Golden Girl

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  1. Golden Girl

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    And here's your spokeswoman.

    Still think you deserve to be taken seriously?
    I don't have any official role with the Titan Klan - I just help sew their hoods.
  2. Golden Girl

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    Nothing disrespectful there.
    Correct - there was a hint of pink to that shade - it should really have looked more like this:

  3. Golden Girl

    An Update

    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    I compare(d) it to: Sending a German company that ceases a product a bunch of Yellow Stars of David with the word MURDERER wrote on them.
    That's an...interesting concept you have of German culture.
  4. Golden Girl

    An Update

    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    actions against NCSoft by using Asian culture in an attempt to inflict shame
    Going by the repulsive artwork for Boobs&Sleaze, they seem quite capable of shaming themselves
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    Here, we got a side developing a game, but cant even be open minded enough to respect the other side ideas and views. How the hell are they going to deal with critizism about their hard work, other people ideas, and stuff that may not come from the exact inner circle? People talk about how disconnected the devs are in WoW, and CO are but looks like it may be the same for the new game that is being developed. Are they truely building a game for the players or building it as their own personal playground that they want to show off? WoW can get away with that type of strategy because it's huge now, and it wasnt known for that. Now COX was known for that, a unique thing in the gaming world, and from some posts, it is part of what kept people playing and why they continued to put their heart soul blood tears ideas into it. And this game lead by the closed minded is suppose to be the replacement of this game?
    Yeah, the current state of that version of Plan Z is less than ideal, and there's growing discontent and dismay at its tone and driection among normal CoH players - umless that changes, then I think it's likely that a proper attempt at a worthy spiritual successor to CoH will be made after December 1st, while the current version of Plan Z drifts off to become whatever it is the people running it want it to be.
  6. They had a lot of ideas that were changing on a regular basis.
  7. Golden Girl

    An Update

    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    If somebody was to buy out the game after it had closed down, how long does everybody think the game would remain offline before they re-launched it?
    Just wondering what kind of timeframe people were thinking of here.
    Well, depending in who bought it and what they were planning to do with it, having something ready in time fo the 9th anniversary at the end of April could be reasonably realistic.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Man, you're going to be crushed the hardest come December 1st.
    That's more like a pause in the story, not the end
  9. We can hope for a little better than that
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
    Unfortunately... it is. CoH ain't coming back.
    Don't bet against it
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bookkeeper_Jay View Post
    I'm just going to wait until the 30th.
    That's not the end of this story
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bookkeeper_Jay View Post
    Spoilers: They won.
    I've yet to see any evidence of that
  13. Golden Girl

    An Update

    Originally Posted by I Burnt The Toast View Post
    Plus - like I have said: If Titan is involved that is an absolute deal breaker for me.
    A tempting as it might be for them, I'm pretty sure that they wouldn't mess up your avatar
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SteelDominator View Post
    I love the game.
    We all do - that's why we're going to all this effort.
  15. Golden Girl

    An Update

    More from Mercedes Lackey - some facts, some guesswork:

    I've got this confirmed.

    The asking price for City will drop exponentially from the reported 80 million when it closes. I have the feeling that the 80 million actually included an exponential amount of padding to deal with those chimerical "legal issues"--after twice losing the Garriott case, I speculate they wanted enough in the bank to pay out without hurting. Once it's closed, all those issues go away, and the price goes to something reasonable.

    Sale will include the IP and code. The game engine was bought outright from Cryptic when NCSoft bought City (I have this from another impeccable source who was working at Cryptic when the sale happened).

    What is NOT known is whether account and character data are going to be preserved. No one knows this except NCSoft. Archiving your characters via Sentinel + might prove the only way to restore them--I can only say that one would hope that in the event that character data is deleted, a new owner would see the wisdom of doing a one-time restore for those that have done so, but that will depend on the generosity of a new owner.
    Her source also believes that NCsoft will consider a sale.
  16. Golden Girl

    An Update

    Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
    A good question to ask is, "Why is Brian Clayton & whoever else having in-depth discussions with VV when he / they know she's going to post up the summaries in the Titan Network forums?".

    Or: why leak this kind of information?
    For potential investors
  17. Golden Girl

    An Update

    The price would be in the millions.
  18. Golden Girl

    An Update

    Originally Posted by That_Ninja View Post
    How about the Final Solution?
    That's the code-name of the anti-troll plan we're putting together.
  19. Golden Girl

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Evil_Legacy View Post
    So before you ask about why people waste their time on one side, look at the other side and question why are they wasting their time here instead of actually saving something instead of just talking about it?
    It's quite possible to do both
  20. Golden Girl

    An Update

    Originally Posted by JKedan View Post
    Well, there was that whole 'Freedom' initiative. It's pretty widely accepted in the industry that subscription games don't go F2P unless they have to.
    That's pretty much changed now - the TORtanic is possibly the last major sub-only game, unless Blizzard take a chance with their established player base and go for a sub-only model for their next MMO.
  21. Golden Girl

    Fansy Returns!

    Originally Posted by Pogothulu View Post
    So, is their a tentative date to when the IP, etc. can be sold?
    Well, I'd assume it'd be available from December 1st - but we still have 2 rather large hurdles - getting NCsoft to sell, and then getting them to agree to a reasonable price.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Gangrel_EU View Post
    And even if NCsoft do release the stuff for CoX, they will still always be the enemy who should be destroyed?
    Until the end of time - and beyond.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
    GW2 has moving hair.
    It's owned by the Nameless Enemy.