861 -
Six slotting with Red Fortune or Titanium Coating is not a good fit for Invuln. Those sixth io set bonuses are positional, whereas Invuln is mostly typed.
I would take Rage instead of Tactics; Rage will take GSFC as well.
I would take the Acc/Rech out of Jab and either put the slot somewhere else or put a damage proc in there. You are wwwaaaayyyyy into "red alert" territory on damage.
I would put off taking Resist Elements and Resist Energy until later.
I would replace Jump Kick, Unstoppable and Assault with Boxing, Tough and Weave.
If you decide to keep Unstoppable, at least put those extra two slots somewhere else.
I would take one slot out of Health and one slot out of Stamina and put them into Dull Pain (3 level 50 common io's are too many). Maybe put one of the unused slots from Assault into Dull Pain as well, i'd recommend two Health io's and two Recharge io's in Dull Pain. -
I'll bring Statesdude (StJ/WP Brute)
Quote:Speaking of the X-Files....Jack Black was in the X-Files, in the same episode as Giovanni Ribisi. Jewel Staite was also in the X-Files.
(I'm doing an X-Files marathon, so I'm finding a serious plethora of young folks I recognize!)
I was sorta half way watching Johnny English Reborn. Having missed the opening credits, i kept asking myself "who's the hawt milf playing Pegasus [the head of MI-7]?" The fake English accent kept throwing me, I kept thinking I must have seen her on Doctor Who or something.
But then she got "that look" that Scully was famous for (about a minute thirty in)...Damn, that's Scully!
She is much hawter now than she was 20 years ago. -
Tuesday May 22 at 10 pm Eastern: Soul of the Woodsman (aka Numina TF)
Level 35+, min 4 to start, 36 merits
If you'd like to reserve a spot, please leave your global, toon name and AT.
Please note that the Nemvasions will still be going on. When an invasion hits a particular zone, usually all other factions are driven indoors. This may make some of the street hunts in this TF even more mind numbing than usual.
[Edit: Changed "will make all" to "may make some" because the Nemvasions - if they occur - usually only affect one zone at a time. My original statement seemed to say that the Nemvasions will interfere with every street hunt. I doubt that will be the case judging by how invasion events have affected our past Numina TFs.]
1. @GATE-keeper: Olivia Neutron-Bomb (Totally Rad/Totally Mental Blaster)
2. @Ellscry: Tributary (WP/Staff Tank) [computer died, might not be here]
3. @Asgardian Blade: Kyrybdys (Rad/DP Defender)
4. @Saint Jon: Hawaiian Glory (Staff/WP Brute)
5. @Angelica Venger: Angelene (Beast/Dark MM)
6. @AdAstra: Winter Shock (Elec/Cold Controller)
7. @ThrillKiller: War Justice (StJ/SD Scrapper)
8. @Doctor_A_Science: Mini Doctor (Staff/Fire Brute) -
I'll bring Statesdude (StJ/WP Brute)
Would you pair Claws with WP or Inv on a premium acct? No IO's, so SO's mainly. Inf is no object (my main acct has plenty of inf) so HO's or orange (ie, not superior) ATO's are a possibility. But prolly no SBE's.
As you are levelling up, what's the best strategy for where to put slots:
a) Slot lower damage attacks first (ie, six slot Jab before putting any into KO Blow) iirc, this seems to increase DPS
b) Slot higher damage attacks first (ie, six slot KO Blow before putting any slots into Jab) iirc, this seems to increase DPA
c) Even them all out (ie, make sure all attacks have three slots before putting a fourth in any attack)
I'm mainly looking for the best strategy for someone who tends to focus on IO sets and set bonuses (bonii?). I typically start IO'ing out at around level 27 and tend to use level 30 sets. -
Quote:In the part where the three latecomers are crashing into downtown to join the fight there is a shot where they fly past a window viewing it from the interior. There are two people inside. I believe them to be Clark Kent and Lois Lane, as a cameo. But it happens pretty quickly. Can anyone check that for me? Thanks.Quote:You're not imagining things! It happens really fast, but I specifically remember a guy looking suspiciously close to Brandon Routh's Clark Kent standing in front of a window; he's facing away from the camera, but his reflection is easy enough to see in the window. I didn't have time to check if the woman was Lois-esque or not, but that wouldn't surprise me.Quote:It seems highly unlikely, since Clark Kent and Lois Lane are DC characters. The Avengers are Marvel characters. I REALLY don't think they'd put in a cameo of their strongest competitor's characters in their own studio's movie. It'd be kind of like trying to have Statesman showing up as a cameo in Champions Online...not gonna happen.Quote:Oh I dunno. I'm betting that as long as they didn't get TOO explicit, they could get away with a sight gag.
Also, in Spider-Man I, doesn't Aunt May say to Peter "you're not Superman, you know"? -
Tuesday May 15th at 10 pm Eastern, Following Countess Crey (aka Manticore TF)
Level 30+, 7 to start, 32 merits.
If you'd like to reserve a spot, please leave your global, toon name and AT.
1. @KEY-master: Wind Break (Fire/Dark Crupper)
2. @Asgardian Blade: Kyrybdys (Rad/DP Fender)
3. @Saint Jon: Hawaiian Glory (Staff/WP Brute)
4. @Angelica Venger: Angelene (Beast/Dark MM)
5. @Ellscry: Tributary (WP/Staff Tank)
6. @AdAstra: Ebony Shadows (Dark/Dark Dominator) or Southern Belle (Elec/MM Blaster) or Winter Shock (Elec/Cold Controller)
7. @Doctor_A_Science: Mini Doctor (Staff/Fire Brute) -
I'll bring Statesdude (StJ/WP Brute)
Quote:Try these:Oh, I'd love to have full customization of pool powers. No more flaming hands for Hasten or glowing jetstream wrists and ankles for Combat Jumping.
/macro FXoff "SuppressCloseFx 1$$SuppressCloseFxDist 255"
/macro FXon "SuppressCloseFx 0"
The first macro creates a button that, when clicked, turns off most of the visual effects associated with various powers. Your powers only, can't turn off the Hasten on someone else's hands.
The second macro creates a button that turns the effects back on. -
Tuesday May 8th at 10 pm Eastern, Citadel's Children
Level 25+, min 6 to start, 40 merits.
If you'd like to reserve a spot, please leave your global, toon name and AT.
1. @GATE-keeper: Magius Aegis (Ill/Storm Troller)
2. @Asgardian Blade: Kyrybdys (Rad/DP Defender)
3. @Saint Jon: probably Hawaiian Glory (Staff/WP Brute)
4. @Ellscry: Tributary (WP/Staff Tank)
5. @reButters: Beseigement (?)
6. @Doctor_A_Science: Mini Doctor (Staff/Fire Brute)
7. @AdAstra: Ebony Shadows (Dark/Dark Dominator)
8. @Angelica Venger: Angelene (Beast/Dark MM) -
I'll bring Statesdude (StJ/WP Brute)
Quote:Hopefully, yes. Now, if this were a Numina, maybe not. But I think a Sister Psyche will be OK.Erm -
Are we still running this even if the Nemesis invasion starts on May 1?
Zwill says the Nemesis Invasion runs all month, so this might be a problem in 3 weeks when we do run Numina. -
Brain Fart! Please note that despite what the thread title says, the TF is actually Sister Psyche, not Citadel.
(Thanks Ells!)
Tuesday Mar 20th at 10 pm Eastern, Clamor and Destruction (aka Sister Psyche Task Force)
Level 20+, 5 to start, 50 merits
If you'd like to reserve a spot, please leave your global, toon name and AT.
1. @GATE-keeper: Statesdude (StJ/WP Brute)
2. @Ellscry: Tributary (WP/Staff Tank)
3. @AdAstra: Ebony Shadows (Dark/Dark Dominator)
4. @Angelica Venger: Angelene (Beast/Dark MM)
5. @Doctor_A_Science: Mini Doctor (Staff/Fire Brute)
6. @Simoon Gryphon: Killnetics (Ice/Kin Crupper) -
Great peekchurs as always, Belle!
For the clone fight, I noticed that Gata had two clones and Bree had no clone. I guess this was right after Bree dropped. (But she must have come back since she's in the Rollister fight.)
I've noticed that when a player drops during this TF, the game knows someone is missing, but doesn't know what AT/powerset/costume looks like so the game creates another clone of the team leader to take the missing player's clone's place. (Gata was your team leader, right?)
Also, you had three peeps with Staff on your team. Recently, clones of newer powersets had access to higher tier powers of those powersets. That bug was supposedly fixed recently, but that was before Staff came out. Did you all have a particularly difficult time with that fight? If so, did anyone notice if the clones were using higher tier Staff attacks? -
I'll bring Statesdude (StJ/WP Brute)
(No, not Staff. I'm waaaayyy behind everyone on the new powersets. I've just now gotten around to creating a Street toon. Still no Time, no Beam, no TW, no Dark....) -
Tuesday April 24th at 10 pm Eastern, The Fall of the Clockwork King (aka Synapse Task Force)
Level 15+, 4 to start, 58 merits.
If you'd like to reserve a spot, please leave your global, toon name and AT.
1. @KEY-master: Wind Break (Fire/Dark Corruptor)
2. @Ellscry: Tributary (WP/Staff Tank)
3. @AdAstra: Ebony Shadows (Dark/Dark Dominator)(Tentative)
4. @Angelica Venger: Angelene (Beast/Dark MM)
5. @Doctor_A_Science: Mini Doctor (Staff/FA Broot)
6. @Karis Rouen: Cain Frost (Kat/WP Scrapper or Broot)
7. @Simoon Gryphon: Hunter Landen (TW/EA Broot) -