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  1. Hey just curious how much it costs to buy all of those enhancements.
    because I want to make that dude but i want to no how much infamy i should make._(for anshar's build)
  2. Thanks everyone for your help and currently im leaning towards Thugs/DarkMiasma.

    if you have a reason for me to change that please tell.

    What are you supposed to do down here?
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Bookkeeper_Jay View Post
    Robots are not merely the best for AV soloing. Ninjas/Dark Miasma, Necromancery/Dark Miasma, or Thugs/Dark Miasma also work in this example. Necro/Dark and Ninjas/Dark may take much more preparation and concentration/coordination, but they definitely work.

    Hello. Could you give me an order of which u think is best out of that list?
  4. Hi. I have noticed that everyone, well nearly everyone thinks robotics is the strongest powerset because of some reason. But, does anyone know the second best mastermind pet for soloing those pesky AVs? because I want to kill an AV so bad for the 1st time with my dark miasma secondary. So please tell me which is the second best mastermind pet and please don't forget to say why.

    Why do people write down here?

    lvl 50 Robotics/dark miasma mastermind
    lvl 50 fire/kinetic controller
  5. GangstaBlade


    Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
    Also: specifically asking to get into beta is a good way to not get in
    I am asking if you were invited to a beta where do you go look to enter the beta.
  6. GangstaBlade

    GR Vet question

    Originally Posted by Kahzi View Post
    This. I would cry if they came out with lifetime subs. It's one tiny step above opening the game up to free play and trying to survive on micropayments.

    If the game ever went free to play I personally would play at all because when I look for a game I think that they charge us money so that they have money to improve the game. If they didn't ask for money, Goodbye great effects and good issues!
  7. GangstaBlade

    Do you think...

    I think it does but ninja run looks awesome if u have energy melee and run.
  8. GangstaBlade


    I am wondering where you go when you want to do one of the beta's because I do not have a clue on where to look.
  9. Hello. I am thinking of making a stalker for the first time and I was thinking of using 1 to oblitterate bosses with and I'd like to know what the best stalker Primary/Secondary is because i would like to make it my next level 50.

    Dark Droid. lvl50 Bots/Dark MM
    Fire Sire lvl50 Fire/Kinetic Con
    Man. I'm gonna pissed off when I forget how to sit down.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Psylenz View Post
    To the Op, help us with which primary you prefer and we can give a better suggestion for a secondary.

    My Primary is robotics i should have mention. Sorry.
  11. Hi. I have a problem trying to find a secondary that i can use that doesnt use heals as a main power. I want to use poison or traps but I die really easy at low level and that sort of not make me not wanna use it. Is there a way to use poison or traps without needing to use heals very often?