Grey Pilgrim

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  1. Grey Pilgrim

    Chili Recipes

    That's... hilarious. Apparently so few people discuss that chili, we made it to the top.
  2. Might be best to go by your concept of what you want the character to be, and how you want to play. Stone is a very resilient powerset once you get to Granite Armor at level 32, but it is also restricted movementwise while you're in Granite (you can't jump and you run slower, though the run speed can be helped by set bonuses from Invention sets). Personally, I couldn't get over the movement issues and no longer have a Stone Tanker.

    For pure tanking that is also maneuverable, I'd go for Invulnerability or Willpower for the easiest "tanking" builds, but Fire and Ice are great, too. Shields can be solid, but you really want to get your defense as high as you can with those, and that's easiest done with Invention enhancement set bonuses, whereas the other four I mentioned can be quite solid just with normal enhancements and digging into the Power Pools.

    Anyway, once you pick a specific setup for powers, you can post again and get more specific feedback about how to build a solid tank with the powers you took.
  3. For any toon, I just love fighting the CoT. I made them my main hero's nemesis group when I started playing in May 2004, and I don't really care that they can be annoying or difficult to fight at times (this feeling was renewed by the Earth minions that prevent my Blaster from jumping around and blasting as usual from their Quicksand power).

    For melee and non-defense characters, Carnie are annoying, but a fun challenge. Defense just laughs at their end drain, though (my Shield/SS has no fear of them). Vanguard are a tough challenge for melee characters, but engage me as well.

    Just plain annoying for melee are Knives of Artemis and Nemesis. Well, tanking for a team fighting Nemesis. KoA have those cal trops, and big teams face challenges against Nemesis. They have snipers, so it's easy to aggro many groups and have triple, quadruple, or even quintuple stacked Vengeance from lieutenants dying. They also have a lot of AOEs, so I have to constantly remind squishies (even scrappers) to be careful and not stand by me or in line of their AOEs.
  4. Okay, Lousy is down for sure. Plenty of room, so come one, come all!
  5. Oh, wow. That's great! Good job, Lousy (I feel so oxymoronic when I say good job and include your name, heh)!
  6. Nooo, we need more MMs so Hammy will inevitably put us all on the same team, and then we can crash whatever mission the team is on!
  7. I think I misread that... I assumed it was a global, which meant the server one still made sense. Not that I ever saw much chatter in the Victory MA, though.
  8. My wife said she had a sudden hankering to buy ID4. I just had to chuckle at that.

    It is an entertaining summer popcorn flick, though. Hollywood doesn't do that as often anymore.
  9. Grey Pilgrim

    Chili Recipes

    No BEANS in chili? How is it chili without beans? Chili needs moar magical fruit!
  10. WB! Don't worry, we can PL you or something.
  11. I've got a few maybes down, so let me know if you want in. Join Bladed Justice, that turbo ginsu of justice, in freeing the city from a big pile of rocks. Don't run away like Tim Allen in Galaxy Quest!
  12. One thing to keep in mind is that the Steadfast +def recipe and the kb recipes from resist and defense sets are all pretty cheap, meritwise. Be sure to run your own story arcs and you can get it by the time you have room for it. My Shield Tanker picked it up in the 20s due to a TF or two and running his own arcs. My Stalker villainside hasn't run any SFs, and he's almost to 125 merits at level 31, which isn't too bad.

    Anyway, that's one way to save cash. My WP/DB Tanker picked up a Steadfast early on his career and just sold a LoTG +recharge for some easy cash. Both were earned via merits as he worked on normal story arcs and his Task Force Commander Accolade.
  13. Probably would work better just to ignore things you don't like than poking the beehive. Sound advice for any internet forum.

    Take the worthwhile info and leave the rest.
  14. Grey Pilgrim

    Thoughts of I15?

    Yeah, I'm very confused as to why you have so many shots if you only need it once as that Horatio said. Someone on the Tanker forums seemed to think it interrupts his big stunning attack, but I don't know if that's accurate.
  15. Okay, NOW my Tanker only needs one more of the original TFs to get his Task Force Commander, and Numina is on the docket. I'll be running this on Sunday rather than Saturday, in the interests of Saturday being the 4th of July. We'll start things up at 7 PM Central/8 PM Eastern.

    Join in the fun and take on that big block of rocks, Jurassik (anyone else still expect to fight a dinosaur when they see that name?)!

    1. Grey Pilgrim (WP/DB Tanker)
    2. Lousy Day (Scrapper probably)
  16. Hey, don't be mad because it's true.
  17. 100 merits isn't too bad... it's just bad when included with the total of the rest of the costume. I have paid that willingly for the Redding Rifle and some other Talsorian weapons that I like the look of, but not for others. So I know what you mean.
  18. Christmas in July? Madness! Heh.

    Thanks for the link... that looks pretty cool, actually. Just not sure if I want that before or after I complete the rest of the VG costume a couple of my heroes have.
  19. According to a post from the new dev, Horatio, the gun is only needed at the start of the fight to make it so you can hurt Reichs, turn off some mean debuff he has, etc. If you hit him before using the gun, you'll get a bunch of ones for damage... after, he takes normal damage (except when he hits that lame Unstoppable of his). So I don't know that the gun does interrupt it... unless that Horatio is intending us to figure it out on our own. I hope not, though, since he was responding to all the confusion about what the gun does.


    Dersk, if your team got him to 50k, then to 26k around his activations of US, your team should have been able to do it. It took my team a long time (we had one jerk go AFK the second mission and not come back, so we kicked him before the final mission when he wouldn't respond), but we did slowly get him down. Was annoying as heck, of course, but his HP did pendulums around US, but always with a downward trend.
  20. Evil laugh would work pretty good for a transformation like that. The whole bursting into flame and laughing is a nice touch. Actually like most of the new costume change emotes. Peacebringer and WS aren't a big surprise, as it's the same thing you'll see when you switch forms right now (but it works for costume switching, too).

    Anyone seen a video of the Vanguard Sigil change? Don't want to waste 100 merits if it isn't cool (and of course, it HAD to be another 100 merits... like it wasn't enough for the costume already).
  21. Interesting... I was on team Hammy with DC, and we did not split. The second I get on a team with Masque and Mental, however, and the team starts splitting constantly. I should have known all the team splitting issues I've been having were MG's fault!

    Anyway, pretty good run tonight. Made it to 40, so I can start in on my patron arc... we should try to run the Cim missions next week since we can sync up easy on those. Haven't run the villainside ones yet.
  22. Yeah, it's definitely not auto-hit. To-hit debuffs or defense work quite nicely. I was never hit by it when our bubbler was bubbling, but since the fight was about 45-60 minutes, he got lazy sometimes. I sure noticed it when he forgot to put them back up, because suddenly that thing was landing and it was not good. Had to use RoTP nice when I got really unlucky and he managed to kill me while I was stunned.

    I'm not sure about it being interruptible... my 7-man team was hitting him constantly (and he had two tanks with auras on right next to him), but I don't recall it being interrupted.
  23. Yup, figured that out when I read about the booster some more a while back. Check your post dates. Thanks for the help, though.
  24. Meh, a large amount of us are at 38, so I wouldn't sweat it. Should hopefully be done with supper in time, here, so see you all then. Let's be sure to say we're all full when MG comes on... maybe we'll be able to hear him shed a tear.
  25. Grey Pilgrim

    Thoughts of I15?

    To be fair, Scooter, the SF sounds a lot more fun to play. Reichs heroside is just a long, drawn out fight. You have to fight another AV as you go, which is a little wrinkle, but not much of one. Works nice to have two tanks though, to break the two up and drop the weaker one as you go.

    Also, Horatio (a dev?) posted that the SF's merits are going to be increased to 30 in the next week or something, as they do know it is more difficult. He also said he was improving some dialogue and such... which makes me surprised. They had all this time and feedback, and didn't make sure they put these improvements in? First impressions mean a lot, and while I know they have time periods for new builds and stuff, it's a bit odd that they couldn't fit such important things in.

    Wanted it in for 4th of July, I guess.