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  1. GangstaBlade

    Sally's Extinct

    Sweet! just found and killed her/it, i did it 5 minutes before the server shut down on virtue, the odd thing is though, i didn't receive my badge. and vidiot maps makes my map really dirty and messy now, helpful yet really messy.
    Thanks for the help guys but I have to come get him again unfortunately.
    I saw Sally swimming on land when I killed her/it/him/alien/thingy/food/drink, what ever it is! It was swimming on land!
  2. GangstaBlade

    Sally's Extinct

    how do you make a keybind?
    i'm new to keybinds
  3. GangstaBlade

    Sally's Extinct

    Originally Posted by Talen Lee View Post
    Yeah, she's around, just tagged her today.
    any well-known areas to find her/it?
  4. GangstaBlade

    Sally's Extinct

    we don't take kindly to ignorant people here!
  5. GangstaBlade

    Sally's Extinct

    i'm looking for sally currently and no luck, is there any frequently found zones she like to be near?
  6. yes but that is a mastermind where you want tier 2s to go in and disembowel and head splitter your enemies. I this thread is about mastermind primaries that do things that are utterly retarded, because they are supposed place is range and 'not hugging the nearest boss'.
  7. GangstaBlade

    Sally's Extinct

    wow. i only set up this thread yesterday and already around 28 replies! and i am seriously annoyed I cannot find her myself! amd 640+ views, im happy
    please do not show a link to the best viewed thing ever, this is the best I've done and that's why im happy.
  8. GangstaBlade

    Sally's Extinct

    Has anyone seen Sally? i haven't seen him/her for over a year! any1 seen him lately?
    if you don't know what he'she looks like, she/he is:
  9. is your sig true, if it is CONGRADULATIONS of giving it up, you will now live longer.
    What's wrong with overpowered brutes aswell?
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Vanex_NA View Post
    I was running a brute with two demon MMs and more people (including another MM), doing some mishes.

    In caves I couldn't reach mobs, demons were everywhere and I was tempted to /stuck to flee from them, too bad.

    small does not mean it is less powerful...look at Kurse
    Uhhh that is a bad example, I owned him easily
  11. this is a good, online game, not a mix of voodoo, dungeons and dragons boardgame.
    No offense those who still believe in mythology
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
    Holy crap are you kidding me? Bone Dancer would freakin' love that!
    I would highly suspect if they ever made it, it would be two handed. Hopefully no one has reserved the name currently called, Achilies Spear. That would be mad!
    I can imagine the 9th tier power now!
    Extreme damage, slow(7 seconds recharge), Character slowly rises up 1.2 feet and stabs the foe in the stomach if near the same height or higher and on the head if to small, and comes down really fast throwing the foe away with knockkback( he knocksback because when he comes down he really quickly changes the angle of his spear to 60 degrees higher).
    I shouldn't write this here, i should write this on a piece of paper and make a thread somewhere. (hopefully there aren't already 400 of spear threads)
    If they made this weapon one-handed, it would be fully-sick seeing that with bone dancers spear on stabbing the enemy with one hand.
    I also think that Spears would have almost the same attack range as kinetic melee
  13. i third the demand for demon wings, it would make him actually seem a bit stronger, like the picture of a behemoth and a behemoth overlord(boss)
    and the boss with wings looks like a king incomparison
  14. Im sad at which power I had to get rid of, it wasn't an easy decision I did in 20 seconds. I had to get rid of meneuvers that only gave 2.88 defense to all. I need a travel power, I want to get to the next enemy in 3 secs not 8, plus in hard to travel maps like faultine, you want to be able to jump over all the falling points instead of falling and running to what you think is an exit and find out bam you have to just out from the other side. I also wanted haste but I thought that I had no more skippable powers.
    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
  15. okay, you may think this is stupid but i am getting rid of one power to grab super jump because im gonna be annoyed always being the slowest one to the mission in a TF or in a regular team.
    Hmmm ill post new build after i figure ouyt whoich power is skipworthy
  16. Do you think the build you gave me is viable for av soloing?
  17. Dude that is awesome! Once i get my starting IOs like from that build ill start trying to make money(ingame) anyways thankyou so much for the build.
    But i have a question, why is there an achilies heal debuff there?
    Also can i replace scirroco's dervice with obblitteration?
    How expensive is your exact ingame build?
  18. Ok, i tried to make this the best i could, i tried to get more lethal/smashing defense but i got stuck on 33% on both of them without DA on, anyone spare to help?
    If anyone knows virtue prices, could anyone tell me if this is worth under 850m max money?
    Or possibly supply a better yet still under price range build?

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    I will be looking forward if someone replies
  19. well i got my info from this thread, i'm going to make a katana for my main. Now i need to fix up my build, feel free to help out with the build i have but ill be working on it, no comments that it is crap please, i'm not 'good' like some people.
  20. 2 BILL! not everyone has a vest made out of money you know.......
  21. I have this problem too, i have SOs yet at x2/+0 it's hard for me to go threw a bunch of enemies without low hp, i have like 18 point something defense, but i don't think that's enough, i am lvl 23
  22. I'm starting to sway towards katana now, Anyone want to change my mind?
  23. Darn! Katana is damage awesome and dual blades is awesome looking!
    Im sadder now!
  24. I'm not ie most people though, im not very tenacious on one character, i have problems paying enough attension to get me to lvl 40 let alone 50, that is why I only have like 3 lvl 50s only. But you're way of finding out these things were very interesting, i will attempt to make both of them using the same costume because i want to use the same costume either weapon I use.
    I am currently at my dad's super super super slow internet house, so overnight ill have the issue 17 done then ill be ready to attempt to make two charatcers, but I realise now that in the end i have two characters that I really enjoy. then by the time that happens ill have to come back to this thread to just say
    "ok I made my lvl 50s but i am still not sure! I love them both, they are both just too awesome to choose from and a i cannot afford to pay for both of them, can you give me more ideas?"
    But bythen I bet someone will probably say, well just play them to try get badges and see which one you seem to spend more hours on. maybe some times you will like to be able to knock everone around over to stop them attacking with dual blades witht he sweep combo. or maybe you want to own someone with whatever the 9th tier katana attack is.
    Oh no! now i just thought about PVP badges! and katana would be so much better for that!