Grey Pilgrim

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  1. What, 4% for end? Sure, then it'd be superfluous, but for those of those without it... Consume is quite nice. And that's going to be the case for most Fiery Aura tankers.
  2. Ummmm, what? What is this? A channel? A webpage? We already have a stickied thread here to post your AE arcs, as well as a channel in game for AE things (though I'm forgetting the name right now). Might want to provide a bit more info.
  3. Grey Pilgrim

    Thoughts of I15?

    The faces are kind of nice... believe it or not, I was wanting more options there, and I actually like some of the new ones. Already switched one of my guy's faces, but that will probably be a slow process for some of them as I play them and am willing to use the costume change token (plenty on some older characters, but not many on some newer ones).

    I've heard people say they like the Ulterior pattern over the vines, but I rather like the look of Vines more. Just don't have much call to use it on my characters. Anyway, I hope they have a good slew of costume parts with the next issue, as we don't need any more hair or face options (though hats with or without hair would be great). More armor, hood, hat, etc. options would be nice, though.

    Voo, it's pretty easy to make a keybind to change your costume. The names aren't too complicated and I have a list I grabbed from the forums... I bind the ones I want to keys on my numpad, and it works pretty nicely. Let me know if you want them (if you don't know how to do it already, you probably do, but I figured I would ask).

    I'm half/half on the sound FX. Dirt in the caves sounds like your shooshing through snow or something, not running on dirt, and the old water sounded more realistic (if you're running or jumping into water, it should not sound like you just made a perfect dive like an Olympic diver). Air ducts on roofs sound nice, though. Good metallic booming sound (jumped and ran on a few during the long hops during the Posi last night).
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Only thing that keeps me from playing EM: Stuns. I despise powers that stun. I hate having to follow guys around.

    That, and I hate the colour pink. Can't explain why, but I actually hate the colour pink.

    That said, I still have plans to play an /EM tanker at some point.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I16 will allow us to remove that pink color. Though I'm not sure what color would look better there, heh (good thing I have awhile to decide). Anyway, you shouldn't have to run after stunned targets very much. It's not like earlier days where they could stagger off at sprint speeds (and jump up a building). They can move some now, but very slowly. I rarely have to move after a stunned target, and if I do, it's a matter of tapping the forward key. Tanks have to move quite a bit anyway, so it's not a big deal.

    Really, the reliable stuns are a nice plus for EM. It's quite nice for my Ice Tank, so he doesn't have to have his defenses constantly challenged.
  5. Ouch, no Consume? That's one of the nice perks to have as a Fire Tank, and you dropped it? At the very least, it's probably worth dropping the one extra slot of defense in Combat Jumping (it's getting you a whopping .5% defense) to slot in Stamina. As it stands, you're at 1.75% end recovery without Consume. My build that I posted earlier is at 2.01% when I have all my toggles running, and I still need Consume for drawn out fights. That doesn't happen too often, but it's nice to have when you need it.

    And another ouch, and you're adding Hasten to that mix. If you can make it work, go ahead, but I like not having to worry about my endurance much when I'm running. Probably won't need Healing Flames much with that much defense, at least (unless you're fighting a mob that likes staying at range).
  6. Happy B-Day to America's hat!
  7. Grey Pilgrim

    Thoughts of I15?

    [ QUOTE ]
    new faces of deceit and new faces of lies
    new faces of hatred and new faces of spies
    new faces of love lost and a new face that cries
    Dude... it has new faces, but where are the pies?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Silly Lucha, it does not matter, for the pie is a lie.
  8. Grey Pilgrim

    Thoughts of I15?

    Well, if that's the case, it can segregate the populations more. Of course, if Going Rogue ups our population a bit, it may not matter. Not sure if it will be a big enough draw to bring in decent amount of numbers though (not sure what that number would be... 20k more subs?).

    I dunno, might not be that big since it'll be like RWZ or Cimerora, but it is potentially a concern. In other news, WoW is saying that they might at some point (that's really what they said) have side-switching as well. It's weak and wishy-washy enough to make me think they don't have much of a plan, making me wonder if they did decided to do it because of CoX. Not an idea unique to CoX, of course, but the timing is odd. Linky.
  9. Grey Pilgrim

    Thoughts of I15?

    Well, it's more of a mini-issue. That's how it was billed, and it's okay for that. I like having more costume and costume change options, and the TF/SF is at least okay. Not as good as I would have liked, but it's okay.

    I know I'll sound greedy for saying this, but hopefully I16 will come out in a fairly quick interval, and the devs don't choose to do a mini-issue again... people tend to equate to other issues, rather than hearing the mini part, heh. (and I would be one of them, I have to remind myself that it's mini every so often)
  10. Grey Pilgrim

    War Mace FX

    Depends on the Mace you're using, but they do make sense. Remember the original mace (which is what the sound FX were chosen for) was a solid metal ball with spikes on it. You hear more of a ripping sound when those spikes would tear across your opponent (like with Bash), and more of a solid thud with attack like Jawbreaker or Clobber that wham directly into your opponent.

    So the ripping isn't so great when you use us the solid Warhammer, but it's not that big a deal to me. Aesthetics, I know, but the big attacks all "thud" pretty nicely for you.
  11. [ QUOTE ]

    You start off by saying there is no “wrong” way then you go onto this.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I SAID wrong can be rather subjective with a Fire/Fire. I didn't say there is no wrong way, as that's completely wrong. I saw a Fire/Fire tank with tons of pool power picks and only one of his resist shields (which he never ran, as it drained his endurance)... so yeah, there IS a wrong way. However, you can go for more offense or defense, and be happy either way, if it fits your playstyle.

    As for Incinerate, it IS one of your main ST attacks. It makes a noticeable difference in ST fights when you can get it (I miss it whenever I exemp below it, which is fairly often). I've honestly not heard of people recommending it get dropped. If you don't want it, you can get by without it, but you are hurting your ST damage ability. As for endurance, it is not a big attack... 6.86 end is not going to break the bank. I just tanked Reichsman for an hour straight using all the ST attacks in Fire constantly. I had to fire off Consume when it was up, but I was one of the only ones in the group that wasn't huffing and puffing most of the time (and I had all the Fiery Aura toggles going, CJ, Tough, and Weave).

    [ QUOTE ]
    Drop Fireball? Burn is only usefull agains AV’s?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're misquoting again. I said drop Breath of Fire, not Fireball. Fireball is a great choice if you want to go that route. I don't have room for it in my tanking build as I picked up Tough and Weave, but I know it's nice... it's in my offensive build.

    As for Burn, please read what I wrote. It's only useful if you are facing an opponent unaffected by the Fear it causes OR if you have a reliable source of immobilization. There are too many requirements to make that power a useful pick for me. I understand people make use of it, but that doesn't change the difficulties of using it, OR the fact that it is constantly cited as one of the things that needs improving in Fiery Aura. Leverage it if you can, but I'd rather have a power I can make use of reliably whenever I want it without any hoops (ie, immobilizing of some sort).

    I also put in all the reasoning needed for Hasten. Grab it if you want to use the power pick, need the recharge, and can stand the end drain. Though if you were quibbling about the end costs of Incinerate earlier, I'm surprised you give Hasten such a clean bill of approval.

    Anyway, Hasten is nice if you don't have many IO +recharge bonuses yet. I'm going with it on my offensive build until I can pick up some more sets. I'm also going to use Geas of the Kind Ones... actually pretty useful for things like this, and it's not that hard to pick up if you run the content in Croatoa with teams.

    On to other things. Thokor, you can put together a decent cheap build for a Fire/Fire. I love Multi-Strikes, personally, as they're quite cheap. I had all my AOE's slotted with those until I scraped together the cash to get the two Scirocco sets in my build. Red Fortune is a good set blueside for defense that is quite cheap, same for Titanium coating or Reactive Armor for resists. Also, each category has "cheap" sets and recipes that you can "frankenslot" to get some nice acc, dam, end reduc, and recharge numbers (or resist, etc.). Look around quick on Went's in each category, and you'll find them.
  12. Grey Pilgrim

    Thoughts of I15?

    [ QUOTE ]
    Apparently Rikti Drone and Zenith Hoverbot deaths were buffed in I15.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, there are videos around if you want to see them... they explode repeatedly for about a minute, so a group of them send out loads and loads of their parts as they explode. Just in time for the 4th, too!

    Do we know Going Rogue is only going to have content there? It sounds like they're going to be giving additional options to 50s, and I thought that was with the Going Rogue stuff, too. Hard to say how they're going to set it up with how little info we have. I would hope it's mostly like a new zone, so sides can cross to existing stuff easily as well, and not be cut off as Voo is suggesting. Of course, it might not be that way.

    Heroside, make sure you have a bunch of damage for all of Reichsman's HPs (egads). Sounds like defense and -to hit can be nice as well, so Reichs can't clobber the tank with that 100 mag stun of his. I'm not that keen on this TF, since Reichs just sounds like a big sack of hitpoints, rather than a somewhat interesting challenge. I was hoping for another LGTF or ITF, but this doesn't sound like it.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
    I understand the concept of lvl 47 mobs (not like your getting xp), but where can you find them as easily as the wall? That is my problem.

    The nice part of the wall is, large numbers, love to melee, and usually only 1 healer per group (KO blow+haymaker finished him off, any level).

    If I could find them as easily and consistently as the wall, I'll go there. If I went somewhere else (e.g. PI), I dont get the same mob sizes, you must hunt more, etc.

    Or are you refering to keeping a lvl 47 mission for farming (which I cant get/dont have)?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, if you want to solo and farm that way, the wall is fine (though RWZ can be decent for that, I would think... though most of the mobs there will tend more to range). All I'm trying to say is that any mob you fight 47+ gives you the same chance, so don't feel like you just have to work the wall. I was fleshing out info for the OP and anyone that doesn't know everything about Purple drops, not to mention those that find running the wall tedious after a bit (I need missions, TFs, and story arcs... street/wall sweeping gets old fast).
  14. I'll PM you a copule thoughts, Lousy. I'm always keen on helping out and giving good feedback (it's a good/bad trait of mine as a teacher of writing), so I should clarify more. Hope it helps you see what I'm seeing!
  15. Ah, cool. Didn't think the wiki would have updated for those yet. The salute one is pretty cool. Anyway, thanks!
  16. Does anyone know the executable names for the new costume emotes? I know the Magic ones are like cclightning, so is it cchowl, ccpeacebringershapeshift, or what?
  17. Ha, thought you were talking about I15 being put out this morning (patch notes are up for those interested ). Anyway, welcome back... I've had to take breaks at different times, but not by choice, just RL circumstances like yours.
  18. QR

    Okay, long thread already, and sorry if someone pointed this out already. It's MONDAY. We have server maintenance every Monday and Friday, so this shouldn't be that unexpected. I guess it started a little earlier, but this shouldn't be that much of a surprise. If anything, you should be grateful the patching happened during a regular maintenance so there wasn't an extra down period during the week.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Meh, just run content with foes that are 47+. No need to farm for them, as you'll have just as good a chance in a TF, mission, or on Cimerora's walls. You can't really farm purples... they just drop randomly. I have had ONE drop since they came out, and I play in the 47+ range quite often (though I do have severe altitis). It's all the luck of the draw.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think someone doesn't understand the meaning of "farm" and statistical consistency.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think someone woke up with cat pee in his coffee.

    The guy's saying you don't need to farm the wall or ... oh hey, patching!!!

    Anyhow, the guy is saying anything you do with 47+'s outside the MA will give you a chance... so you can run an ITF, or do RWZ missions, or do door missions, or whatever. You don't need to pick a repetitive high efficiency 'farm' when you have equal chance anywhere in the game - might as well do something fun, your chance per kill is the same anywhere.

    Cat pee. Coffee. Bad combo, Krunch. Chillax.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yup, that's all I was saying. Just take out lot's of 47+ mobs, which you can do a lot of places. You CAN run around Cim's walls to your heart's delight, I was just giving all the info. I'd hate to see someone think they HAD to run the walls to get Purple's to drop, when the devs actually did a good thing and let them drop anywhere (the odds are high, but at least you don't have to bend over backwards to get them).
  20. Ummmm, no. I don't see a need for it with Fiery Aura, when you have a great heal that is up every 20-30 seconds. If you can't build to survive between firings of Healing Flames, well, okay. That's you. I don't need to fire off Healing Flames very much: my defenses and resists keep me going just fine. And if I do take a beating in a fight, boom, Healing Flames has me back. Fully slotting Health is nice if you're trying to up your regen with a build, but not needed otherwise.

    My tough Tanker went for defense, +health, and a bit more recharge and damage. Works quite well. I think I fully slotted one of the Regen powers on my WP Tanker, but I don't think I'll be doing it with my Invuln, which can use the Regen. I'll get what Regen I can with him, but getting close to the softcap or at it for defense is going to help even more.
  21. Heh, I was wondering what the set should be called... maybe Sauron/Vader/Gargamel?
  22. Yeah, that was more of a pickup raid, and I wasn't the one that formed the teams, so I wasn't sure what the makeup was for all the teams. I suppose I should have grabbed my tank, too, but I was able to get my Redding Rifle for my AR Blaster finally, so I'll take the bit of debt I had build up as well. I have one tank that still needs to complete his merits, and he's 50, so I think I'll use him until I can get this blaster to 50.

    Wish we had more bubblers as well, we had one on my team, but they DC'd part of the way through.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
    And please keep your snarky comments to yourself.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Kruunch, if you want to run these, that's up to you. I'm not commenting on that. But there was no snark in Clouded's post. I've seen you say things like this to a few posters that are not being snarky with you at all. Here's Clouded's entire post for reference of the non-snark. Pretty much just reminding you of what you probably already know, but no snark.

    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]

    However if it helps them (any red names reading this) I doubt I'd still be subscribing (again) to this game if I were dealing with the same levelling curve as I was 2 years ago, or 4 years and so on.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, this might be a problem...

    [ QUOTE ]

    In the past month I've levelled 2 Tankers to 50, a Troller to L41, a Scrapper to 46, another Scrapper to 35 and currently have a baby Tanker at L24 (new build idea).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm not a dev but I'm going to guess 236 levels in 30 days (# of hours would be a better determinent) is outside what they consider "ok."

    Your choice to level your heroes this way is your call, and I don't really care. I just hope you are objective to know it might be a bit outside their leveling curve.

    [/ QUOTE ]
  24. Meh, just run content with foes that are 47+. No need to farm for them, as you'll have just as good a chance in a TF, mission, or on Cimerora's walls. You can't really farm purples... they just drop randomly. I have had ONE drop since they came out, and I play in the 47+ range quite often (though I do have severe altitis). It's all the luck of the draw.