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  1. Holy crap! I didn't realize I'd been around as long as Sukothai! I thought he'd been here a lot longer, but apparently we both started during January of '07. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K!

    Oh yeah, welcome back all you vets, and welcome to all the FNGs!
  2. To say I am honored would be an understatement. I didn't even have a speech prepared. I just thought I'd give something back to the community that has given me 4 years of fun hoping it would help make a difference. Thank you to the Sisterhood for everything, and I look forward to lots more fun teaming with some of the best players in the entire CoX world.
  3. Geronimo_69

    Hami Raid Ideas

    After bouncing these ideas around a bit, I thought I should post them here. Hopefully this helps out some for the next iteration.

    Okay, so the Hami raid of 1 August was my first ever, and while it was fun, I did notice that there seemed to be some problems when dealing with the overall execution of the raid. I’m not saying it was anyone’s fault in the least, nor do I think I could have done a better job, but I would like to give my two cents as to what I think might make a difference for the next time. The ideas I have come from my observations of this one raid, as well as some thoughts based on 14 years of experience in the infantry.

    First and foremost, the best thing to keep in mind is the K.I.S.S. rule, Keep It Simple, Stupid. This pertains not only to tactics, but to costumes. As mentioned during this raid, the simpler the costume, the less lag there will be. So fight in something with no cape, wings, or aura. Sure, it’s not as glamorous as what you may use other times, but for the sake of all involved in the raid, simple is better. Besides, when you can fight without lag, you can fight faster.

    Second, there should be one leader for the overall raid. In the military, senior leaders do not get involved in the down and dirty of the fighting, so likewise, this raid leader should stay out of the fight. He or she should be the one directing traffic, calling the shots, and staying on the Request channel. The leader needs to post him/herself at “Cowards Rock” and not move. Having TP would be beneficial in order to pull either dead leaders, or dead healers out of the area so that they can heal their teammates, but it’s not necessary. The leader will be the only one saying when elements move so that there is no confusion.

    Third, team makeup. No, I don’t mean teams need to be wearing make-up. The way teams were set for this attempt worked. Having a team composed heavily of tanks works to draw agro from Hami. The next team needs to be scrappers to follow-up where the tanks leave off. After this, ranged attackers, like blasters, is perfect, complemented with controllers. The last definite team should be composed of defenders and controllers. The reason for the composure of these teams will be made clear in my next point.

    Fourth, plan of attack. Based on the makeup of the teams mentioned above, Team Tank moves in from Cowards Rock towards the left-most mitos to draw their attention/agro. Following on their heels, roughly 5 seconds behind, will be the Scrappers. As the Scrappers move down to engage the mitos, Team Range provides covering fire for the Scrappers. Once the Scrappers are in place, the Blasters move in to hit the mitos as well. The Controllers from this team can begin their movement down to start putting holds on the healing mitos joined by the Controllers from the healing team with their Defender teammates who can do what they do best. With this said, move in a clockwise manner attacking, holding, and healing to the best of everyone’s ability. This method worked very well for the first wave of our attack, but unfortunately did not work on the subsequent one since the plan seemed to disintegrate from the get-go.

    Again, I revert back to K.I.S.S. when it comes to the second and any following attacks. If something works for you once, why change it? The only reason to adjust attacks would be if Hami is able to pick up on the pattern. If so, just reverse the plan and start from the right going counter-clockwise. The problem I had was in identifying the green mitos to hold. This is where the overall leader can help direct traffic. If he/she sees someone in the wrong place, they can direct them to the right location and further assist the attack.

    The teams will need to regroup after the first attack, heal, rez, and get RA back up and working before going in for the second wave. This should not take too long since we all know attention spans seem to … ooooo, shiny!

    Anyway, regroup, and hit Hami again as quickly as possible. The team leaders need to give the overall leader their team status as soon as they can so that the second everyone is up and ready, the second wave can go. If everyone can stick to this, I think there is a good chance for success. I’m not guaranteeing it, but I think it may work. Again, these are just my thoughts after seeing one raid, but hopefully it helps.
  4. Geronimo_69

    Tuesday TFs

    If I'm home in time, and can get the blessing of my better half, I'd be up for the 4:30 Mo(Whatever) since I don't have any of those on my main, and it would be nice to get something like that done before I go on a hiatus for a bit. I'd be bringing Geronimo 69 for the fun and games.
  5. A very happy belated birthday to one of the true greats of the game! Many happy returns Steele, and I continue to look forward to seeing you around.
  6. Yes, once from Valor was definitely enough for me too!

    On another note, Happy Anniversary to some of the best heroines I've had the privilege of knowing! Congratulations on the past 6 years, and here's to another wonderful 6. Hopefully I'll get to see some of you around this weekend!
  7. Wow, I don't remember that room when I did this mission, way back when. Of course it has been a while since I last did it that things may have been updated or changed. Sorry I missed out on this, but I've been dealing with some very serious family issues here recently which are becoming very troublesome. Hopefully they will be resolved soon, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Anyway, I'll keep my eye on the forums for other SHS events, since I always enjoy a chance to get out and run around with some of the hottest heroines in CoH.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Desum View Post
    Lemme compare Liberty to stereotyped American High School:

    The Populars: The more active members on the Liberty forums with 1000+ posts

    The Glee Club: Camo and his little friends ***** from Camo's Teen Lounge

    The Jocks: Those always starting up teams and leading stuff

    The Outcasts: Those who just laugh and does not associate with the obnoxiousness of majority of Liberty players - especially those constantly stating their worthless opinions on this forum, except for Fitzsimmons - he's my Liberty Idol.

    The Goths and Cutters: Those who abuse speeding TFs, powerlevels, and use of exploits because THEY CAN and it is their 14.99 to do WHATEVER they want. The Jocks and the Populars may think that they're only destroying themselves in the game, but the Outcasts in them just tell those obnoxious players to play ring around the rosie while they take 90% of the time chatting with their MMO BFFs rather than play a game that was meant to be played.

    Janitors: the Devs and Mods who have to clean up the "Doo Doo" from the forum chats and channel chats by silencing and getting rid of players on temporary bans.... oh and deleting offensive threads. erhm i.e. MOD 8

    You guys can see where I belong on this list. If you feel like you can add more to the list, please do so, I am having fun semi-conforming to the Populars
    Actually, I'm not quite seeing just where you fit into these categories. Obviously you're not a "Janitor" since you are neither a Dev or a Mod and have a dislike for one in particular. You don't seem to fit into the "Goths and Cutters" category either because you have wanted to run a specific, and thought-out, Mothership Challenge. You're not an "Outcast" since you seem to have no problem interjecting your two cents into various forum topics and using them as a way to express your "worthless opinions". You've removed yourself from the "Jocks" category by virtue of some of your forum posts about various people you see as server leaders. You're not part of the "Glee Club" since you make no qualms about posting your derision towards Camo, and, by virtue of default, you do not fit into the "Popular" category since you do not meet your criteria of fitting in there due to you only have 60+ posts in the forums.

    That being said, I don't think anyone would know where to categorize you. You have made an effort to start a challenge, yet you have taken it upon yourself to alienate yourself from a number of people on the forums by making it a point to state that people won't give you the time of day because
    Originally Posted by Desum View Post
    I am a 3 month noob who doesn't know the goings of this game and will assume the position to the veterans of this game because they are sooooo good.
    This is not how one goes about winning friends and influencing people. Yes, you are a relative newcomer to this server's forums. No, you are not the most well known person out there. However, just like anywhere, things take time. Also, it would serve you well to remember that first impressions tend to be lasting ones. Something to think about before you start typing without thinking through what you are trying to say.
  9. Geronimo_69

    Hamidon Raids

    DW I will be there. Maybe not with bells on, but I'll be there.
  10. Okay, I realize I was gone for over a year when I deployed, and then I was pretty much offline when I got back due to connection issues, but I have been back in-game now for the better part of the last three months. During that time, I have noticed, in the forums anyway, a division appearing amongst the ranks of my beloved server. I will be the first to admit that I'm not one of the legacy veterans that are floating around here, but I did come over to Liberty within the first 5 days of my starting up with the game.

    I originally joined and went to Freedom because it was the first server to show up at the top of the list. I was cajoled into coming over to Liberty by a couple of people who are no longer active, who also introduced me to my first SG. For that I am thankful because it allowed me to meet the incredible caliber of people that populate this great server.

    It took a while for me to really get the feel of things, and, as life typically goes, once I started feeling comfortable, I had to leave. Since I've been back, I've been welcomed with open arms by some great people on this server, to include AV, GEL, Steele, DW, Camo, and others too numerous to name. However, what's bothering me is what I'm seeing here in the forums.

    I understand that these are open forums that anybody, from any server, can peruse, but within the last week, I have seen two threads that have been used as a means to turn Libertines against each other. I remember a time when that never would have happened. We stuck together, in-game, and out of game. If someone from another server came in here trying to start trouble, they didn't stick around because we simply outnumbered them. Sure, we may have had our share of grievances between ourselves, but it got worked out. And we definitely never let someone from another server come here and divide us.

    I have heard talk of cliques within the server. Yes, there is some truth to that. How can there not be when there are super-groups? Just joining a super-group automatically puts you into a clique of some sort. Then there are the chat channels. The chat channels are open to anyone to join. You don't have to be an active participant in every discussion, but if you're going to join in, chime in. Make yourself heard, get noticed, and make friends. This is, and I know it's going to blow Valor's mind, a game. (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

    I guess what I'm trying to say is this, I miss the camaraderie that I used to see in the forums. Yes, we are all entitled to our own opinions, but I felt that this was more of one big family. A little dysfunctional at times, but a family nonetheless. We stuck together, and we worked through our issues, but we never chose the side of someone from outside over someone from inside.

    Maybe I'm just old-fashioned like that. Or maybe it's 14 years of being an Army infantryman that's taught me that no matter what, the people that you serve with, or in this case, play with, stick together. You can listen to what people from outside your unit have to say, but in the end, it's what the people in your unit have to say that matters. Or, to put it another way, it's like in a family. You can bad-mouth your own sibling all you want, but the minute someone outside of the family says something about said sibling, "them's fightin' words!"

    Take it for what it's worth. I'm not trying to single anybody out, other than that jab at Valor, but that's because he tried to set me up with some villainesses. If you feel that I've fired rounds in your direction and you think that was unfair, come to me and address me. I'm not tough to find, and I have a pretty thick skin. Here's hoping that this fantastic server is able to deal with out respective differences and get them all ironed out in a timely fashion.

    Those are my two cents. I'm Geronimo 69, and I approve this message.
  11. Okay, so I spent a couple hours coming up with my most recent MA arc. Hopefully it's something that works well for others. I tested it out and it seemed like it'll play pretty well, but I'd love some feedback from others. Anyway, here's the lowdown:

    Arc Name: I Got Your Mothership Right Here!
    Arc ID: 407176
    Faction: Hero
    Creator Global/Forum Name: @Geronimo 69
    Difficulty Level: Medium/Hard
    Synopsis: There is a classified government super team that is planning on taking the fight to the Rikti, but there have been some hiccups along the way.
    Estimated Time to Play: 1-2 hr solo
  12. Geronimo_69

    Distruptor badge

    Yeah, I'm in for this. Never done much PvP, but I'm up for anything. Just let me know when.
  13. Geronimo_69

    Hamidon Raids

    Memorial Day weekend would be great, but I won't be around for that one. Got family coming in for the week so I'll be completely out of the net that entire time. I do like the idea of the 22nd of May though. If, according to rumors, a team of 16 - 30 can take down the mighty quivering bowl of Jell-o, I'd be interested in giving it a shot for S&G this weekend if anybody's up for it.
  14. Geronimo_69

    Hamidon Raids

    Having never done one of these vaunted Hami raids, I'd be more than willing to lend my services, and those of my trusty fire pimps, to the fracas.
  15. I'll be there DW. Need to get myself organized for this.
  16. Count me in. I'd be happy to run a team too if needed. Looking forward to this weekend's activities.
  17. Wherever I'm needed, I'll be there. Should be a grand old time in great Libertine tradition.
  18. Definitely count me in on this one. This sounds like a blast!
  19. Count me in. Geronimo will definitely be there since I think this is one of the two that I haven't done yet. Looking forward to it.
  20. Count me in for this. Have to come up with a new toon, but I'm in.
  21. Geronimo_69

    I'm Baaaaaack!

    After 12 long, and I do mean long, months traveling around southern Afghanistan, I'm am pleased to announce that I am now back in the good old United States of America! However, this will be a short-lived trip back since my next assignment will take me back overseas. The good part though, is that my overseas assignment will be spent in Helsinki, Finland working in the US Embassy there. In the meantime, I'm working on getting CoH loaded back onto my laptop in the hopes that I can at least log on and move Gero around a bit, not to mention picking up all the stuff that I've missed out on over the last 15 months of not playing.

    I don't know if I'll still have a spot in the SG I was in when I left, but I'm hoping I do. If I don't, I will definitely be looking for a home. The kicker is I won't be a full-on regular player until possibly March when I go up to DC for a few months, so if I do find myself homeless and looking for a new SG to hook up with, that's something to consider.

    Anyway, I appreciate all the support the Liberty community has shown me in my random appearances in the forum, and I look forward to seeing you guys when I get back in game.

  22. Geronimo_69

    In My Pants

    My Bologna In My Pants - "Weird Al"
  23. Geronimo_69

    In My Pants

    Bring tha Noize In My Pants - Public Enemy and Anthrax
  24. Geronimo_69

    In My Pants

    The State of Massachusetts In My Pants - Dropkick Murphys