389 -
And so it begins. The lines between gold farmer and NCS have been blurred or at least mixed.
When rares came on the market we were told they would be limited to 1 set a month for a limited window. We were told no purples would be for sell in the market. Seems now rares go on sale like candy and now here come the purple sets.
Perception becomes reality. You control the drop rate for purples. Tweaking a high valued set to drop less or not at all is a possiblity. Thus causing a demand in the actual money for purple set. I am not saying you did that but the possibility is there now. And since "never" seems to be not for a couple of months, I fear that we would never do this, will turn into we will never do this until we need some fast cash.
Also with the x2 xp boosters the only ones to benifit will be the farmers. x2 xp is not for people doing the story arcs, it is only for those who PL. Sure having a x2 weekend allows alot of people to PL but it is a rare thing. Having this on the market only encourages the PL farmers. Where do you think the Gold Farmers get thier in game inf? Its from charging for those cave farms. Now it seems that NCS just wants thier cut too.
It may seem small but these two things are going to have major effects on the gaming community in the long run.
Just curious will the x2 xp booster work with AE? If not are you letting people know before they buy one? If it does work in AE how does it go against MARTy?
Why create lower level content if you are only going to encourage people to PL past it?
PL always starts out I just need to get over this hump, then its I want to get level 20 so my toon can do something. Then Its woah I can get to 30 on a cave run?, To finally a couple of hours to 50 sure why not after all I already did the lower stuff time and time again and there's always ouro to go back.
You spent man hours nerfing farms and exploits only to now say "Go ahead as long as we get some extra $$ also." -
Any chance we can get a mech type cat pet? Like Voltron or Power Rangers but smaller.
Just wondering any in game staffs that people found? Vanguard glowie stick? Shadowshard eyeball on aa stick? Octipus tenicle?
Quote:1) Can i haz ur stuf?well if it's the 1st or the 5th, from Dec1st-march 31st, I am many others have still spent the same amount of money just as you other guys an gals. just to be told we don't get anything, thats a slap in the face to us an my sg wonders why i cancealed both my accounts yesterday,
2) To bad you didn't call customer support. You might of convenced them of your loyality. But rage quitting instead won't do you any good.
3) Just wondering when your in a store and they run an ad that said free bottle of dish soap with the purchase of one bottle and this coupon. You bought the soap but don't have the coupon do you yell at the cashier til they give you a free bottle even though you didn't live up to your side of the deal?
4) now change #3 to game time with extra free perks instead of dish soap. -
Hi. Just threw together a quick Easter Egg Hunt. Nothing special. But hey Its got Bunnies, Robots and Clowns. Level 41-54 setting cause of GM.
#542859 -
Hopefully this is low hanging fruit.
Can we get al alternate animation for Call Swarm, Call Hawk, and Call Raven.
What I'm looking at is a whip attack. And since you already have whip animation in Demon Summoning. So would a basic leather Whip be possible for Beast Mastery?
Given how many Lion Tamers that were at the last CC a whip might be very popular. -
Most likely to answer to the same name is either the o was replaced with a 0. So Bearded Woman is now BEARDED W0MAN. Or the person just put a . at the end of the name and the Devs didn't on the photo.
Quote:I don't think I have ever seen anyone attempt to form a team to kill the flying Hamidon in the First Ward. Ever. So I doubt lvl 30 Hami-O's is enough to motivate anyone to do it.
I do beleive at some point in the future, Hamidon (whether it's Primal and/or Praetorian) will be back in the spotlight... Soon™. Perhaps the devs will consider an upgrade of Hami-O's then.
Really? Done many Seed hunts on Freedom and Exalted. I like First ward, one of my favorite spots in the whole game. -
Quote:O I agree with KISS. But you know this is COX so more than likely we will get a new currency called Hammi Bucks. That can be turned in to get Hami enhancement boosters. With a cool down period of 14 days between boosting a hami on same account.There's nothing wrong with these ideas but these things would involve a relatively large amount of code to implement. A suggestion like mine simply involves changing the enhancement values of existing Hami-Os back to their original values. If I were a Dev I know which solution I'd more likely be willing to do...
It's the classic K.I.S.S. principle - the easier the suggestion the more likely it is to happen.
;p -
Another way is to increase Hami O's in the game.
For instance a lvl 10 hami-o drop from DFB.
A lvl 30 or 35 Hami drop from the flying hami in First Ward.
Turn in Vanguard merits for synth hami's (35 or 50) in RWZ.
Then have the power of the hami increase as you have more Hami's in it.
1 hami = power x1
2 hami = power of each x1.1
6 hami = power of each x1.5
Just thinking outside the box. -
Yes. I want an Ouro Port first. But if they don't want to maybe story reasons. then I'll take the flashback function from Gab.
Can we get an Ouro Crystal next to Taskmaster Gabriel? Or at least let him act as one when it comes to the repeatable DA mission arcs.
Quote:Ok since you are on Exalted then you are VIP. ergo you can earn A-merits. 5 A-merits gives you a token to unlock capes for any toon. Another 5 A-merits gives you a token to unlock Auras. The only other item at level 30 I can think of is KHTF witch hat. Which there are 2 other witch hats you could use and not look bald.They Need to make the standards Clear When they first came out with the Exhalted Server they stated it would be a Privilege to join in on the Costume Contests for VIP players and now it is open to everyone Plus Exhalted has to move characters to Virtue that is just wrong when EVERY player on Exhalted is a VIP player! And why should Exhalted have to copy (and do without locked costumes) and move to virtue if that is NOT Their Preference???
I guess my point is that if they are going to have the CC for all players they should Change the Servers at least each and every time they throw one not Keep it in the SAME server, not every one plays there and they are making it harder to join it since you have to be 30 for Costume parts to be available as stated by someone else......
As far as being on the same server. You mean the one that held it in Dec., Jan., Feb., and now March?
If it isn't thier preference to make a toon on Virtue then so be it. Host a CC on Exalted. Enter a CC on Exalted. You will get a small group of people, because there is only a small group of people on Exalted. But if you host one on Virtue or Freedom you have the entire pool of players that could join. Its the difference in marketing to just your town on the local TV station and marketing on National Network. -
Quote:This is error in view the 400-550 points aren't free or a discount coupon.Are you guys forgetting the 400-550 PP you get every month as a VIP subscriber that Free and Premium players don't get? You want discounts on stuff on top of that?
We the players have 2 choices when we spend $15.
a) 1320 Paragon points and able to do about 80% of the content.
b) 400-550 Paragon Points and able to get about 95% of the content. (I would say 100% but you do have to pay for some power sets.)
With option A you could spend the points to increase the amount of content you get. If Paragon ever allows you to buy incarnate with PP then there is a tipping point where this is the better deal. (or it already is if you don't do incarnate stuff.)
With option B there's less and less that is appealing. Eventually burn out of the extra stuff won't have the appeal it once had. And Paragon won't be keeping up with the demand of the newer "free" shiney as the VIP base drops.
Its like the online music stores. Some places you buy each song you want. Others you subscribe a set price for all the music but only get it for 30 days. First option the music is yours but your catalog is limited by your bank account. The second your catalog is unlimited but in the end you own nothing. (Yes there is the pirate option on music but it doesn't fit the the model of COH.)
VIPs 400-550 points arent extra they are just part of the either or choice. -
Quote:I don't think its a case of wanting people not to subscribe. But more of a case of we don't care if you stop. By allowing everyone to play it allows them to regain Rage quitters or to aleast gain some money from nonsubscribers every once in a while via paragon points purchace. Neither of which was really possible under the old system.You're laboring under the assumption that they WANT more people to go VIP. In reality, they make more money via microtransactions, which mostly come from Premium players. From my perspective as a VIP they are doing everything they can to convince me not to subscribe any longer.
They don't want subscribers. They just want money. The way that they are pricing new content proves that Premium players are worth more money to them than VIPs.
I will say that VIP holds less and less the higher tier you are. Sooner or later Incarnate will get old and the grind will wear you down. If you are here as a social meeting place well that's free. -
Quote:Hopefully It is in some small part because of me. Since I raised a protest to EXALTED only server events.Why is that Exhalted a server that is all VIP Players never get the costume contests anymore....???? It would seem to me that would be a benefit to being a VIP player! The chance to win prizes through COH Should be held for those who PAY. So why would you continue to place these contests in a zone that is played by anyone. I as a paying player feel that this is just wrong especially when Freedom came out IT stated that the contests would be held for those that pay and now they are not. Not unless I want to change servers for a day and then compete against those that do not pay. Sorry truly an injustice for all those that DO pay for the game.
Here are some reasons why.
1) We are all part of the COH community. Events should be for all. I wanted it to be like old where the Devs held events on all servers. But because of time this is a good compromise.
2) The False Idea that VIPs are the only ones that PAY. You can be a Premium and Pay more per month via Paragon Points than a VIP. Plus a long time Vet has paid many months of play, or many copies of the game where to be VIP you only have to pay 1 month of time.
3) Not all VIPs play or want to be on EXALTED. Some like their home server.
4) Virtue along with Freedom are the top 2 severs for population in the Game. EXALTED fast lost its player base after the new shiney wore off and lost a second wave after that other game came out.
5) Virtue has a rep for Roleplayers and Cosplay so a CC there makes sense. EXALTED has a rep also but its not for Roleplaying. -
Ok finally seen my first Leprechaun in game. Owned by a player with no yearly vet badges but is a tier 8. So If you got the money to burn.... Guess I found the person for whom they were marketing this thing.
But that being said if you (Paragon) would make a vanity pet say "black cat" that would have "bad luck" follow others around when its out. I would spend 800 points out of spite just to have the power to make the damn leprechaun totally useless. Just info incase you want to market to people like me. -
Wow I'm surprised at you people. It is painfully obvious that this little guy is a precursor to a new power set. Just Like the german shepard brought the shadow wolfie thing in dark control and the new beast set for masterminds. I just know this has to be part of the new mastermind set "Cereal Killers". You would have the Lucky Charms Leprechaun, the Trix Rabbit, and Tony the Tiger. So give em a break or else Ghost Falcon will have to post how the players aren't the targeted customer for this item. They only want to sell it to Gingers without souls. And even though I truely, madly deeply support Paragon I will have to pass on this awesome item; I'm saving up for next week when the new Hokey Pokey Dance emote hits Live for 1200 points.
250 for an emote? really? and its an emote the relies on somebody else spending 250 to get the full effect? Please tell me if you toss the "disc" that the wolf/dog/coyote will at least play catch with it? Or that if you buy this you will get a discount a future blaster type power set of flying discs? Oh well a lot of good stuff today so I'll give you the lolz one.
I'm about ready to leave for work. But I do have a prediction.
Someone on Freedom will have Power leveled a Dark Dom or Troller to 50 and already be 50+3 and purpled out before I get back tonight. -
Well it didn't get done this week cause of all the title changes and self patting on the back. Next week new issue hits so no fix then. The following week they will be to busy with game breaking bugs from the issue roll out to deal with the points and tokens. Over the x2 xp weekend there will be some exploit from the issue that will be found and a quick patch will go out. So maybe the last week of the month they might look into the mess. Unless of course there's an article on some MMORPG website about the new issue and Statesman's death. Then push back the fix for the reward points til middle of the following month.
Thanks Ghost Falcon for finally let us know that you (NCSoft) knows of the issue. In this thread you asked for suggestions here's a couple.
1) When a problem comes up and the player base has issues. Please have a red name step in and say something. The most frustrating thing wasn't so much the problem but that fact it was if no one was doing anything. You guys have to post even if it is just to say "we hear you, but we haven't found a fix yet." You (NcSoft) would of gotten a lot more slack instead of grief. You have this forum as a tool.
2) In that other thread 2 suggestions pop up a lot. Either award everything on your billing date or Award everything on a set calendar date.
3) My suggestion is to award everything up front when you take my money just like you do with premie accounts. They get their rewards right then we should too.
4) Now that we all know that you (NCSoft) know there is a problem. There is no reason why a cross department fix, group meeting, or whatever is needed to tackle this isn't in place. -
In case you aren't reading the market thread for 2/21 Ghost Falcon did post about this topic.
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showp...&postcount=176 -
Quote:I'll believe that they are listening when a red name finally says something in the "Where are my Paragon Points thread". 4+ months of bad service and no reply speaks volumes. Maybe we need to hurt Ghost Falcon's feelings again.Look at it this way... at least they'd be showing the players that they're making an attempt to listen. Sometimes it seems most of our comments are just unnoticed or ignored, so it might be nice to know that some of our thoughts might be taken into consideration. Again they wouldn't have to follow any of the suggestions we might put out... but at least they will have shown an attempt to listen.