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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by PapaSlade View Post
    Nadia (little disappointed no one else seems to notice her)
    I chose her, too. We should start a Nadia Fan Club.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
    To be honest, one of the reasons I like Doc Delilah is exactly BECAUSE she hasn't "cleaned up."
    You misunderstand (likely because I wasn't clear). I like her because (I think) she could make both looks work, not because I'd want to change her. It's hard to imagine many NPCs appearing in anything other than their trademark dress, although there is that RWZ mission at the diplomatic conference.

    Still, can you imagine Praetor Tilman in another outfit? Perhaps first thing in the morning, clad in a tatty bathrobe, curlers in her hair, and clutching a "#1 Mom" coffee cup?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
    And the only thing worse than not being able to tell whether or not you've bought anything, is accidentally mixing that into a bunch of stuff you want to get. The times I have had five or six things up for sale, and haven't been able purchase them because I magically already have one of the items and just get a constant "quantity exceeds maximum allowed" just...makes me sad.
    There have been many occasions where I have abandoned my cart because it was too much trouble to figure out which currently owned item I added.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
    She's like a librarian with a dangerous side.
    You say that as though there are safe librarians.

    It's tough to argue with Mirror Spirit, but I confess to a certain appreciation for Doc Delilah. I've always thought she would (as they say) "clean up real nice" for the reception after the scientific conference. Lady Jane's got a nice Mrs. Peel vibe going on which I rather like, too. But I can't leave out my girl in the Gumbo, Nadia.

    Then again, if you like 'em tall, Lady Winter's not too bad.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Psi_ View Post
    ..... Great. Now I can't stop picturing Ghost Widow as weird Lady Gaga/Marilyn Manson demonchild.
    I feel better knowing I'm not the only one who saw that. *shudder*
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _eeek_ View Post
    *it's an excellent value - lots and lots (and LOTS!) of pieces for 400 pp's
    This is highlighted by appearing next to the Carnival bundle, which includes 10 Female pcs, vs Imperial Dynasty's 26 M/F/H pcs, both for the same 400pp.
  7. Here are a few enhancements I would appreciate.
    • "New Items" tab: list most recently added items (50? 100?) in reverse order of date added to market
    • "Limited Time Offers" tab: show all items or bundles with an expiration date for availability (Valentine pack, Halloween costumes, snowball power, etc), ordered with nearest expiration first
    • Visibly tag market entries as to attributes: Character bound, Account wide, Tradeable within account, Tradeable in Market, Consumable, Premium required, VIP required, etc.
    • Unbundled items: if single costume pieces or emotes are also included in a bundle, indicate this in the item description
    • "Already owned" tag: grey out or flag account-wide items already owned
    • "Already owned" feedback: if the system can't determine that we already own an item prior to checkout, then at the very least the error message should be a little friendlier than "quantity exceeds maximum allowed."
    • In-game checklists: provide a way (via the Collections interface?) to see all purchased items, grouped by type

    Of course, the standard code rant applies across the board, even moreso as the market is handled by a third-party, and appears to be at least somewhat out of Paragon's hands. I certainly wouldn't deign to propose they take it in-house, particularly since this system straddles the firewall between in-game development and accounts/billing. From what I've gleaned reading the forums, that's practically out of the question.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
    I agree: the backpacks feel about 5% to 10% too big, to me. The single-engine rocket feels like it's a little too high up, too, although shrinking it may make that problem go away; in either case, I think it would look better with the tip of the nose cone being just a little shorter than the pilot's head, not a little taller than.
    These are my thoughts, as well. Other than that they are more than amazing, they are stellar!

    (I'd say I'm sorry for the accidental pun, but I'm not.)

    I've wanted something like this since the game launched, so thank you, thank you, thank you!
  9. GlassGoblin

    Premium IO's?

    Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
    I'm not the only one that noticed that part and what it says, am I?
    No, you aren't. As far as I know, this is the first time they've even indirectly stated that VIP content assumes the use of IOs and not SOs. Not that I expect there are a lot of Incarnates running around with T4s and SOs, but still.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Blackleviathan View Post
    my guess is it will be sometime in March ish after the Who will die Arcs
    That was my thought at first, so it could all tie in together. Then I remembered that Posi has said that the post-SSA continuity cleaning won't happen until i23. So who knows? The sixth does sound good.
  11. I have this horrible feeling that at the end of Part 7 we will (probably through some MacGuffin) beat the powers out of Wade to the point where he surrenders, only to have Manticore pull a Green Arrow, shooting Wade right in the temple to avenge his wife. Oh yeah, and avenge Statesman, too.
  12. Conceptually, I don't have a problem with it, for the reasons others have outlined. However, I do think it's a bit more expensive than it could/should have been. I had been toying with getting them occasionally as time-savers, but at that price I'll just do without the badges/PPPs/etc, or wait until I can use my game time for a week or two to make the switch.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by syrusbLiz View Post
    I couldn't help myself.

    Those are amazing.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
    It was a hero-rita, I believe.
    Didn't you get it with salt? That would make it a viga-rita, I think.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Light View Post
    I can see the album, but I can't view the pics for whatever reason.

    Still sad pandas.
    It works for me, now.

  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Torroes_Prime View Post
    Might help if I set the album to be publicly viewable wouldn't it? Try now.
    Unfortunately, it's still giving "Sorry, that page was not found."
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidian_Light View Post
    Evil Obs is EVIL.
    I knew I liked you!
  18. It was great to meet those who were able to attend today's event! My thanks to those who put it together, from the organization and coordination to the outstanding name badges. This may have been a small group of people, but they have a remarkable amount of talent!

    It was also good of Traegus to choose to share his birthday with us. What a great sport!

    You know, I had a pretty good opinion of the players of this game before attending this meet & greet, but seeing what a sharp, funny, friendly, and generous group we've got here in the DC/Maryland/Virginia are lends credence to CoH's reputation for the best community around.

    I'm looking forward to seeing you all in game, on the forums, and at the next get together.
  19. Barring something unexpected, I should be at the Starbucks by 3pm. Should you see a somewhat befuddled guy in a Residents t-shirt blinking and squinting at people, it's probably me. And if it isn't me, then the damned game is leaking into reality again, and I'll end up facing You? for the thousandth time.

    I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by plainguy View Post
    It just is so annoying that this company is just too lazy to explain clearly what these things do.
    There was a day when we weren't allowed to know how anything in the game worked, where the real numbers and mechanics were hidden from us. Now the game's complicated enough that having the actual numbers isn't enough to tell you how to play most effectively.

    I don't think they are "too lazy to explain." The systems themselves have simply become too complex to explain without requiring advanced coursework. Heck, on a regular basis the devs themselves have to go look at the code to figure out how things are supposed to work.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post

    Look, it's an idle philosophical point on a hypothetical change to the workings of a pseudo-economy which isn't actually reflected by any real world situation, and which is easier to manipulate than a sleazy politician with a fondness for goats. The Inf sinks of market fees are trivial when compared to the market players who can score a billion Inf in a night while still doing other stuff. The Inf still rains down out of thin air all over the world, only sometimes the clouds are made of in-game effort, and sometimes they're made out of real money. As long as that money is paid to the people who own the IP, everything is A-OK.

    At the end of the day only two currencies matter: the fun the players are having, and the cash the players send to NC Soft. The rest is window dressing.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
    Actually I'd say that when Brainstorm was first introduced in I9 for the invention system it was ok. When they decided to use Brainstorm again for Proliferation is when things went bad.
    I would agree with this.
  23. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
    Selling ATOs on the market does not drive inflation. Pouring extra inf into the game by letting people buy it outright does.
    There is no issuing authority for Inf in the game; it's always been created out of thin air by in-game actions: drops, missions, defeating enemies, etc. The only meaningful difference is that it can now be generated by out-of-game actions, i.e., spending real money to buy Super Packs and/or Windfalls to create the "drops" to sell on the Market. The only difference between this and letting me buy Inf a billion at a time is one of scale.

    As the joke goes, "We've settled what you are. Now we're just haggling over price."
  24. Okay, here's mine.

    Harper Valley, PTA

    As director of the Paragon Transit Authority, Valley is charged with making sure the trains run on time (as well as the teleportation devices, interdimensional portals, and temporal gateways). He was appointed to this position shortly after the First Rikti War, and assigned the responsibility for overseeing the construction and maintenance of the tram tunnels through the War Walls. However, as a politically appointed bureaucrat, he was open to pressure and *ahem* financial considerations, leading to the building of enormous unprotected tunnels through those tremendously expensive force fields.

    As the saying goes, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely*, but a little bit of power just makes you a jerk. Valley wanted to ensure his job security, successfully lobbying for a an ordinance outlawing the use of cell phones between superheroes and their contacts until the rather lengthy form 27B-6 was completed and notarized. This forced heroes to ride the trams -- increasing their popularity among the hero-worshipping citizens -- just to ask the police for more information. Fortunately, in the last round of elections many of Valley's cronies lost their positions, and subsequently overturned that ordinance.

    Even with his reduced stature, Harper Valley is still a force to be reckoned with. He wields the power for which there is no defense: Red Tape. Be careful if you cross him, or you may well find yourself with your PTA transit pass revoked, and walking back from Ouroboros is no fun at all.

    *Yes, I know that's not the real quote. Work with me here.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Crazed_Drifter View Post
    Wow, glad I looked at the forums for once. I live 15 minutes from Arundel Mills so count me in. As for badge, any of the four is fine, and just use my forum handle. Also, could we put all the important info in the OP? I'm pretty sure i know the plan but it would be nice to see the info collected.
    Yeah, I wouldn't mind seeing a final plan, myself.

    As to the excellent name tags, I'll take whichever is convenient for printing purposes. Just use Glass Goblin, if you don't mind.