12 -
Here's a huge tip i wish i had back in the day.... if you're drawing on the computer with a tablet, draw on a huge scale.... have your drawing drawn at something crazy like 3000 x 2500, when you're done, shrink it down to something small like 600x400 (i messed up the proportions but ya get my point) , you'll notice all your lines look alot cleaner, straighter, and more controlled. It helps enormously with real life drawings.
drew the expression of a spines scrapper spearing his spikes through his skin...without regen....
http://leestudios.ca/images/pain.jpg -
For those on virtue and for those who know Mr. V (Leader of the Gods of the Golden Age)... this is an attempt at Alex Ross' style of art... he tends to draw his characters based on real life people, so I did the same thing, but far from Alex Ross quality.
colored version
http://leestudios.ca/images/mrv2.jpg -
((yeah i knew villains can fight heroes in the arena, but didn't think about it for RP'ing!! thats a great idea.... problem is... finding a hero/villain group to do these things with... maybe if osmeone made a database of all Virtue RP VGs and HGs... then people could coordinate RP sessions... ))
((So the bad boys are outta the zig, and every single heroes enemies have all gathered together to wreck havok on paragon city. In my opinion, there's a whole lotta potential here for some really good storylines between villian and hero groups... but the problem is that there really isn't a peace zone where all of us can rp together... so I was wondering what kind of ideas are out there for roleplaying between villians and heroes? And maybe perhaps we should gather all the RP SGs and VGs to plan some big and minor storylines for our characters. Anything will do, i just hate to see the potential for RPing in this game go to waste.))
It all happened so fast... all the years... all the years John and I put our heart and soul into.... into fighting those who threaten Canadian and American ideals, and putting them where they belong....gone... Lord Recluse did the impossible, the unthinikable... now every single one of my enemies are out there... even the ones who know my identity... and I know the first thing on their mind... is to get revenge... in the next few days, death will be knocking on my door...
*A punch knocks Alex through a wall in his apartment.
He gets up and wipes off the blood from his lip*
Alex: Heh... long time no see Sampson! You could have waited till I was outta my pjs... but you know what? Thats ok, those tights really make it hard to breathe anyways.
Sampson: You F$#@in piece of $#&T! You don't know half of what i went through in there pretty boy!
Alex: Wh-- di-d you just... did you just call me pretty boy?!
Sampson: Shut your trap! *Sampson picks up his phone* Ok guys.... I got him in his pyjamas, you can check out who the Royal Guard REALLY is.... but i'm not giving you the location till i see the money is transferred to my account.
I wasn't sure what to do, but I can tell ya, I only had one thing on my mind, and it probably wouldn't make things look any nicer than they already were
Alex: You SON OF !@#%^!! *Alex jumps at Sampson*
So long story short, I jumped at him, i beat him up pretty good, but then he decided to screw the money and told whoever he was talking to on the phone where i lived and where we were fighting. It turns out he wasn't just talking to one guy, he was talking to a bunch of my enemies who all put together a scheme to get me back. Before I knew it, i was thrown out of the window from the 2nd floor of the apartment... i didn't take the fall too easily... I've fought more than one enemy before, but not without my flight bands on... it makes it harder to seperate the fliers from the runners and jumpers without them... I had two black eyes, i swear i had a broken rib, and who knows what else those purple marks on my body were
Alex: ugh....
The moment I stop cracking jokes in a fight is when I know the fight has gone really bad... and it's at this point where I start to wonder why I went solo for so long... why didn't I join a supergroup when I was offered so many times... I've got no one to back me up, and i'm living in a freakin city of heroes...
((I'm basically asking to join an RP SG(Virtue) that has engaging story lines everynow and then, I also enjoy pvp, so perhaps if there are any RP SGs out there who are coordinating things with villian groups, i'd really really really love to join. Anyways, this is my characters call for help... feel free to jump him and rescue him, maybe even offer him membership to your SG *hint* *hint* or.... feel free to jump in as a villian and give him more poundings till someone comes to save him... and if no one saves him... well... then i guess he's just gonna have to die... *sigh* (SO SAVE HIM! =D) )) -
Has anyone tried this?
i'm a fan of improv acting and think it'll bring rp'in and gameplay to a next level.... of course some people aren't good at it, but you can always try.... i'm on virtue server and i have a heroes ranging from 10-37. I have my own TS server....
unfortunetly for the guys using girl avatars this is a slight problem... -
now there's a solution that works!
good one! -
[This is a pub in paragon city where citizens and heroes come to relieve themselves with the joys of alcohol... while others, just come here to think... or to pick a fight...]
[A man sits in the cornor looking out the window as if he looks into deep space...]
The meta-physical universe... we're all bound to it, yet so many people don't even realize it. Everyone lives in their own meta-physical world... what they percieve THIS world to be is THEIR world. What I percieve THIS world to be is MY world... thus there are many meta-physical worlds out there in one big universe. Most worlds have a sun and moon... but my world has no such thing... In the physical world I have no love, and no friends, just hope... hope that one day i will have such things in my life again... but recent events have made that difficult... so my meta-physical world lacks a sun and moon... a world of darkness should die and whither.... but because there is hope... it strives to survive....
[The pub begins to get more crowded as time gets later into the day]
Bartender: Hey buddy, you gonna have another beer or what? you've been sitting there like you're a vahz or something...
Joseph X: Oh i've been much worse than something like that *in a joking/serious tone*
Bartender: Hahaha, so what can I getchya?
Joseph X: a shot of jack daniels should be fine... thanks
Bartender: You got it!
[A woman looks at Joseph and sits down beside him]
Woman: Hey I know you, you're that guy who opened up that mutant school right?
Joseph X: Yes, that's me.
Woman: So what are you doing in a bar?
Joseph X: Well, lets just say that with a lack of financing, teachers, and students... things aren't quite working out as planned...
Woman: And this is how you deal with your problem?
[Jo begins to get slightly erritated by this woman's intrusion on him... though he knows she's right]
Joseph X: Forgive me if I seem a bit rude, but I must go now...
[He gets up and leaves the building...]
Bartender: Hey sir! you forgot to....pay...
Woman: It's ok, i'll pay whatever he owed
Bartender: Wow, that sure is kind of you, thanks!
[Maybe there is more than just hope for Joseph's world... as for now, it is open mic night in the pub, and the first band steps up to play.] -
I guess there needs to be some kind of online gaming social ettiquette. I find there are so many views on how things should be and shouldn't be.
One can say if males didn't rp females, then we would all save ourselves the trouble of anyone getting emotionally hurt. But then again, that would take away the joy or challenge some males get from the difficult task of rp'ing a female appropriatly.
So it always seems to be a win/loss or a loss/loss situation.
I guess all my frustrations in these boards (especially over the game mechanics) have spread to the rp seciton... Im a business man and win/win situations always make the best sales, so why doesn't this board ever come up with any win/win resolutions?
sorry for the rant, i needed it... -
I like to play this character for the challenge. I dont get any sexual/kinky gratification in doing this. What I do get is a sense of satisfaction that I can play a character that is so different to me so well, that I am be complimented on my acting abilities. This sort of thing is not uncommon. The Japanese samurai of ancient Japan, for example, played both male AND female roles in their theatrical productions.
So the bottom line is this. If you want to have a fling with another character, and they agree to do it, then please be all means go ahead and have fun. However AT ALL TIMES remember
Just because you have fallen for a virtual babe in game, DOES NOT mean there is that same babe on the keyboard, in real life. Please maintain your perspective, and understand that its a game.[/color]
[/ QUOTE ]
I understand where you are coming from, however, I do have a few comments to make... Male actors who play female roles are already known to be male's underneath, and thus stops any heterosexual male audience from being attracted to the actor. A male roleplaying a female is different from a male actor acting as a female character. You simply can't compare because when you roleplay, you are creating a character who socializes with real people and real feelings. A writer creates a character to satisfy a plot. Thus the actor acts to satisfy a plot.
Furthermore, in respects to your "WHAT IS SAID IN GAME, WHAT IS EXPRESSED IN GAME STAYS IN GAME!" statement, not everyone treats online rpg's as another reality... I RP myself, and when I do roleplay, i do it as if i'm walking into a real life bar pretending to be someone else. I don't treat it as another world. Just think of it as walking into a place in real life and you'll understand it from another point of view. -
I have tried endlessly to form an RP SG that has a friendly enviroment, and is open to anyone who wishes to rp.... unfortunely, i failed despite my efforts of setting rules to make the rp enviroment enjoyable by all players. This was mostly due to people who never Rp'd or didn't use ooc or (brackets) to talk out of character, or people who are simply immature. So i've decided to try screening people this time, and i figure the boards would be the best place for this... here is the SG back ground story...
City of Heroes... a place filled with heroes, but not everyone with powers wants to be a hero, some just want to live a normal life. This is mostly true for mutants as their powers manifest themselves at puberty and sometimes even at birth. However, most teenage mutants have trouble controlling their powers, and find it difficult living a normal human life... and are usually obliged to become a hero due to their inability to go to work without blowing the building up by acdident. Then a man by the name of Joseph X (the x stands for variable since he doesn't wish to be who he was before) started a school for mutants seeking to live normal lives or hero lives. In this school he would teach mutants how to control their powers as well as teach them acedemics. However, due to the power his mutant students have, they often become targets of powerful enemies such as the Rikti, Freakshow, The 5th Column, and several other villans for genetic manipulation. So Joseph decided to form a strike force to fight off any enemies that gave threat to his students. He called this strike team "New Types" (due to their evolutionary rank as [censored]-superiors) most citizens refer to them as 'NT'. And so, from there on, the story begins....
I may get flamed for being somewhat 'unoriginal' but I do realize that quite a few people have been wishing to rp an x-man/woman for quite some time and this is their chance. My top priority for this sg is to maintain an enjoyably strong rp enviroment for everyone. So if you would like to join, please know it is strongly urged to use 'ooc' or (brackers) for out of character talk, and please try to keep that to a minimum, despite the fact i know ooc can be fun sometimes, it can also be disruptive to the rp enviroment.
If you are intrested in joining, there are no lvl requirements, being higher lvl most likely means you'll be part of the strike force. Please email me at leehuachang@hotmail.com with your characters background, name, age, gender, and rp'd reason for why your character joined the new types... also, feel free to post your character that is joining as well to let others see the development of our sg
note: you can get creative with why your character joins the new types, eg. to become a mutant teacher...
hopefully all members can help work together to make this the ultimate rp experience
p.s mutant origins only of course ^^ but if you're natural, you can also join, but you might wanna give a special reason for that one.... in addition, this is a VIRTUE SERVER sg, so keep that in mind
thank you
Current Members:
Name: Joseph X
Age: Unknown, probbaly in his late 20's-early 30's
Background: Joseph has the power of magnetism, he can manipulate everything to the shear molecular level. However, his unknown past is the reason he limits his own powers. He found himself in Paragon during the time portal corp was experimenting with other worlds. During this the after the portal corp incident and finding out about who he really is, Joseph became depressed for quite sometime and found it hard for himself to find a peaceful place in paragon city without any gangsters or monsters crawling around the city. He soon began to take the situation as an opportunity, and started a friends dream in this new world. Thus, formed the school known as "X institute of higher learning"...
Nickname: New Type
Real Name: Lex Valor
Age: 17
Background: Lex has telekentic powers that enable him to read minds, talk telepathically, and create telekentic force fields. He didn't always like his powers, when they first manifested, he was constantly stressed when alot of people were around him. This was because he could feel every emotion anyone around him felt, as well as their thoughts. He had a headache 24/7, his parents didn't know, and neither did his friends, but he realized he had to do something about it. So he enrolled into the X-institute as a normal human student. Here Joseph X gave Lex the resources to learn about his powers, however, during this time Lex was able to scan Jo's mind and Lex found some intresting facts about Jo. Though he hasn't told anyone about what he found out, he realizes Jospeh knows what he did and sometimes fears him even. Though Lex now loves being a mutant, he mostly lives a normal teenage life, not wanting any part of all the super-hero business.
Nickname: Psi Force
status: New student enrolled.... data not yet confirmed