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  1. GravitoBandito

    Changes to Rage

    Not reading this whole thread- Just saw it in the Main Window....

    Why isn't the obvious solution to apply the opposite of Rage's buffs, by using Damage and Accuracy DeBuffs? That would also allow us to keep aggro....
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Actually, for Grav, Adding Damage IS the solution even if States and Geko themselves don't think so. Illusion Controllers have the worst control... They're practically a Storm Defender with 1 lockdown and too many pets. But very few people complain because they crank out the damage which means faster EXP. Gravity is usually going to cause Slower EXP in the majority of situations compared to every other AT, so just change that and Grav will get a Carrot that leads people to like it and wanna stay with it a lot more.

    There's already Earth and Mind and Ice as well for the varieties of Pureist Controller builds. Last thing that's needed is one more that plays just like the others but is still weaker on control. Make it play more like Illusion, but instead of the pets doing most of the Damage, the Controller himself would do most of it through DoT's, and you'll have one more completely Unique and flavorful Controller primary that Synergizes more directly with the less taken Secondaries and does some very exciting things.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Agreed. And not just because I have a Grav controller....
  3. GravitoBandito

    Boss Changes

    I haven't read the whole thread because, honestly, I'd rather get back to the game.... Forgive me if I'm just repeating someone more experienced than me.

    My biggest problem with the bosses in this game is that they're all tank/scrappers.... There's no expression of Bosses that seem more like the other archetypes until late in the game, and even then they're tanks with extra powers.

    Raw damage capacity shouldn't be the only way to make a strong opponent.... If you balance the bosses the way you've balanced the player ATs, people wouldn't have much cause to complain. I could accept a boss with the massive damage output if they were Blaster-style glass cannons, and I could deal with ultra-tough Tankers with less damage per minute.... I would crap my pants if a group of bosses were balanced ATs, but I'd still want to fight them. Fighting a group of 5-6 tanks is not an impossible battle, but it is a really boring one.

    When I see one boss, I don't get intimidated, I get pissed because (depending on my own AT) I'm going to either pile up the biggest set of cheap shots I can manage or plunk myself down for a long and uninteresting drag-out fist fight. Either would be fun once in a while, but neither is fun every time.... I predict that this kind of grind is the reason I'll eventually leave the game.

    The fix you implemented really makes this difference between heroes and villains really clear. I hope the solution you come up with goes more in the direction of differentiation of bosses, rather than overall scaling up and down of them all. I realize that leaving the possibility for one-shotting bosses is scary, but creativity should trump all. You've been creative enough to get this far, so you should be able to keep piling new innovations on top of it.
  4. Thanks Snipe_Fu- I take back all the mean things I said about you.

    Now that I think about it, though, I didn't really say anything about you. I was just kind of a [censored] because I was bored and sick.... Sorry!

    I still don't really buy all of the talk about Interrupt Reducers and Range Enhancers in Snipe.... I suppose that when combined with good teammates, you'll be able to hit the cap with their help.... I suffer from solo-itis, though, so I'm going to opt for one-shot power everytime.

    As an aside to the talk of wolves, I had a Scrapper 8 levels below me in Bricks ask the other day if I could herd for him. Not could I provide a Nova for him- Could I run around and gather mobs for him to kill. I laughed for a good minute or two on that one, while I tried to figure out what game he'd been playing up til then....
  5. Well, I replied to previous versions of this FAQ, but they've been abandoned.... I'm not going to re-type the things I said, especially since SnipeFu might start the thread again and abandon this one.

    Better to edit your posts than to start new threads....
  6. I also did mine solo with my energy blaster.... Monkeys, Swarm, all in Crey's Folly (which is closer to the Brick green line than Holsten Armitage).... Finding Freakshow is never a problem at level 30.... No more than 30 minutes.

    Of course, if you don't have a damage dealer, life requires a teamup.... This guide is a really good idea for everyone else, so that they don't need to find a ton of separate pickups for your various missions.
  7. Great guide- It's convinced me to pick back up the Grav/FF controller I made when I bought the game....

    Does anyone have experience with Singularities and Group Fly or Group Teleport? Are these viable solutions to keeping them with you? Long recharge time, so it seems like a pain to leave them behind....

    I have to believe that this was the original intention of Fold Space- Getting your Singularities to you without the targetting problems.... Of course, it probably didn't work.
  8. Warm up any new team and build chemistry before taking on tough fights. It only takes a few battles, so you save a lot of time on debt reduction.

    Ask the leader what your team's alpha strike is- If he doesn't know, you might need a new leader.