on those movies. Maybe Sherlock Holmes at some point... seems like Robert Downey Jr. might be pulling off that part fairly well also.
  2. Good run tonight, I made it to 38 as well. Toril tried to give me some gray hairs by emulating Des as much as possible (not to mention the team trying to split as much as possible...), so I was kept on the edge of my seat, heh.

    Where was everybody? The iffy Transformers movie? Too few of us on tonight!
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I think they couldn't think up enough stuff to add and had this idea... I could be wrong, but it's still not good, in my book.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Wow... I was right. I was seriously hoping I was pessimistic, but I wasn't. Here's Castle's quote on the subject. Kind of sad. You would think some unique auras or smallish buff/debuff power would have been better. Anyway, I'm still surprised they didn't pick up on how problematic this feature is. Blech.
  4. After seeing those, I'm definitely meh on this booster, which is fine. Part of me still wants the Cyborg and Valkyrie packs, so it's good not to tack another one on to that list. Hopefully all the mad scientist wannabes out there are happy, though.
  5. I haven't played with the sliders too much, so that's why I was uncertain. I play with that stuff when I'm first making a character, to get them where I want to be. If they look a little weird running around in the opening zone, I delete and rework (took me a bit to realize that changing the hips actually changes how a character runs... a lot).

    So, I'm finding this annoying. They identified that "hey we should let everyone have costume change emotes" thing, but not that this should be a universal feature. Very confusing to me, especially since they already have the sliders and body type choice at character start, and part of that at all times in the tailor screen. I'm... somewhat reconciled to the whole booster thing as it has been done before, but this... is not a good idea. I know it ties in with the whole "Jekyll and Hyde" idea for the Science pack, but I'm sure there are a few people in Voo's position, and that's got nothing to do with a Science theme. I think they couldn't think up enough stuff to add and had this idea... I could be wrong, but it's still not good, in my book.
  6. Yeah, I'm a little confused... can you not do this already? Or is it only your leg height you can adjust? And if you can't do this already, I find it a little lame that they're making you buy a booster to do it... that's a feature that they should already have...

    At any rate, I'm not really interested in this one. I don't have any real scientist characters, and I have enough goggle and hair options. If I were to get another pack, it'd probably be the cyborg... I don't have enough techy/armor options for my characters.
  7. No problem- you're not the first to do this, heh. I'll give it a try if I can at some point... I've gotten a bit down on the AE lately, but I try to help out when I can.
  8. With that, you're running into the other side of the spectrum... tanks should need a little help with those, otherwise Defenders and such get more marginalized. But even then, I think almost all tanks can handle most of the AVs in this game without support. When appropriate, they need some support (AVs on TFs and such).

    Tankers in this game have a good amount of survivability, and stand out well enough there. It's the other pieces mentioned that maybe need a little help, as mentioned.
  9. Grey Pilgrim

    Tanker Offense?

    Ummmm, I'm going to quibble with that. This IS a superhero/comic book game. You have to remember both elements for this. I didn't complain with X-Men Legends when they threw in a bunch of RPG and leveling elements, the game worked for what it was. THIS game works for what it is, and it's balanced. Any suggestions for changing this game should do the same.
  10. Be sure to post this in the stickied thread for our MA list... people usually go there when they want to see what MA arcs to try from fellow Victory forumites.
  11. Hehe, I love the Placate power (on my Ninja Blade, at least, not sure if they all do the same hand wave thing)... seriously looks like Ben Kenobi going "this is not the stalker you are looking for." Good times.

    Oh, and yes, I'll be there tonight.
  12. Ha! Didn't even notice you were on my team, Dirtball. Unless I see your universal in the global channels, I don't usually check people's global. It's enough work keeping things going. We had Chumly and Heraclea, too, and they're around quite a bit.

    Anyway, AE has started to stick in my craw, so I haven't done any in a long time. Not super keen on seeing so many 50s in AP (I invited a 42 from AP last night, and he quit when he couldn't enter the mission... which was in Talos. I can only assume he was trying to enter via the AE building in Atlas). I have also gotten so much silly feedback on my one arc that I made that I'm a bit down on the whole thing (had comments like "your villain is more violent than the Warriors would stand." When the Warriors represent heroes that worship an extremely violent time in history, carry around swords and axes, etc. I think that a leader of the warriors beheading someone fits in with the group, mmkay. Other more silly comments involve the shortcomings of the creator itself, which are not my fault, etc.).

    I also really like the normal missions in CoX... I keep my heroes and villains spaced out and playing different content (there's enough to do this easily) so it doesn't get stale, and I like running 8-man story arcs via normal content.


    Forgot to say I picked up 31 Fake Nemesis Bots through the night, so now I just have 29 to go. I'll probably try running this some more in the near future to keep working that, and I'm now on the mission with Nosferatu... who is a little difficult for my to solo. I got him down to maybe 1/5 of his health, but then my accuracy and defense inspirations ran out, and I was missing too much and he was healing too much. Grrrr.
  13. Okay, I'll give a shout out on the VF and VB channels when I'm starting, so let me know if you you're ready to go.
  14. Hey all, I've picked up the 40-45 Nemesis story arc and I'll be running it tonight with my WP/DB Tanker in hopes of completing it and my Fake Nemesis badge (50 to go). That goal will be easier to achieve with a big team, so shout out if you want in.

    I'll be announcing in channels and such, of course, but it'd be more fun with some solid people in the forums to start things up. I'll be shooting to start around 7:15 Central/8:15 Eastern.
  15. Grey Pilgrim

    Tanker Offense?

    Maybe I'm being too positive, but I have a hard time believing that they would invest as much time in power customization as they would have to (for tinting) and only end up with some tinting abilities for players. Why you wouldn't want to go in there and give a lot of options is a bit silly... they know we like it from the costume creator and have been recently reminded of it with the Mission Architect.

    Of course, they could say I16 is the start of power customization and say tinting is just the beginning. *shrugs* However, I would say they'd be silly not to have a large amount to choose from at the start, like they did with weapon customization.
  16. I wish they had spread it around to the other snipes as well. Bit of an odd decision, especially since you don't get Build-Up with the Devices set.

    Still, Targeting Drone is pretty nice. You can exemp below accuracy bonuses from IOs, more perception is nice when fighting Arachnos, and hey, a bit more accuracy never hurts. I always notice when I switch from my Arch/Dev to any other hero, because Targetting Drone makes it so easy for him to hit things no matter what.
  17. Ah, well I can be pretty flexible on the weekends, so feel free to ask if everyone can do it a little later. I like to give a firm time since not doing so gets wishy-washy and fewer people seem to want to join.
  18. I'm just used to you stealthing things, which I equate with actually having stealth. So I was just assuming, not saying claimed something.

    Man, 28 seems really high, I only remember a few here and there, so I am REALLY surprised by that.
  19. Ah, you didn't have stealth, Des? Thought you did. And don't you be pulling legs, Des... 28 deaths? I don't recall them being nearly that high... thought we just had a few.

    We got going at about 8:02 Central after hunting for the remaining team members for about 15-20 minutes. We actually ran with seven, too. Babbage took fairly long since we didn't have many people wanting to join in on him.

    What time was good for you, Voo? I really don't mind moving around times 30 minutes or so (and we obviously started a half hour late), so you should have said something. DC and jumped in last minute, too.
  20. Meh, defeat happens to everyone, not just Fiery Aura. And I do think RoTP is technically a godmode. I used to be annoyed with it for all the reasons people list, but it's really a second chance, a chance to be able to handle more than you could. This disorient, KB, health, etc. allow you to keep going beyond what you normally could.

    I'd agree that you should grab other things to help your survivability and such first, but I'm starting to think it's maligned more than it should be, especially now that debt means so little. You just can't stop a Fiery Aura Tank, they keep going no matter what. If you defeat them, they rise again: with a vengeance.
  21. I'm sure that had nothing to do with the TF having 3 tanks and the ever crazy Des on the team.

    TF was pretty solid, though, I think Des had our only deaths, heh. Guess 3 tanks really wasn't enough! Course, he did have them while stealthing for us, so we can't really hold it against him, hehe.

    Anyone know if it's a known bug yet when you crash while exiting the last mission in a TF? Seems to happen too much not to be, especially since 5 of 7 of us crashed tonight.

    Oh, and thanks for not being cranky about me showing up late, Bunny and Des. Really didn't mean to, so I appreciate the understanding.
  22. True, but if I16 is only PC, then it starts ending up like I14, which was "only" MA. Both represent a LOT of work on the time of the devs, but it doesn't come out that way to some players, unfortunately. If you don't really care that much about Power Customization (or if you don't like how it's set up, like if it's only color tinting), it won't be enough. And some people weren't all that keen on MA (I like the idea, but it really hasn't grown on me).

    I know part of the problem with that is people NEVER getting enough. But I do think what type of content issues have needs to be taken into consideration. It isn't all cut and dried about what the devs can choose, but more powersets and missions are usually regarded as a good thing by players. Having something like those in each update would be a good idea, just from how I see people react (and going from my own reactions) on the forums and in game.

    So, hopefully I16 has more than PC and the PC is executed well. Asking for a lot, I know, but that's the perception.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    AT: Masterminds
    Powerset: Thugs
    Bug: Slipping feet.

    When playing as a Thugs mastermind with your dual pistols drawn (attack stance) attempting to walk forward diagonally will play the normal forward animation, so it looks like you're sliding across the ground. This only affects the Huge model to my knowledge.

    To replicate: Draw your dual pistols, and walk forward diagonally.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This also happens to my Thugs MM, but he uses the male model, not the huge model. So it must be for Huge and Male skeletons at least.

    Another Thugs issue from my Thugs/Pain Mastermind using the male model. Upgrade Equipment does not always change the look of your Thugs. Equip Thugs always changed how they looked (leather trench coats for Enforcers, etc.) as far as I know. Not so for Upgrade Equipment... sometimes the Enforcers and Thugs will get their bandannas and such (same for the Bruiser), other times they will just take on the Equip Thugs upgrade look. The pets still receive their powers, their look just does not change.

    Not sure if this is an animation issue, but the mission in Jonny Sonata's arc which sends you to FBZ to kidnap Akarist from Longbow has a weird issue where mobs will disappear from view (they're still there, you can target them and attack them, they just are no longer on the screen). This happens depending on the camera angle, as moving it around would make them appear and disappear. I should ask about this in the bugs section as well, but I'm running a computer with Windows Vista and an Nvidia graphics card. At least 2 other people on my team were having the same issue.
  24. It's not an absolute must have, but it can be nice all the same. It's not just a simple rez, it's something you can pop immediately on defeat, knocking back and disorienting foes in the vicinity (and you should have plenty there if they were able to defeat you in the first place). It's a good way for you to keep tanking and recover from whatever was strong enough to defeat you.

    I rarely use it on my Fire/Fire (he's received many compliments on his sturdiness), but there have been times when the stuff hits the fan, and then I'm glad I have it. For example, I was the tank on an 8 man team running through the new Cimerora mission where you face off against Ghost Widow. The team managed to aggro the whole room and her... I would have been fine with just the room, but her "hold of death" did me in. I popped Rise of the Phoenix and I was good to go for the rest of the fight.

    Keep in mind that my Fire/Fire only managed to squeak it in at level 49, as things like Taunt, Tough, Weave, Char, etc. had higher priority.
  25. Really hard to say about the Going Rogue release. You would think they had been working on it for awhile before this leak/intentional news, and that they would want to get it out in a reasonable time in relation to those other games out there. Late 2010/early 2011 seems awful long to do what they want it to do (or what I think what they would want).

    I do know that games take a lot of development time and all, but I'm being a little hopeful, seeing what they are responding to, etc.

    I'm also confused by all the "I15 is meh" comments. It's being billed as a mini-update, and that's what it seems like, in all honesty. We'll see if the TF holds up, though. And hopefully we'll see I16 reasonably soon and it'll be good.