25494 -
Quote:Domi's friends are blue side content from Issue 1When I interviewed War Witch at Omega Sektor, she told me that the devs hoped for CoV to be rated 12 to match CoH - but once the appropriate people viewed the content, to check it's rating "they took one look at Dominatrix' minions and said SIXTEEN!"
Clearly they do check the content and if one slips through the net then I'm sure some reportage would get NCSoft slapped. -
Quote:NCSoft is quite vulnerable on the whole Boobs and Shame front - it's a good angle of attack to hurt them.Loathing of NCSoft aside, "this will end well". A few posts up I was going to give them some benefit of doubt but when they admit to having to cheat the ESRB, there's a lot less doubt. Especially if there are four sliders just for breasts.
Actually, I'd be more ok (still not buying it or any NCSoft product) with it if they'd just market it as an H game. Cheesing the rating system just makes it even more sleezy. -
Quote:T for teen makes more sense, as that's the upper age limit their core audience likes their females to be.
NcSoft is "trying" to get away from the M for Mature rating on the game, but it just won't happen. It's a fighting game, it does have bloody splatter, and the "physics" can be adjusted to horrendous proportions. Being able to turn off the blood won't help the cause. The game is destined for an M rating. -
The best place for Zeus Titans is around the edge of the Sunken Road section of the RWZ that's furthest from the mothership.
Quote:There could be a get-out clause for the company, that allowed them to sell the game if they were no longer interested in it, or to release it as opensource for the players to see if they could make something of it.What is in it for the company to keep a game running, even if it's hurting their profits, or want to use the resources elsewhere or want to cut back?
From what I get this law would only benefit the consumer which would make the monthly subscription basically mean life time access to the game even if it's hurts the company that made the game in the first place. So why would companies want to make games under those conditions? -
We'll be hearing about their "next great adventure" very soon, probably tomorrow.
Quote:Comment bombing articles works just as wellAnd by press you mean the occasional blog.
If you honestly think Massively or Joystiq are going to state such things in an article you are severely misinformed. None of the mainstream gaming media outlets are going to say such things...sorry to burst your bubble but they aren't into promoting/publishing hate...they are into promoting games. If you think a few hundred people on twitter yelling @NCSoft lolwildstar is going to be an effective smear campaign...I point you to the success of a lil hashtag known as: #savecoh and remind you November 30, 2012 is getting closer every day. -
Wildstar is quite a vulnerable target to a negative campaign about NCSoft - as it's not been published yet, they're lacking player or press reviews to counter the negativity.
You should still until the 30th - you never know what might happen.
What about the swampy area of First Ward/Night Ward?
It's better to wait and see what happens in the next month or so, and then we can really go to town if NCSoft continues to be unreasonable - we've still got over 4 weeks to change the situation.
It's nothing to what their social pages will get if things don't change by December 1st
Quote:We can blame NexonMost importantly, have some class and respect. You ought to never forget that NCSoft made this all possible. The moment you allow your community members to bash NCSoft anywhere near the vicinity of your emulator is the moment when you'll deserve a cease and desist as far as I'm concerned.
Quote:Plan Z is for us to attempt to create some kind of player made and sun online superhero experience as a new home for our unique community - some early work for it has been going on since pretty soon after the closure announcement.What is Plan Z? Because if it's "Plan lets Pull a Zynga and just make a clone that stays in legal copyright grounds" I'd say tha't the best thing you should shoot for.
Grab a Unity3D license, get some one good at networking code and get to work. -
The CoH IP would be given to one or more of the creditors, who could be open to the idea of selling it rather than sitting on it.
Thanks for all the work that you've done on CoH so far.
Quote:There are quite a few areas for server hosting where C&Ds get the "lol no u" responseSo will they just plan on ignoring the C&D order if it happens? Will it be a case of the Resistance (Players dedicated to run an emulator regardless of the legalities and etc and stolen IP all for the common enjoyment of themselves and players like them) vs Emperor Cole (NCSoft)?