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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
    2 Maltese Dogs
    1 Calico Cat
    ... several humans
  2. Nom on bacon? What a great IDEA!
  3. Clarity what store?
    TPBM eats it's own mother......
    Cereal for breakfast
  4. 3 dogs and a bunch of chickens and one rooster(rooster not used for making babies)
  5. GangstaBlade

    Weeny Roast!

    It's like killing people, it's funner to kill others than them kill you!
  6. GangstaBlade

    Weeny Roast!

    Can we figure out if it is all famales posting or some other awesome MALE trying to pass off as a female(s).........
    See males are in between everything (including you diary)
    P.S I am male
  7. GangstaBlade

    Hen roast!

    So..... how long have you been to switzerland!
  8. No, that's my friend George
    TPBM needs to visit the dentist
  9. GangstaBlade

    My AE arc

    I only have interest of playing arcs with scrappers, and the attention span to make a lvl 50 once in like a few months, so I doubt playing with a few different ATs is going to happen for a few years(I love scrappers! And don't understand how blasters stay alive!)
    Basically, I will make the starting description correct-er, and I'll add in that it is MADE FOR TEAMS!
    I made the starting mission ambushes to be there to help out the boss, the boss does not like being caught!
    I don't see why I have to clarify why there are duplicates, in alot of the other game made enemy groups, they don't say why there are a ton of the same people.
    Where it says <br>, that was a kind of error, like when I have the interrogation, I had it so every time a new person spoke, there would be a new line, but apparently the AE system doesn't like my formatting.
    For the time limit. I had to make a time limit because they were packing up to leave, didn't the Detective in-change say that?
    When I was making my custom critters, I based their costumes on my families design, I wondered one day (during a family party) how my family would make their characters, so on some server that I don't use, I got them to make one up. Then I based a few costumes on a bunch of their designs, the minion with the axe, everything but the axe was made by my one of my aunts.
    In the first mission again, where it says defeat all, I wanted people to think that they had to destroy the entire base, but only the people in the last room to be a bit less annoying, but instead it gave away that and now it's seeming odd. I realise I gave away that the last room has the actual people that actually need to be defeated in last room, but it's not a real big problem.
    Do you think that I should add more Custom dudes into the mix?
    Do you think I should add some citizens being held captive in some missions?
    Do any of you know a way to get rid of the part that says the objectives and makes it say what you want there? It will fix that problem there.

    Thanks for attempting my Arc aswell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. GangstaBlade

    My AE arc

    The EB is Axe/Invuln
    The AV is DP/Radiation(he only has accelerate metabolism)
    The enemies are not really crazy tough on lethal, even the EB has 20% res only.
    There are no Ice or Radiation enemies (other than AV)
    It is set to lvl 45 no matter what level you are(so foes don't hit as much and you still have all your set bonuses and attacks, I do realise Set Bonuses are always there.)
    First mission there is a boss, defat all(in last room)
    Second: Collection mission
    Third: EB mission
    Fourth: AV mission with some allies(all but 1 is not needed to be done to finish the mission)
  11. No!
    (healix is that actually you or some weirdo you found on the street?)
    TPBM walks on 3 legs
  12. GangstaBlade

    Hen roast!

    Damn! how long until the good stuff happens? I am getting bored!
  13. Wow! 150 replies is my new record! Lol.
    Nope, I prefer my style! Black jeans with a red or pink t-shirt with white running shoes. Yeah! (P.S I am male)

    TPBM has a mole on his/her left leg.
  14. Seeing that the email area was used as a storage depo, we should be able to get an in game bank, everyother game I have played(other than this one) has had a bank to store your stuff in. It would also be good if I could transfer stuff to other characters aswell!
  15. GangstaBlade

    My AE arc

    I am in the process of trying to make an AE arc, I don't spend the most time in AE so I don't have a good clue to how to make a good one, I have played normal arcs made by the game.
    Could people try out my Arc(has 4 missions and has 1 EB and AV) and tell me how I could improve it, like adding more enemies or rewriting some stuff.

    My arc number is: 416583
  16. GangstaBlade

    My AE mission

    *face palm*
    P.S My name is GangstaBlade
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by korncob View Post
    Later I'll try all of this on a level 22 and see if the same sort of thing happens...if it's just because we were below level 20 ish (lack of skills to use etc.) then that might be partially understandable, but something is obviously wrong with the defense/damage resist/damage/etc. scaling in general if it killed us all in 2 hits. I was a tanker with about 35% resists on everything except toxic and died as soon as I pulled.
    Were you on an Electric tank?
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Daemodand View Post
    Three: introduction, complication, resolution. All else is self-indulgence.
    I make most of mine Introduction, Complication, Build up, Resolution
  19. Stop farming? But you're right, there are alot of problems with AE and it wouldn't be so crappy if:
    • People didn't take advantage of it
    • People did what the devs wanted AE to be(which is not a leveling spree, it was to make something in a game for people who got tired of regular missions and wanted to try mission created by the players of the game.)
    • No farms
    • To be fun, it's not fun doing it, if it was just for leveling up
    I bet it would still be really fun, more done and gave more exp if people didn't take advantage of it!
  20. GangstaBlade

    My AE mission

    I am in the process of trying to make an AE arc, I don't spend the most time in AE so I don't have a good clue to how to make a good one, I have played normal arcs made by the game.
    Could people try out my Arc(has 4 missions and has 1 EB and AV) and tell me how I could improve it, like adding more enemies or rewriting some stuff.

    My arc number is: 416583
  21. Hmmmm...... interesting.
    Two things now, will this build be good for endurance?
    How logn can he fight till he will get end drained say if he has 105 end
  22. I don't see how 14 resistance helps anything