396 -
- What is the history (hah!) of Ouroboros?
- What is the truth behind the Shadow Shard, and were there further plans for it?
- Most of the Praetorian history we learned was through unreliable narrators. Was the rest of the world outside of this tiny pocket destroyed, or did other pockets exist?
- Azuria was a powerful mystic, we're told. Why, then, could she never remember to lock the door behind her at night?
Ooh, I never saw that. I just remember the eternity it got stuck in the Talos wall by the entrance to Dark Astoria, and the ground would be covered with ghosts.
Quote:Me, too, and so far I've defeated all the medication they've thrown at me!I see things... things that other people don't quite see.
One of my favorite positional jokes is in the second episode of Who Will Die. You fight your way through caverns of Rulu-shin, and if you stand in the right place at the entrance to the final room (with the exit on the other side), the room turns into a smiley face. I have a screenshot somewhere, but damned if I can find it right now. -
Quote:I was just going to mention that one. My team entered a mission in KR and were working our way through it when a bunch of other heroes popped out of the elevators. It was a LONG time ago, definitely in the first year of the game.Sometimes a team would load into a map only to discover another team was also there. They other team had clicked the "Exit" button on a just-completed mission but hadn't been deposited back outside. I ended up on both sides of that bug between several PUGs. Especially bad when low level toons ended up at the back of a map full of high-level spawns.
And yes, I also remember going under the Steel Canyon War Walls to visit the University, and then taking a break to fly along under the street and use TK Thrust on unsuspecting Council. -
I was thinking along these lines, myself. It's an artifact of our new, increasingly digital age, I suspect. We own nothing.
Downstairs I have a shelf of Three Investigators, Brains Benton, and Hardy Boys books from my childhood in the '60s. Until I was packing up to move, I had forgotten I had them. They are all out of print now -- well, most of them, anyway -- but I can let the kids read them by handing them these old hardbacks. If they had been digital, there's little reason to expect the format would even be readable, let alone capable of being loaned out or passed on.
Likewise, at this moment there is a bookcase full of paper RPG dating back to the mid-70s on the wall behind me. There are shelves beside me overflowing with more games. If I wanted to, I could right now pull out my copy of Unknown Armies or Over the Edge or Everway or Tunnels and Trolls and make a character, write an adventure, or go and find some people to play. They exist, I own them, and as long as I have them in my possession I can get entertainment out of them. Once the lights go out in Paragon City, nothing will remain but some digital screenshot files and my memories.
Living digitally has its advantages, certainly, but in its reliance on the goodwill of corporations, it is infinitely more ephemeral. Are we losing more than we gain?
Sorry. I spend too much time thinking about these things. It's a side-effect of getting old, I imagine. -
I won't say as much as I want to -- not now, anyway -- but just chime in with others to say, "I understand." For over eight years CoH has been my escape from some pretty unpleasant circumstances, and while my escape route is being closed, the circumstances... well, they aren't. I'm grateful, though, for all those times when I could get away from a world of pain and powerlessness by slipping into my secret identity and joining other like-minded heroes in bringing justice to an unjust world, if only for a little while.
Thank you for telling your story. -
Thanks, Doc. Ironically, I had no idea what was normally in those fields, as I've not missed a day of subscription since the game went live in April 2004.
Quote:Thanks for the information on TR's shutdown. This being my first and last MMO, I don't have a lot of perspective on how things are "normally" handled, if there is such a thing.It is likely that subs will be made free. When Tabula Rasa had their server shutdown announced, we got a month or two for free, various weapons announced that were named after prominent players, new emote items, xp boosters, and a huge invasion event for the last day.
Assuming that the devs will still work on new content, then it should be an interesting few months. Of course, with the server coming down, then there is not much point to run Incarnate Trials, get badges, make new characters, or any other content.
Unfortunately, all of the developers were laid off today, and Positron actually expressed some doubt that they would still have working forum access on Monday. It seems unlikely, then, that there will be any similar "last hurrahs" in Paragon. -
Well, I guess I'll let everyone know tomorrow what I can still access, and what I'm locked out of. I at least got screenshots of my characters on Exalted before logging off tonight.
You are great at your job, of that there's no doubt. I've enjoyed reading your comments on the backstage parts of being a community manager, because it was so completely apparent how dedicated are to making this crazy business work. But that's not what set you apart.
It's your heart, sir - your enormous, magnificent heart. Paragon was lucky to have you on staff, and we were lucky to have known you.
I hope our paths cross again some day.
== Marc -
By awful, awful coincidence, tomorrow is my next six-month billing date. They have said all subscriptions end immediately, so I am guessing that I won't be able to pay for another month.
Does this mean that tomorrow I will drop to Premium, and no longer be able to access my VIP content, like all of my characters? I want to at least take screenshots and video before the Battalion destroys Earth.
Thank you in advance. -
It's ironic to think that instead of giving NCSoft more money to play the game, I'll end up buying Fraps so that I can record its end.
Also, I wish I had a better graphics card. :-( -
Quote:I generally dislike video as a way of picking up information, because if I'm in a hurry I can't skim to get the salient points. Fortunately, I can usually count on the forums to provide a summary.I don't care for these Coffee Talk things because a) they're an excruciatingly slow means of communication, for me anyway
On the other hand, since my odds of attending a summit are remote, watching one can be a good way to get to know the crew a bit, and laugh at the occasional* hijinks. I don't get to do it often, but seeing Aeon (I think) troll Zwill by having Jack-in-Irons stroll under the Atlas globe was a hoot. In that sense, I think what Zwill & crew are doing here is a success.
*For larger values of "occasional" -
I don't know why this never occurred to me. Thank you for reducing my copious supply of ignorance.
Quote:The Club Hair Club for Men!I wonder how many posters here just hate the "club" haircuts on anyone.
Count me among those who don't have a problem with it. I can't see myself using it (or one of my characters), but it works for a certain type of self-obsessed young guy. The youthful equivalent of the Combover Man.