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  1. Golden_Pie

    So... Stalkers.

    Originally Posted by Jibikao View Post
    I was looking through Kinetic Melee on Stalkers and I think I know why Stalkers are perceived bad or maybe they are....

    I honestly think Stalkers are designed to be "boring" in a lot of ways. Take a look at new melee sets like Dual Blade and Kinetic Melee. Those two were designed WITHOUT Stalker in mind. They were designed for generic melee like Brute and Scrapper. The dual blade combos in Brute/Scrapper are actually fun while Stalker has two combos that are tied to AS/Placate so you only really get to enjoy 2/4 combos most of the time. The extra range on 1K Cuts is nice or else DB is useless on Stalker. And I actually like Stalker dual blade (lvl 50 db/nin) but I can see why some people feel there is nothing special about DB Stalker.

    Then I look at Kinetic Melee for the first time last night. It's got one very interesting power in Siphon Power. I dig it. It's different and that's what new sets are supposed to be like "different" but guess what Stalker gets? A Build Up. Yes yes yes, I know Build Up FITS Stalkers better but it's almost like every time there is a new set, it IS NOT DESIGNED FOR Stalker in mind. Stalker gets this "let's just take some AoE Powers, some unique powers out and swap them with Assassin Strike + Placate". Ok done! There you go, a new set for Stalker!

    I have not tried Kinetic Melee and unless they did something special for Stalker, Kin set looks pretty piss-poor on Stalker without that unique power Siphon Power. It seems just like Energy Melee with long activation and a range attack like Focus.

    Yes, I know "how are you supposed to use Siphon Power during hide? Yes, I know you can't but this doesn't mean Stalker shouldn't get "creative powers" at all?

    In a way, I think Stalker is "designed" to be unpopular because they are tied to Assassin Strike + Placate so much that they are missing out on many "cool" and "team-friendly" powers. If Stalker is missing those, then the key problem is Assassin Strike and Placate themselves! That's it. I think those two are the biggest problems for me now.

    Why can't each Assassin Strike do unique things in each set so it actually gives people a good reason to use? Why can't Kinetic Assassin Strike boosts Stalker's damage after it hits so Stalker is not losing out on Siphon Power kind of buff? Spine AS can poison the target and Electricity AS can drain like 40-50% of endurance on npc?

    Is it me or I think Assassin Strike and Placate are the reasons why Stalker just seems unimpressive? Forget about having low HP or not doing enough Damage. When an AT is defined by TWO powers, there is really nothing creative about the whole AT unless those two powers are actually different/unique.

    And since the new melee sets were never designed with Stalker in mind, Stalker is bound to be "unimpressive".

    What is special with Kinetic Stalker? I think I'll try it later but judging from the descriptions, I can't find one.

    Way to get real deep in your analysis by just judging by descriptions. LOL

    Obviously Stalkers are not for you so Scrappers and Brutes are ---------> over there
  2. Golden_Pie

    So... Stalkers.

    Originally Posted by Aumakua View Post
    My opinion

    * Keep the HP cap at 1606 (Lowest of all melee AT's)
    * Raise the damage modifier to 1.25 (highest of all melee AT's)
    * Increase the allowed radius for team-size-based criticals from 30 to 60 feet. (Agreed 100%)
    * Increase the damage buff modifier from 0.8 to 1.0 (same as Scrappers). (Agreed 100%)

    There has to be a trade off for having the lowest HP and that is having the highest damage output. I think the max damage should be raised from 500% to 675% to exceed the new brute max damage.
    Like others have said, this is the perfect way to massage Stalkers, which is all they need a little massage.

    These tweaks fit perfectly with the concept of a stalker, another kind of glass cannon so to speak. This will also help on those fast moving teams where you may not always have time to set up an AS, so the other powers out side of AS will be more useful.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
    Electric melee is an exception to this, as it has the same AoE capabilities and better single target capabilities teamed or not. Spines is also acceptable because the addition of AS rounds out the set a bit more, and though it lacks quills, being able to get 50% crit chance on the ranged cone makes up for it imo. Other than that, we agree. Now that Scrappers have access to Stalkers patron pools, there is no reason for anyone concerned with minmaxing to play a non-Elec/nin Stalker. This is a obviously a problem and the discussion in the "So...Stalkers" thread below.
    Stalkers might even be better with their Kinetic Melee performance in addition to Elec and Spines.

    Stalkers get to swap LMAO Repulsing Torrent for AS! Plus Stalkers get superior +to-hit and burst damage to start a fight with BU over Power Siphon.

    So BU+AS(crit)+burst+the tier 9 (forgot name at the moment) will out perform

    Power siphon+whatever
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fire_Minded View Post
    Theres a good possibility that I may have ran into alot of horrible Regen and WP Stalkers.Bad players will play any AT and just fail at them.No way around it.

    Iv noted however that many belive a Defender to be a easy and squishy target in PvP.This isnt entirly true.

    Iv hit some Stalkers 5 times and killed them out right on a Dark/Dark Defender.Sure, if they get that AS off, itll hurt, but a heal that heals nearly all my HPs before they finish a Placate and a Crit means they dont get the kill.

    I commonly have 3 or more stalkers on me after iv creamed a couple in a zone.Then it becomes a lossing battle for me because I really am a troublsome target to most Stalkers.

    Im the first player they come after if other heros huddle around me.

    I cant deny that alot of people play Defenders and Stalkers horribly.I just tend to have less problems with Stalkers when im on a Defender.

    Havnt tried a Controller in PvP, but im going to try it soon enough.
    Unless you Defender has outside support, it is going down. Trollers are even easier than a defender.

    I mostly play a Spine/WP in PVP and I clean up nicely, only team spikes take me down.

    I also have a rad/sonic defender that I PVP'd with but it is so sad compared to my Arch/EM or Sonic/MM blaster that I bounced that Defender out of my PVP line up.

    As far as the OPs question I would go with KM/WP now.

    And people hate on /ELA with out probably having ever played one. In PVP they are very useful. They have a heal, can't be TP'd, plus Thermals and Colds have nothing on them. Not to mention that with how thin defense can be at least it has good resists. It only lacks +P.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BaronZealot View Post
    You misunderstand. What they're saying is that a Scrapper can put out more single-target damage in any fight that lasts longer than 5-7 seconds. This can be determined mathematically. If you kite you're going to lower your damage even more.

    If you enjoy Stalkers and one or more of their play-styles that's an entirely different matter.
    Hmmm...Using EM/xxx a Stalker can - BU+AS(crit)+ET+Placte+TF(crit) for more Damage than a Scrapper can to take down a boss and a LT or two as a team wipes up the minions

    how about ELM/xxx - BU+LR+AS (crit)+placate+TS(crit) can rock the house

    And not to over look that on teams I can get a lot more crits on my stalker than your scrapps ha ha ha. And believe me my stalkers can scrap just fine.

    either way though, they are both fun to play so enjoy.
  6. NW - Surrealia
    Bane - Surrealius

    The Surreal twins, who's parents were killed by Rikti during the invasion. Seeking revenge they joined the vanguard, then tried to join the PPD to become an Enlightened (ie joined with nictus for more power), but turned away because of their prior Vanguard affiliation. So in search of more training/power they moved to Rogue Isles and joined the SoA.

    My NW will now go Rogue and move back to Paragon City.
  7. looks pretty good now Novella. I think you'll be a bane to many an enemy
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GavinRuneblade View Post
    It will never have as strong a secondary effect as a powerset that only gets that secondary because you have flexibility that they lack. An ice blaster can only do cold and -recharge, they can't ever deal toxic or fire, and they don't get dots or -dam. You can pick and choose as needed, and in exchange for that flexibility you lose some of the potency of the secondary effect.

    I think it is a pretty fair trade. I will also mention that they did leave you the ability to slot for any effect and the bonuses and procs will work regardless of what ammo you are using. So that is quite nice., the trade should be for the lack of AIM in the set. You shouldn't get less because of flexability, you should get more because of no AIM.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MentalMaden View Post
    All available slots are gone, can't create new characters on my home server.
    yeah if you have more than 12 characters on a server then those open slots beyond the 1st 12 are sadly unavailable.
  10. Wow I can't believe they closed other threads about this. Obviously this is a major issue. I too couldn't use my open slots that I either purchased or gained as a vet reward. Consequently I could not roll a new toon and could not experience the new Zones. This is Bull Cuss!

    /e Blood Boil
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Infinite_Avenger View Post
    Chemo as you are calling it, does toxic dmg just like Spines Melee. So, that is what you would compare it to if you wanted to compare.
    Right, but it doesn't have a DoT like Incendiary right? So Chemo (or Chemical) rounds won't compare to Spines well. Perhaps we could look at Poison's Weaken....

    Chemo * Stacking -To-Hit and -Dmg debuffs in a 2:1 ratio.

    Bam there you have it.
  12. Personally I have the gun too, because I have Venom Grenade that I use from time to time.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Novella View Post
    How exactly am I gimping myself? I have six melee attacks and the two ranged powers I took hold the Decimation set so I can use the 6.25% recharge bonus. I could care less about using the pets which is why I took them so late in the build. I took the ranged powers because I like that they take ranged sets and that was perfect for what I wanted. I have no plan on using them since I will be in melee, but nevertheless they were necessary for the additional 12.5% recharge they give me.
    In that case you'll be ok, you'll be avoiding those redraw times like tarrantum mentioned. I suggest though that you swap out Burst for Poisonous ray so you could use it if you wanted, it's still nice to have some ranged dmg that you'll use for runaways and what not. That way you'll still have your gun for show/concept because of Single Shot and Bayonet.
  14. On my crab I actually use the power pool assault instead of Omega Manuever, since that power has such a freaking long recharge time with out the Bang to back it up. Plus OM too often goes off after things are dead.

    That 15% bonus from assault is a nice buff for me, my pets, and team. It ends up adding much more to the overall damage than OM over the course of a TF or whatever.

    (edit) Not to mention that it free's up 4 or 5 slots.
  15. I don't get it, IDK why you would want to gimp yourself by taking these lower damage ST ranged powers if your intent is to melee???

    Go ahead and get both pets, but just stick to the mace if you want to melee. Just my two cents anyhow.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by JD_Gumby View Post
    Not much. Generally three very minor ticks - but only an 80% chance per tick and if it fails on a tick, it doesn't try for the rest. The fact that it's converting 30% of your lethal damage into fire is far more significant.

    But it's better than nothing when you're teaming ('cos you don't want to use regular ammo!) and not playing with a cold user (to contribute to slowing and -recharge with Cryo) or against enemies that do enough damage that -10% (chem ammo) would make any real difference.
    Thanks! I agree that the best part about swap ammo is converting some lethal dmg into fire/cold/toxic dmg. I just haven't really dug deep into DP yet. I think I am going to run with a S/L soft capped DP/MM plan when GR hits.

    I was hoping that Swap Ammo would better compensate for the loss of aim, at least a little bit. I know it's probably wishful thing but the Devs need to boost the effects of Swap Ammo, just turn up the effects a notch or two like:

    Cryo * S/B stacking -20% recharge/speed (like on Ice Blast)
    Incendiary * S/B 3-5 ticks of 10% extra damage/tick @ the current 80% chance/tick (like on Fire Blast)
    Chemo * not sure about chemo, nothing much to compare it to.

    How do these numbers compare to the real numbers?

    btw here's the build I will be working towards:

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  17. right on, I guess that explains it. Yeah I see that you took his build and swapped powers. I started there, but then decided to look at an old build I have on my computer at work, and started from that.

    It's up to him but I think he'd get a lot more mileage off a build closer to mine if he's got the cash. For how expensive things are that's a big if for most.
  18. Don't pay any attention to the order of the powers (things are strange because I started with a staminaless build), but here's an OLD build that I since updated to include Shatter Armor by dropping Lunge and Assault. The only IO I don't have is the Gladiator Armor +3def.

    And you want mind link, because of debuffs, team buffs, to-hit, etc. Not to mention that it doesn't crash like Elude does, and is up all the time unlike Elude.

    Also taking Mindlink means you don't have to waste a power on things like kick.

    And I am resistance capped to Psi, because I run AE against psi dmg.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  19. EricHough your build is well below soft cap. although I agree with dropping frag granade, because the power blows.

    I don't get these builds personally (it's like going for low damage on purpose, but that's just me)...If you go for team support then take Manuevers over CJ, plus with low recharge you ll be standing around more. If you are going to stand around at least you should get the pets.

    Here's a build that's Soft Capped, with hasten, with Bile Spray, with Call Reinforcements, with Manuevers and with CJ.

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  20. I'd say finnish off your Ice/Elec, that's a fun controllerish combo.

    and I'd start of on Dual Pistols with another secondary, something with Build Up, and more useful powers that you can't get from the power pools.
  21. until they add umph to Devices go Energy, I did and don't regret it. On my PVE build I am soft capped to S/L.
  22. How much extra damage does the incendiary ammo add to the damage output of Dual Pistols?
  23. nice job, that build looks good too, I just hate to miss so I picked up tactics and for PVE hurdle+Ninja Run is more than good for me
  24. Golden_Pie

    Bane Help plz

    I toyed around a little, and the defenses aren't as high but still soft capped, but now I added in Aid Self...

    what do you think is this one better?

    Villain Plan by Mids' Villain Designer 1.707

    Level 50 Natural Arachnos Soldier
    Primary Power Set: Bane Spider Soldier
    Secondary Power Set: Bane Spider Training
    Power Pool: Speed
    Power Pool: Fitness
    Power Pool: Leadership
    Power Pool: Medicine
    Ancillary Pool: Mace Mastery

    Villain Profile:
    Level 1: Bash Acc/Dmg(A), Dmg/EndRdx(3), Dmg/Rchg(3), Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(5), Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(5), Dam%(7)
    Level 1: Bane Spider Armor Upgrade ResDam/EndRdx(A), ResDam/Rchg(19), ResDam/EndRdx/Rchg(19), ResDam(21), Psi/Status(21)
    Level 2: Wolf Spider Armor ResDam/Def+(A), ResKB(17)
    Level 4: Combat Training: Defensive Rchg+(A), Def(11), Def/Rchg(17), ResKB(37)
    Level 6: Build Up ToHit(A), ToHit/Rchg(7), ToHit/Rchg/EndRdx(11), Rchg/EndRdx(36), ToHit/EndRdx(36), Build%(36)
    Level 8: Hasten RechRdx-I(A), RechRdx-I(9), RechRdx-I(9)
    Level 10: Hurdle Jump-I(A)
    Level 12: Venom Grenade Acc/Dmg(A), Dmg/EndRdx(13), Dmg/Rchg(13), Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(15), Dmg/EndRdx/Rng(15)
    Level 14: Poisonous Ray Acc/Dmg(A), Dmg/EndRdx(23), Dmg/Rchg(23), Acc/Dmg/Rchg(25), Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(25), Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(27)
    Level 16: Health Regen/Rcvry+(A), Rcvry+(27)
    Level 18: Shatter Acc/Dmg(A), Dmg/EndRdx(31), Dmg/Rchg(31), Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(33), Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(33), Dam%(33)
    Level 20: Stamina End%(A), EndMod(29), EndMod/Acc(29), EndMod/Rchg(31), EndMod/Acc/Rchg(50), Acc/Rchg(50)
    Level 22: Tactical Training: Maneuvers Rchg+(A), Def/EndRdx(34), Def/EndRdx/Rchg(34), Def(37)
    Level 24: Cloaking Device Rchg+(A), Def(34), HO:Cyto(50)
    Level 26: Mental Training Run-I(A)
    Level 28: Tactical Training: Assault EndRdx-I(A)
    Level 30: Maneuvers Rchg+(A), Def/EndRdx(37), Def(39)
    Level 32: Crowd Control Dmg(A), Acc/Rchg(39), Dmg/Rchg(39), Acc/Dmg/Rchg(40), Acc/Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(40), %Dam(40)
    Level 35: Aid Other Heal-I(A)
    Level 38: Aid Self IntRdx-I(A), Heal(42), Heal/EndRdx(42), EndRdx/Rchg(42), Heal/EndRdx/Rchg(43), Heal/Rchg(48)
    Level 41: Web Envelope Acc/Rchg(A), EndRdx/Immob(43), Acc/EndRdx(43), Immob/Rng(46), Acc/Immob/Rchg(48), Acc/Immob(48)
    Level 44: Shatter Armor Acc/Dmg(A), Dmg/EndRdx(45), Dmg/Rchg(45), Acc/Dmg/EndRdx(45), Dmg/EndRdx/Rchg(46), Dam%(46)
    Level 47: Placate RechRdx-I(A)
    Level 49: Assault EndRdx-I(A)
    Level 1: Brawl Empty(A)
    Level 1: Sprint Empty(A)
    Level 2: Rest Empty(A)
    Level 1: Conditioning
    Level 6: Ninja Run
    Set Bonus Totals:
    12.5% DamageBuff(Smashing)
    12.5% DamageBuff(Lethal)
    12.5% DamageBuff(Fire)
    12.5% DamageBuff(Cold)
    12.5% DamageBuff(Energy)
    12.5% DamageBuff(Negative)
    12.5% DamageBuff(Toxic)
    12.5% DamageBuff(Psionic)
    13.9% Defense(Smashing)
    13.9% Defense(Lethal)
    13.9% Defense(Fire)
    13.9% Defense(Cold)
    11.1% Defense(Energy)
    11.1% Defense(Negative)
    3% Defense(Psionic)
    21.1% Defense(Melee)
    10.8% Defense(Ranged)
    20.2% Defense(AoE)
    1.8% Max End
    33.8% Enhancement(RechargeTime)
    3% Enhancement(Immobilize)
    5% Enhancement(Heal)
    16% Enhancement(Accuracy)
    14% FlySpeed
    168.7 HP (15.7%) HitPoints
    14% JumpHeight
    14% JumpSpeed
    Knockback (Mag -8)
    Knockup (Mag -8)
    MezResist(Held) 8.25%
    MezResist(Immobilize) 8.25%
    MezResist(Sleep) 1.65%
    11% (0.19 End/sec) Recovery
    40% (2.15 HP/sec) Regeneration
    1.88% Resistance(Energy)
    1.88% Resistance(Negative)
    3% Resistance(Psionic)
    19% RunSpeed
    5.5% XPDebtProtection

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    |78DA9D93594F135114C76FDB29A51B6D29652F9B94BD85464 95C1E0C2A200A06534|
    |403C864D24E609266DACCD444DFFC003E288B3EE116D70721 F0A011FD42AE4F3EF8|
    |56CF72DB047D73D2FE7FD373CFBDF7DCF3EF9DBB7D2120C4D DB3C2D1783EAFD9B63|
    |A6169D975B360AB99423E67E896E78A56BA656979E1114224 FE1EB553E734535733|
    |4523A75B956062C1D20CD330D7D4692DB7A6978E265506233 3E6BA6EE966295579F|
    |1CD170AF954A6A8EBB900BD4E192553B7ED10FD98D535986E AF1BC520FD9ED37346|
    |D630F5C6C9A2914D2D4E4E2CA8735A5607B14BBA75A719CA1 D846FADA83C65B7580|
    |2F40BE7326385A0DC64AC126A54C2AE1FE0A0598A188397B4 A84F338E131A4E30C6|
    |09EF21DDC1E90E4713BCC445B899F001465C3CE272C528D9D 740084708BDBF05E6E|
    |17E6E59A6FB8513476A5E127CAF08C75E33DE30DE127AC014 0FAFEEF40C0B0CD51E|
    |410D2478394178073804EAE79D14FF3B0A0576197B84BA7DC 60121081A948505772|
    |8D4F898F184D0FC94F18CD0FA9CE0817D43B221A1453A68EB 2507763604B1885C2F|
    |C27E74B01F1DEC4717FBD1C57E74B11FB5B05E94D773471FD 1D9DB37180F091D9B8|
    |4F416639BF011CE1993CD8F71F3BBC38C28379FADD883BC26 AEC9D924F378243D0E|
    |41C5253E43468BEC634B928E7808A1369E24DABA2914812AE 3D28E38AFD3CBFBF5F|
    |17278F04E79F8CE2F4E34BEEF2BE31BA1FF3BE307E327210E CBF6C89D7A7A69A74E|
    |0825E44289360A0DCE507F0727195384A18B84D169C22F971 00372D6C07DAA68E80|
    |1638390DC248C6E31B609FB60FFB09C35CC8E8DB06323ECD8 083B9664C792EC5818|
    |34258B4EF19FB11E8A1E934D1CE38EB52BD5DB091F78C4EC3 F9179455E458838287|
    |259A9DECEB2375CBD38FFFB1C062A5B7AAFFA403328D750AE A3DC40594259465941|
    |59455151CA9FAAB34327B1AE5328A751CEA0C4B011F730D38 3B7CE8F124009A2D4A|