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  1. There is a contact on the Hospital steps in Steel Canyon too. I think she has an exploration badge under her feet just like the guy in AP. I've only ever gotten her once and I think she sent me on some Clockwork missions.

    Additional Hero Corp contacts on both sides of the pond for Vigilantes and Rogues would be awesome.
  2. Except it works for Rogues who use the villain O-Zone (LOL).

    I did file a bug report in-game. I haven't posted it in tech issues because then I'd be posting the same thread twice and don't want to get slapped for it.
  3. Looking good!

    Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
    And somebody's been watching Nausicaa before getting inspired to do all those floating spores in the Underground Trial!
    I had the exact same thought.
  4. Ok, I did a whirlwind through 2 hero bases and 2 villain bases trying the O portal and found that all my heroes can summon the portal in any room of both Hidden & Secure bases. None of my villains can summon a portal in any room in either Hidden base although both of my rogues can (one in each base). I do not have any vigilantes so I'm not sure what their result would be.

    I've filed a /bug report.
  5. Look four posts down (as of right now) at the "Best 12 Teleport destinations?" thread for some suggestions.
  6. The pictures you see advertising the Animal pack shows the eagle character wearing the Valkyrie wings.

    I think it is a shame that you have to buy both to make a bird-themed character. They really should have included another set of bird wings to go with the head.
  7. I haven't had a chance to try my Hidden hero bases but none of my villains can summon an O portal in the Hidden villain base no matter the floor elevation or which room I try it in. My rogue on the other hand can summon an O portal in any room in the base.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dominic_Fate View Post
    I recently experienced something similar in my Hidden Hero base. The Ouro Portal would not work in one room, but did work in another.

    The floors were similar level. The only difference I could see was that it wouldn't work on the floor tiles, but would work off them. I didn't investigate I'm afraid and just put it down to a quirk with the floor tiles.
    It's definitely not floor tiles. I have very few in my villain base and I've tried it in a variety of rooms. All of my rooms are at the same elevation though. I guess I could try one of the rooms where I've lowered the floor level and see if it works there... or try the workshop room which hasn't been tried yet. It's hard to do much experimentation since the recharge is so long.

    It is good to know it is sometimes not working in a Hero base and interesting that it works in some rooms but not others. Thanks.
  9. After re-reading everything I think you'll get whatever you currently have plus the extra reward tokens to buy your way further up the tree. It makes the most sense because people could re-buy themselves out of something they already have. Besides, the system is going from a once/quarter reward to a once/month reward and it's a good way for the current veterans to "catch up". At 33 months I should be only 1 month from unlocking tier 9 and instead I'll just be into tier 7 or 8 (depending on when it goes live, before or after my 36 month reward) even with the extra buys.

    I assume costume purchases will still come with a free tailor token but what about the vet respecs and character slots? They aren't specified on the system.

    I'm also curious about the lines next to the title of each Tier label - it makes it look like you have to be at those tiers to unlock inventions and large inspiration drops etc. Surely that's just for the non-VIP customers maybe?

    [Edit] Doh - keep forgetting I earned my 36 month badge a week ago.
  10. Assuming it isn't released before October I'll earn my 3 year badge and have 15 tokens I think.

    I see 34 white blocks in the first 8 tiers so I assume it costs one Reward Token to open each block. That would explain the comment about 34 tokens to open Tier 9 vet awards. So are those 15 tokens to re-buy my way up the ladder or are they in addition to my already earned rewards? If in addition I could work my way well into Tier 8, if not it'll be 1 reward shy of what I already have. Of course if I'm earning 1/month I'll have Tier 8 open soon enough either way.

    The part that confused the heck out of me was why they keep mentioning Paragon Points in a discussion about Paragon Rewards aside from the ability to buy your way to the top? Are dual/team inspirations something you buy with tokens or points or both? I can only assume you buy the right to buy them with tokens then actually buy them with points... but I'm too confused at the moment to know for sure.
  11. I'm surprised Dark Astoria is not on anyone's list. It is the most time consuming place to get to IMO and higher-level missions are located there a lot. Striga is also difficult to get to so it is also high on my list.

    Brickstown drops you off right next to the Crey's Folly entrance, Steel Canyon drops you only a few blocks from Boomtown and AP drops you a few blocks from Perez and south Steel. Talos drops you off well within a single super leap from a pocket D entrance (and from there to Faultline) not to mention a market and a bevy of stores. Those would round out my top 6.
  12. You are right Zortel. I've brought all those points up in the past too but was in a hurry and my suggestion is only part of the solution. The ability to co-op the same mission from two different contacts (especially detectives) and making sure that all story arcs always give their missions in the same order are also important parts of this.

    I'd go so far as to phase-out the duplicate contacts hero-side and then make sure they always give their missions out in order - badges, stories, randoms.

    Backfire, I assume you'd only be auto-exemplared to the contact's upper level on selection of the mission. Even so I could see lots of folks complaining about it unless it was optional.
  13. A patch came out on a Wednesday?

    [Edit] Ah nvm, I missed the notice from yesterday that there would be a publish today.
  14. I always wanted to be able to introduce my contacts to my teammates. That way we could co-op the missions and all get the ending experience and reward merits.

    The only problem I see with the merits/mission reward is that it could end up being way more than the arc's reward (I'm looking at you Praetorian arcs).

    Should this have been in the Suggestion forum?
  15. So it has never worked for you in a villain base? Interesting.

    I think my bases on Protector are all Hidden plots, I'll check them this evening.
  16. I sometimes have problems with the vault not working after I lose power and regain it. Usually logging off and back on will fix it but I have, at least once, had to remove the vault and put it back in.
  17. Shadowguardinal dark/dark tank 50(+3) - all tier 3's and a tier 4 alpha.

    My other 3 50's all have tier 3 alphas and an assortment of Tier 3's in some of the other incarnate powers (2 have Judgement, 2 have Interface, and 1 has Lore) but none of them have all 5 incarnate powers slotted like my tank does. They do have T3 in the powers they have open because it seems like by the time I get the experience to open it I have enough salvage to go straight to T3.

    I've been very casual about running the trials.
  18. Right, the pillar works fine in both bases. I activate the teleport power but the pet doesn't spawn on the villain side. It works fine on the hero side.
  19. I have noticed that I can use my Ouroboros portal inside my hero base but not my villain base. The only difference I can think of between the two is the type of plot - the hero base is Secure where the villain base is Hidden.

    Is this a known problem? It bugs me that I can't use my O portal in my villain base.
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
    All badges and plaques will be kept in the echo zone - they're not being moved.
    Yes I know but that doesn't mean it will give out the reward merit once it is in Ouroboros. I am leaning toward yes but the purpose of this thread is to present questions that probably don't have answers yet.

    At the very least all those badges and plaques will be effectively locked away until 25th level.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
    Not all of us can make those chats.
    I don't watch the chats but I knew all of that already from the helpful overviews.

    I wonder if the accolade/5 merits will still be available in the mirror GC.
  22. OMG I love that picture. Thanks for posting.
  23. I really wish there was a way to start with the default colors instead of the apparently random ones we get now. Especially if all you want to do is use an alternate animation.